Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Her Majesty the
Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada)
Copyright (C) 2017
Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li
It is an output driver for the USRP family of devices, and uses the UHD
This file is part of ODR-DabMod.
ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see .
#pragma once
# include
#include "Log.h"
#include "output/SDR.h"
#include "TimestampDecoder.h"
#include "RemoteControl.h"
#include "ThreadsafeQueue.h"
#include "OutputUHDFeedback.h"
//#define MDEBUG(fmt, args...) fprintf(LOG, fmt , ## args)
#define MDEBUG(fmt, args...)
// If the timestamp is further in the future than
// 100 seconds, abort
// Add a delay to increase buffers when
// frames are too far in the future
namespace Output {
enum refclk_lock_loss_behaviour_t { CRASH, IGNORE };
/* This structure is used as initial configuration for OutputUHD.
* It must also contain all remote-controllable settings, otherwise
* they will get lost on a modulator restart. */
struct OutputUHDConfig {
std::string device;
std::string usrpType; // e.g. b100, b200, usrp2
// The USRP1 can accept two daughterboards
std::string subDevice; // e.g. A:0
long masterClockRate = 32768000;
unsigned sampleRate = 2048000;
double frequency = 0.0;
double lo_offset = 0.0;
double txgain = 0.0;
double rxgain = 0.0;
bool enableSync = false;
// When working with timestamps, mute the frames that
// do not have a timestamp
bool muteNoTimestamps = false;
unsigned dabMode = 0;
unsigned maxGPSHoldoverTime = 0;
/* allowed values : auto, int, sma, mimo */
std::string refclk_src;
/* allowed values : int, sma, mimo */
std::string pps_src;
/* allowed values : pos, neg */
std::string pps_polarity;
/* What to do when the reference clock PLL loses lock */
refclk_lock_loss_behaviour_t refclk_lock_loss_behaviour;
// muting can only be changed using the remote control
bool muting = false;
// TCP port on which to serve TX and RX samples for the
// digital pre distortion learning tool
uint16_t dpdFeedbackServerPort = 0;
class OutputUHD: public ModOutput, public RemoteControllable {
OutputUHD(OutputUHDConfig& config);
OutputUHD(const OutputUHD& other) = delete;
OutputUHD operator=(const OutputUHD& other) = delete;
int process(Buffer* dataIn);
const char* name() { return "OutputUHD"; }
void setETISource(EtiSource *etiSource);
/*********** REMOTE CONTROL ***************/
/* Base function to set parameters. */
virtual void set_parameter(const std::string& parameter,
const std::string& value);
/* Getting a parameter always returns a string. */
virtual const std::string get_parameter(
const std::string& parameter) const;
EtiSource *myEtiSource = nullptr;
OutputUHDConfig& myConf;
uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr myUsrp;
std::shared_ptr mySyncBarrier;
bool first_run = true;
bool gps_fix_verified = false;
std::shared_ptr uhdFeedback;
// Each frame contains one OFDM frame, and its
// associated timestamp
struct UHDWorkerFrameData {
// Buffer holding frame data
std::vector buf;
// A full timestamp contains a TIST according to standard
// and time information within MNSC with tx_second.
struct frame_timestamp ts;
// Resize the internal delay buffer according to the dabMode and
// the sample rate.
void SetDelayBuffer(unsigned int dabMode);
// data
// The remote-controllable static delay is in the OutputUHDConfig
int myTFDurationMs; // TF duration in milliseconds
std::vector myDelayBuf;
size_t lastLen = 0;
// GPS Fix check variables
int num_checks_without_gps_fix = 1;
struct timespec first_gps_fix_check;
struct timespec last_gps_fix_check;
struct timespec time_last_frame;
boost::packaged_task gps_fix_pt;
boost::unique_future gps_fix_future;
boost::thread gps_fix_task;
// Wait time in seconds to get fix
static const int initial_gps_fix_wait = 180;
// Interval for checking the GPS at runtime
static constexpr double gps_fix_check_interval = 10.0; // seconds
// Asynchronous message statistics
size_t num_underflows = 0;
size_t num_late_packets = 0;
size_t num_underflows_previous = 0;
size_t num_late_packets_previous = 0;
size_t num_frames_modulated = 0;
uhd::tx_metadata_t md;
bool last_tx_time_initialised = false;
uint32_t last_tx_second = 0;
uint32_t last_tx_pps = 0;
// Used to print statistics once a second
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_print_time;
bool sourceContainsTimestamp = false;
ThreadsafeQueue frames;
// Returns true if we want to verify loss of refclk
bool refclk_loss_needs_check(void) const;
bool suppress_refclk_loss_check = false;
// Returns true if we want to check for the gps_timelock sensor
bool gpsfix_needs_check(void) const;
// Return true if the gpsdo is from ettus, false if it is the ODR
// LEA-M8F board is used
bool gpsdo_is_ettus(void) const;
std::atomic running;
boost::thread uhd_thread;
boost::thread async_rx_thread;
void stop_threads(void);
uhd::tx_streamer::sptr myTxStream;
// The worker thread decouples the modulator from UHD
void workerthread();
void handle_frame(const struct UHDWorkerFrameData *frame);
void tx_frame(const struct UHDWorkerFrameData *frame, bool ts_update);
// Poll asynchronous metadata from UHD
void print_async_thread(void);
void check_gps();
void set_usrp_time();
void initial_gps_check();
} // namespace Output