/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2017 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMod. ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "GainControl.h" #include "PcDebug.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #ifdef __SSE__ # include <xmmintrin.h> union __u128 { __m128 m; float f[4]; }; #endif using namespace std; static float var_variance; GainControl::GainControl(size_t framesize, GainMode gainMode, float digGain, float normalise, float varVariance) : PipelinedModCodec(), RemoteControllable("gain"), #ifdef __SSE__ m_frameSize(framesize * sizeof(complexf) / sizeof(__m128)), #else // !__SSE__ m_frameSize(framesize), #endif m_digGain(digGain), m_normalise(normalise), m_var_variance_rc(varVariance), m_gainmode(gainMode), m_mutex() { PDEBUG("GainControl::GainControl(%zu, %zu) @ %p\n", framesize, (size_t)m_gainmode, this); /* register the parameters that can be remote controlled */ RC_ADD_PARAMETER(digital, "Digital Gain"); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(mode, "Gainmode (fix|max|var)"); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(var, "Variance setting for gainmode var (default: 4)"); start_pipeline_thread(); } GainControl::~GainControl() { PDEBUG("GainControl::~GainControl() @ %p\n", this); } int GainControl::internal_process(Buffer* const dataIn, Buffer* dataOut) { PDEBUG("GainControl::process" "(dataIn: %p, dataOut: %p)\n", dataIn, dataOut); dataOut->setLength(dataIn->getLength()); #ifdef __SSE__ __m128 (*computeGain)(const __m128* in, size_t sizeIn); #else float (*computeGain)(const complexf* in, size_t sizeIn); #endif { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex); var_variance = m_var_variance_rc; switch (m_gainmode) { case GainMode::GAIN_FIX: PDEBUG("Gain mode: fix\n"); computeGain = computeGainFix; break; case GainMode::GAIN_MAX: PDEBUG("Gain mode: max\n"); computeGain = computeGainMax; break; case GainMode::GAIN_VAR: PDEBUG("Gain mode: var\n"); computeGain = computeGainVar; break; default: throw std::logic_error("Internal error: invalid gainmode"); } } #ifdef __SSE__ const __m128* in = reinterpret_cast<const __m128*>(dataIn->getData()); __m128* out = reinterpret_cast<__m128*>(dataOut->getData()); size_t sizeIn = dataIn->getLength() / sizeof(__m128); size_t sizeOut = dataOut->getLength() / sizeof(__m128); __u128 gain128; if ((sizeIn % m_frameSize) != 0) { PDEBUG("%zu != %zu\n", sizeIn, m_frameSize); throw std::runtime_error( "GainControl::process input size not valid!"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeIn; i += m_frameSize) { gain128.m = computeGain(in, m_frameSize); gain128.m = _mm_mul_ps(gain128.m, _mm_set1_ps(m_normalise * m_digGain)); PDEBUG("********** Gain: %10f **********\n", gain128.f[0]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Applying gain to output data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (size_t sample = 0; sample < m_frameSize; ++sample) { out[sample] = _mm_mul_ps(in[sample], gain128.m); } in += m_frameSize; out += m_frameSize; } #else // !__SSE__ const complexf* in = reinterpret_cast<const complexf*>(dataIn->getData()); complexf* out = reinterpret_cast<complexf*>(dataOut->getData()); size_t sizeIn = dataIn->getLength() / sizeof(complexf); size_t sizeOut = dataOut->getLength() / sizeof(complexf); float gain; if ((sizeIn % m_frameSize) != 0) { PDEBUG("%zu != %zu\n", sizeIn, m_frameSize); throw std::runtime_error( "GainControl::process input size not valid!"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeIn; i += m_frameSize) { gain = m_normalise * m_digGain * computeGain(in, m_frameSize); PDEBUG("********** Gain: %10f **********\n", gain); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Applying gain to output data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (size_t sample = 0; sample < m_frameSize; ++sample) { out[sample] = in[sample] * gain; } in += m_frameSize; out += m_frameSize; } #endif // __SSE__ return sizeOut; } #ifdef __SSE__ __m128 GainControl::computeGainFix(const __m128* in, size_t sizeIn) { return _mm_set1_ps(512.0f); } __m128 GainControl::computeGainMax(const __m128* in, size_t sizeIn) { __u128 gain128; __u128 min128; __u128 max128; __u128 tmp128; static const __m128 factor128 = _mm_set1_ps(0x7fff); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing max, min and average //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// min128.m = _mm_set1_ps(__FLT_MAX__); max128.m = _mm_set1_ps(__FLT_MIN__); for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { min128.m = _mm_min_ps(in[sample], min128.m); max128.m = _mm_max_ps(in[sample], max128.m); } // Merging min tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(min128.m, min128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 3)); min128.m = _mm_min_ps(min128.m, tmp128.m); tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(min128.m, min128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); min128.m = _mm_min_ps(min128.m, tmp128.m); PDEBUG("********** Min: %10f **********\n", min128.f[0]); // Merging max tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(max128.m, max128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 3)); max128.m = _mm_max_ps(max128.m, tmp128.m); tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(max128.m, max128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); max128.m = _mm_max_ps(max128.m, tmp128.m); PDEBUG("********** Max: %10f **********\n", max128.f[0]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing gain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // max = max(-min, max) max128.m = _mm_max_ps(_mm_mul_ps(min128.m, _mm_set1_ps(-1.0f)), max128.m); // Detect NULL if ((int)max128.f[0] != 0) { gain128.m = _mm_div_ps(factor128, max128.m); } else { gain128.m = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f); } return gain128.m; } __m128 GainControl::computeGainVar(const __m128* in, size_t sizeIn) { __u128 gain128; __u128 mean128; __u128 var128; __u128 tmp128; static const __m128 factor128 = _mm_set1_ps(0x7fff); mean128.m = _mm_setzero_ps(); for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { __m128 delta128 = _mm_sub_ps(in[sample], mean128.m); __m128 i128 = _mm_set1_ps(sample + 1); __m128 q128 = _mm_div_ps(delta128, i128); mean128.m = _mm_add_ps(mean128.m, q128); /* tmp128.m = in[sample]; printf("S %zu, %.2f+%.2fj\t", sample, tmp128.f[0], tmp128.f[1]); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\n", mean128.f[0], mean128.f[1]); printf("S %zu, %.2f+%.2fj\t", sample, tmp128.f[2], tmp128.f[3]); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\n", mean128.f[2], mean128.f[3]); */ } // Merging average tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(mean128.m, mean128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); mean128.m = _mm_add_ps(mean128.m, tmp128.m); mean128.m = _mm_mul_ps(mean128.m, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f)); PDEBUG("********** Mean: %10f + %10fj %10f + %10fj **********\n", mean128.f[0], mean128.f[1], mean128.f[2], mean128.f[3]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing standard deviation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var128.m = _mm_setzero_ps(); for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { __m128 diff128 = _mm_sub_ps(in[sample], mean128.m); __m128 delta128 = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(diff128, diff128), var128.m); __m128 i128 = _mm_set1_ps(sample + 1); __m128 q128 = _mm_div_ps(delta128, i128); var128.m = _mm_add_ps(var128.m, q128); /* __u128 udiff128; udiff128.m = diff128; __u128 udelta128; udelta128.m = delta128; for (int off=0; off<4; off+=2) { printf("S %zu, %.2f+%.2fj\t", sample, udiff128.f[off], udiff128.f[1+off]); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\t", udelta128.f[off], udelta128.f[1+off]); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\n", var128.f[off], var128.f[1+off]); } */ } PDEBUG("********** Vars: %10f + %10fj, %10f + %10fj **********\n", var128.f[0], var128.f[1], var128.f[2], var128.f[3]); // Merging standard deviations tmp128.m = _mm_shuffle_ps(var128.m, var128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); var128.m = _mm_add_ps(var128.m, tmp128.m); var128.m = _mm_mul_ps(var128.m, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f)); var128.m = _mm_sqrt_ps(var128.m); PDEBUG("********** Var: %10f + %10fj, %10f + %10fj **********\n", var128.f[0], var128.f[1], var128.f[2], var128.f[3]); var128.m = _mm_mul_ps(var128.m, _mm_set1_ps(var_variance)); PDEBUG("********** 4*Var: %10f + %10fj, %10f + %10fj **********\n", var128.f[0], var128.f[1], var128.f[2], var128.f[3]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing gain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gain = factor128 / max(real, imag) // Detect NULL if ((int)var128.f[0] != 0) { gain128.m = _mm_div_ps(factor128, _mm_max_ps(var128.m, _mm_shuffle_ps(var128.m, var128.m, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1)))); } else { gain128.m = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f); } return gain128.m; } #else // !