/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2018 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMod. ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "Flowgraph.h" #include "PcDebug.h" #include "Log.h" #include <string> #include <memory> #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/time.h> using namespace std; using NodeIterator = std::vector<shared_ptr<Node> >::iterator; using EdgeIterator = std::vector<shared_ptr<Edge> >::iterator; Node::Node(shared_ptr<ModPlugin> plugin) : myPlugin(plugin), myProcessTime(0) { PDEBUG("Node::Node(plugin(%s): %p) @ %p\n", plugin->name(), plugin.get(), this); } Node::~Node() { PDEBUG("Node::~Node() @ %p\n", this); assert(myInputBuffers.size() == 0); assert(myOutputBuffers.size() == 0); } void Node::addOutputBuffer(Buffer::sptr& buffer, Metadata_vec_sptr& md) { myOutputBuffers.push_back(buffer); myOutputMetadata.push_back(md); #if TRACE std::string fname = string(myPlugin->name()) + "-" + to_string(myDebugFiles.size()) + "-" + to_string((size_t)(void*)myPlugin.get()) + ".dat"; FILE* fd = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wb"); assert(fd != nullptr); myDebugFiles.push_back(fd); #endif } void Node::removeOutputBuffer(Buffer::sptr& buffer, Metadata_vec_sptr& md) { auto it = std::find( myOutputBuffers.begin(), myOutputBuffers.end(), buffer); if (it != myOutputBuffers.end()) { #if TRACE size_t pos = std::distance(myOutputBuffers.begin(), it); auto fd_it = std::next(myDebugFiles.begin(), pos); fclose(*fd_it); myDebugFiles.erase(fd_it); #endif myOutputBuffers.erase(it); } auto mdit = std::find( myOutputMetadata.begin(), myOutputMetadata.end(), md); if (mdit != myOutputMetadata.end()) { myOutputMetadata.erase(mdit); } } void Node::addInputBuffer(Buffer::sptr& buffer, Metadata_vec_sptr& md) { myInputBuffers.push_back(buffer); myInputMetadata.push_back(md); } void Node::removeInputBuffer(Buffer::sptr& buffer, Metadata_vec_sptr& md) { auto it = std::find( myInputBuffers.begin(), myInputBuffers.end(), buffer); if (it != myInputBuffers.end()) { myInputBuffers.erase(it); } auto mdit = std::find( myInputMetadata.begin(), myInputMetadata.end(), md); if (mdit != myInputMetadata.end()) { myInputMetadata.erase(mdit); } } int Node::process() { PDEBUG("Node::process()\n"); PDEBUG(" Plugin name: %s (%p)\n", myPlugin->name(), myPlugin.get()); // the plugin process() wants vector<Buffer*> // arguments. std::vector<Buffer*> inBuffers; for (auto& buffer : myInputBuffers) { assert(buffer.get() != nullptr); inBuffers.push_back(buffer.get()); } std::vector<Buffer*> outBuffers; for (auto& buffer : myOutputBuffers) { assert(buffer.get() != nullptr); outBuffers.push_back(buffer.get()); } int ret = myPlugin->process(inBuffers, outBuffers); // Collect all incoming metadata into a single vector meta_vec_t all_input_mds; for (auto& md_vec_sp : myInputMetadata) { if (md_vec_sp) { move(md_vec_sp->begin(), md_vec_sp->end(), back_inserter(all_input_mds)); md_vec_sp->clear(); } } auto mod_meta = dynamic_pointer_cast<ModMetadata>(myPlugin); if (mod_meta) { auto outputMetadata = mod_meta->process_metadata(all_input_mds); // Distribute the result metadata to all outputs for (auto& out_md : myOutputMetadata) { out_md->clear(); std::move(outputMetadata.begin(), outputMetadata.end(), std::back_inserter(*out_md)); } } else { // Propagate the unmodified input metadata to all outputs for (auto& out_md : myOutputMetadata) { out_md->clear(); std::move(all_input_mds.begin(), all_input_mds.end(), std::back_inserter(*out_md)); } } #if TRACE assert(myDebugFiles.size() == myOutputBuffers.size()); auto buf = myOutputBuffers.begin(); auto fd_it = myDebugFiles.