/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2018 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://www.opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMod. ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <list> #include <cstdarg> #include <chrono> #include "Log.h" #include "Utils.h" using namespace std; /* This is called etiLog because it was copy-pasted from ODR-DabMux, even * though it doesn't make any more sense there than here. * * It is a singleton used in all parts of ODR-DabMod to output log messages. */ Logger etiLog; void Logger::register_backend(std::shared_ptr<LogBackend> backend) { backends.push_back(backend); } void Logger::log(log_level_t level, const char* fmt, ...) { int size = 100; std::string str; va_list ap; while (1) { str.resize(size); va_start(ap, fmt); int n = vsnprintf((char *)str.c_str(), size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (n > -1 && n < size) { str.resize(n); break; } if (n > -1) size = n + 1; else size *= 2; } logstr(level, move(str)); } void Logger::logstr(log_level_t level, std::string&& message) { log_message_t m(level, move(message)); m_message_queue.push(move(m)); } void Logger::io_process() { set_thread_name("logger"); while (1) { log_message_t m; try { m_message_queue.wait_and_pop(m); } catch (const ThreadsafeQueueWakeup&) { break; } auto message = m.message; /* Remove a potential trailing newline. * It doesn't look good in syslog */ if (message[message.length()-1] == '\n') { message.resize(message.length()-1); } for (auto &backend : backends) { backend->log(m.level, message); } if (m.level != log_level_t::trace) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_cerr_mutex); std::cerr << levels_as_str[m.level] << " " << message << std::endl; } } } LogLine Logger::level(log_level_t level) { return LogLine(this, level); } LogToFile::LogToFile(const std::string& filename) : name("FILE") { FILE* fd = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a"); if (fd == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open log file !"); throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open log file !"); } log_file.reset(fd); } void LogToFile::log(log_level_t level, const std::string& message) { if (level != log_level_t::trace) { const char* log_level_text[] = { "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "ALERT", "EMERG"}; // fprintf is thread-safe fprintf(log_file.get(), SYSLOG_IDENT ": %s: %s\n", log_level_text[(size_t)level], message.c_str()); fflush(log_file.get()); } } void LogToSyslog::log(log_level_t level, const std::string& message) { if (level != log_level_t::trace) { int syslog_level = LOG_EMERG; switch (level) { case trace: break; // Do not handle TRACE in syslog case debug: syslog_level = LOG_DEBUG; break; case info: syslog_level = LOG_INFO; break; /* we don't have the notice level */ case warn: syslog_level = LOG_WARNING; break; case error: syslog_level = LOG_ERR; break; default: syslog_level = LOG_CRIT; break; case alert: syslog_level = LOG_ALERT; break; case emerg: syslog_level = LOG_EMERG; break; } syslog(syslog_level, SYSLOG_IDENT " %s", message.c_str()); } } LogTracer::LogTracer(const string& trace_filename) : name("TRACE") { etiLog.level(info) << "Setting up TRACE to " << trace_filename; FILE* fd = fopen(trace_filename.c_str(), "a"); if (fd == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open trace file !"); throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open trace file !"); } m_trace_file.reset(fd); using namespace std::chrono; auto now = steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); m_trace_micros_startup = duration_cast<microseconds>(now).count(); fprintf(m_trace_file.get(), "0,TRACER,startup at %ld\n", m_trace_micros_startup); } void LogTracer::log(log_level_t level, const std::string& message) { if (level == log_level_t::trace) { using namespace std::chrono; const auto now = steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); const auto micros = duration_cast<microseconds>(now).count(); fprintf(m_trace_file.get(), "%ld,%s\n", micros - m_trace_micros_startup, message.c_str()); } }