__SSE__ float GainControl::computeGainFix(const complexf* in, size_t sizeIn) { return 512.0f; } float GainControl::computeGainMax(const complexf* in, size_t sizeIn) { float gain; float min; float max; static const float factor = 0x7fff; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing max, min and average //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// min = __FLT_MAX__; max = __FLT_MIN__; for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { if (in[sample].real() < min) { min = in[sample].real(); } if (in[sample].real() > max) { max = in[sample].real(); } if (in[sample].imag() < min) { min = in[sample].imag(); } if (in[sample].imag() > max) { max = in[sample].imag(); } } PDEBUG("********** Min: %10f **********\n", min); PDEBUG("********** Max: %10f **********\n", max); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing gain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gain = factor128 / max(-min, max) min = -min; if (min > max) { max = min; } // Detect NULL if ((int)max != 0) { gain = factor / max; } else { gain = 1.0f; } return gain; } float GainControl::computeGainVar(const complexf* in, size_t sizeIn) { complexf mean; /* The variance calculation is a bit strange, because we * emulate the exact same functionality as the SSE code, * which is the most used one. * * TODO: verify that this actually corresponds to the * gain mode suggested in EN 300 798 Clause 5.3 Numerical Range. */ complexf var1; complexf var2; static const float factor = 0x7fff; mean = complexf(0.0f, 0.0f); for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { complexf delta = in[sample] - mean; float i = sample + 1; complexf q = delta / i; mean = mean + q; /* printf("F %zu, %.2f+%.2fj\t", sample, in[sample].real(), in[sample].imag()); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\n", mean.real(), mean.imag()); */ } PDEBUG("********** Mean: %10f + %10fj **********\n", mean.real(), mean.imag()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing standard deviation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var1 = complexf(0.0f, 0.0f); var2 = complexf(0.0f, 0.0f); for (size_t sample = 0; sample < sizeIn; ++sample) { complexf diff = in[sample] - mean; complexf delta; complexf q; float i = (sample/2) + 1; if (sample % 2 == 0) { delta = complexf(diff.real() * diff.real(), diff.imag() * diff.imag()) - var1; q = delta / i; var1 += q; } else { delta = complexf(diff.real() * diff.real(), diff.imag() * diff.imag()) - var2; q = delta / i; var2 += q; } /* printf("F %zu, %.2f+%.2fj\t", sample, diff.real(), diff.imag()); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\t", delta.real(), delta.imag()); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\t", var1.real(), var1.imag()); printf(": %.2f+%.2fj\n", var2.real(), var2.imag()); */ } PDEBUG("********** Vars: %10f + %10fj, %10f + %10fj **********\n", var1.real(), var1.imag(), var2.real(), var2.imag()); // Merge standard deviations in the same way the SSE version does it complexf tmpvar = (var1 + var2) * 0.5f; complexf var(sqrt(tmpvar.real()), sqrt(tmpvar.imag())); PDEBUG("********** Var: %10f + %10fj **********\n", var.real(), var.imag()); var = var * var_variance; PDEBUG("********** 4*Var: %10f + %10fj **********\n", var.real(), var.imag()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Computing gain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float gain = var.real(); // gain = factor128 / max(real, imag) if (var.imag() > gain) { gain = var.imag(); } // Ignore zero variance samples and apply no gain if ((int)gain == 0) { gain = 1.0f; } else { gain = factor / gain; } return gain; } #endif // !__SSE__ void GainControl::set_parameter(const string& parameter, const string& value) { stringstream ss(value); ss.exceptions ( stringstream::failbit | stringstream::badbit ); if (parameter == "digital") { float new_factor; ss >> new_factor; m_digGain = new_factor; } else if (parameter == "mode") { string new_mode; ss >> new_mode; std::transform(new_mode.begin(), new_mode.end(), new_mode.begin(), [](const char c) { return std::tolower(c); } ); GainMode m; if (new_mode == "fix") { m = GainMode::GAIN_FIX; } else if (new_mode == "max") { m = GainMode::GAIN_MAX; } else if (new_mode == "var") { m = GainMode::GAIN_VAR; } else { throw ParameterError("Gainmode " + new_mode + " unknown"); } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_gainmode = m; } } else if (parameter == "var") { float newvar = 0; ss >> newvar; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_var_variance_rc = newvar; } } else { stringstream ss_err; ss_err << "Parameter '" << parameter << "' is not exported by controllable " << get_rc_name(); throw ParameterError(ss_err.str()); } } const string GainControl::get_parameter(const string& parameter) const { stringstream ss; if (parameter == "digital") { ss << std::fixed << m_digGain; } else if (parameter == "mode") { switch (m_gainmode) { case GainMode::GAIN_FIX: ss << "fix"; break; case GainMode::GAIN_MAX: ss << "max"; break; case GainMode::GAIN_VAR: ss << "var"; break; } } else if (parameter == "var") { ss << std::fixed << m_var_variance_rc; } else { ss << "Parameter '" << parameter << "' is not exported by controllable " << get_rc_name(); throw ParameterError(ss.str()); } return ss.str(); }