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < myDebugFiles.size(); i++) { if (*buf) { Buffer& b = *buf->get(); FILE* fd = *fd_it; fwrite(b.getData(), b.getLength(), 1, fd); } ++buf; ++fd_it; } #endif return ret; } time_t Node::processTime() const { return myProcessTime; } void Node::addProcessTime(time_t time) { myProcessTime += time; } Edge::Edge(shared_ptr<Node>& srcNode, shared_ptr<Node>& dstNode) : mySrcNode(srcNode), myDstNode(dstNode) { PDEBUG("Edge::Edge(srcNode(%s): %p, dstNode(%s): %p) @ %p\n", srcNode->plugin()->name(), srcNode.get(), dstNode->plugin()->name(), dstNode.get(), this); myBuffer = make_shared<Buffer>(); myMetadata = make_shared<vector<flowgraph_metadata> >(); srcNode->addOutputBuffer(myBuffer, myMetadata); dstNode->addInputBuffer(myBuffer, myMetadata); } Edge::~Edge() { PDEBUG("Edge::~Edge() @ %p\n", this); if (myBuffer) { mySrcNode->removeOutputBuffer(myBuffer, myMetadata); myDstNode->removeInputBuffer(myBuffer, myMetadata); } } Flowgraph::Flowgraph() : myProcessTime(0) { PDEBUG("Flowgraph::Flowgraph() @ %p\n", this); } Flowgraph::~Flowgraph() { PDEBUG("Flowgraph::~Flowgraph() @ %p\n", this); if (myProcessTime) { stringstream ss; ss << "Process time:\n"; char node_time_sz[1024] = {}; for (const auto &node : nodes) { snprintf(node_time_sz, 1023, " %30s: %10lu us (%2.2f %%)\n", node->plugin()->name(), node->processTime(), node->processTime() * 100.0 / myProcessTime); ss << node_time_sz; } snprintf(node_time_sz, 1023, " %30s: %10lu us (100.00 %%)\n", "total", myProcessTime); ss << node_time_sz; etiLog.level(debug) << ss.str(); } } void Flowgraph::connect(shared_ptr<ModPlugin> input, shared_ptr<ModPlugin> output) { PDEBUG("Flowgraph::connect(input(%s): %p, output(%s): %p)\n", input->name(), input.get(), output->name(), output.get()); NodeIterator inputNode; NodeIterator outputNode; for (inputNode = nodes.begin(); inputNode != nodes.end(); ++inputNode) { if ((*inputNode)->plugin() == input) { break; } } if (inputNode == nodes.end()) { inputNode = nodes.insert(nodes.end(), make_shared<Node>(input)); } for (outputNode = nodes.begin(); outputNode != nodes.end(); ++outputNode) { if ((*outputNode)->plugin() == output) { break; } } if (outputNode == nodes.end()) { outputNode = nodes.insert(nodes.end(), make_shared<Node>(output)); for (inputNode = nodes.begin(); inputNode != nodes.end(); ++inputNode) { if ((*inputNode)->plugin() == input) { break; } } } else if (inputNode > outputNode) { shared_ptr<Node> node = *outputNode; nodes.erase(outputNode); outputNode = nodes.insert(nodes.end(), node); for (inputNode = nodes.begin(); inputNode != nodes.end(); ++inputNode) { if ((*inputNode)->plugin() == input) { break; } } } assert((*inputNode)->plugin() == input); assert((*outputNode)->plugin() == output); edges.push_back(make_shared<Edge>(*inputNode, *outputNode)); } bool Flowgraph::run() { PDEBUG("Flowgraph::run()\n"); timeval start, stop; time_t diff; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (const auto &node : nodes) { int ret = node->process(); PDEBUG(" ret: %i\n", ret); gettimeofday(&stop, NULL); diff = (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec; myProcessTime += diff; node->addProcessTime(diff); start = stop; if (!ret) { return false; } } return true; }