/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2019 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMod. ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string> #include <memory> #include "DabModulator.h" #include "PcDebug.h" #if !defined(BUILD_FOR_EASYDABV3) # include "QpskSymbolMapper.h" # include "FrequencyInterleaver.h" # include "PhaseReference.h" # include "DifferentialModulator.h" # include "NullSymbol.h" # include "CicEqualizer.h" # include "OfdmGenerator.h" # include "GainControl.h" # include "GuardIntervalInserter.h" # include "Resampler.h" # include "FIRFilter.h" # include "MemlessPoly.h" # include "TII.h" #endif #include "FrameMultiplexer.h" #include "PrbsGenerator.h" #include "BlockPartitioner.h" #include "SignalMultiplexer.h" #include "ConvEncoder.h" #include "PuncturingEncoder.h" #include "TimeInterleaver.h" #include "TimestampDecoder.h" #include "RemoteControl.h" #include "Log.h" using namespace std; DabModulator::DabModulator(EtiSource& etiSource, mod_settings_t& settings) : ModInput(), RemoteControllable("modulator"), m_settings(settings), myEtiSource(etiSource), myFlowgraph() { PDEBUG("DabModulator::DabModulator() @ %p\n", this); RC_ADD_PARAMETER(rate, "(Read-only) IQ output samplerate"); if (m_settings.dabMode == 0) { setMode(2); } else { setMode(m_settings.dabMode); } } void DabModulator::setMode(unsigned mode) { switch (mode) { case 1: myNbSymbols = 76; myNbCarriers = 1536; mySpacing = 2048; myNullSize = 2656; mySymSize = 2552; myFicSizeOut = 288; break; case 2: myNbSymbols = 76; myNbCarriers = 384; mySpacing = 512; myNullSize = 664; mySymSize = 638; myFicSizeOut = 288; break; case 3: myNbSymbols = 153; myNbCarriers = 192; mySpacing = 256; myNullSize = 345; mySymSize = 319; myFicSizeOut = 384; break; case 4: myNbSymbols = 76; myNbCarriers = 768; mySpacing = 1024; myNullSize = 1328; mySymSize = 1276; myFicSizeOut = 288; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("DabModulator::setMode invalid mode size"); } } int DabModulator::process(Buffer* dataOut) { using namespace std; PDEBUG("DabModulator::process(dataOut: %p)\n", dataOut); if (not myFlowgraph) { const unsigned mode = m_settings.dabMode; setMode(mode); myFlowgraph = make_shared<Flowgraph>(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CIF data initialisation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto cifPrbs = make_shared<PrbsGenerator>(864 * 8, 0x110); auto cifMux = make_shared<FrameMultiplexer>(myEtiSource); auto cifPart = make_shared<BlockPartitioner>(mode); #if !defined(BUILD_FOR_EASYDABV3) auto cifMap = make_shared<QpskSymbolMapper>(myNbCarriers); auto cifRef = make_shared<PhaseReference>(mode); auto cifFreq = make_shared<FrequencyInterleaver>(mode); auto cifDiff = make_shared<DifferentialModulator>(myNbCarriers); auto cifNull = make_shared<NullSymbol>(myNbCarriers); auto cifSig = make_shared<SignalMultiplexer>( (1 + myNbSymbols) * myNbCarriers * sizeof(complexf)); // TODO this needs a review bool useCicEq = false; unsigned cic_ratio = 1; if (m_settings.clockRate) { cic_ratio = m_settings.clockRate / m_settings.outputRate; cic_ratio /= 4; // FPGA DUC if (m_settings.clockRate == 400000000) { // USRP2 if (cic_ratio & 1) { // odd useCicEq = true; } // even, no filter } else { useCicEq = true; } } shared_ptr<CicEqualizer> cifCicEq; if (useCicEq) { cifCicEq = make_shared<CicEqualizer>( myNbCarriers, (float)mySpacing * (float)m_settings.outputRate / 2048000.0f, cic_ratio); } shared_ptr<TII> tii; shared_ptr<PhaseReference> tiiRef; try { tii = make_shared<TII>( m_settings.dabMode, m_settings.tiiConfig); rcs.enrol(tii.get()); tiiRef = make_shared<PhaseReference>(mode); } catch (const TIIError& e) { etiLog.level(error) << "Could not initialise TII: " << e.what(); } auto cifOfdm = make_shared<OfdmGenerator>( (1 + myNbSymbols), myNbCarriers, mySpacing, m_settings.enableCfr, m_settings.cfrClip, m_settings.cfrErrorClip); rcs.enrol(cifOfdm.get()); auto cifGain = make_shared<GainControl>( mySpacing, m_settings.gainMode, m_settings.digitalgain, m_settings.normalise, m_settings.gainmodeVariance); rcs.enrol(cifGain.get()); auto cifGuard = make_shared<GuardIntervalInserter>( myNbSymbols, mySpacing, myNullSize, mySymSize, m_settings.ofdmWindowOverlap); rcs.enrol(cifGuard.get()); shared_ptr<FIRFilter> cifFilter; if (not m_settings.filterTapsFilename.empty()) { cifFilter = make_shared<FIRFilter>(m_settings.filterTapsFilename); rcs.enrol(cifFilter.get()); } shared_ptr<MemlessPoly> cifPoly; if (not m_settings.polyCoefFilename.empty()) { cifPoly = make_shared<MemlessPoly>(m_settings.polyCoefFilename, m_settings.polyNumThreads); rcs.enrol(cifPoly.get()); } shared_ptr<Resampler> cifRes; if (m_settings.outputRate != 2048000) { cifRes = make_shared<Resampler>( 2048000, m_settings.outputRate, mySpacing); } #endif myOutput = make_shared<OutputMemory>(dataOut); myFlowgraph->connect(cifPrbs, cifMux); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Processing FIC //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// shared_ptr<FicSource> fic(myEtiSource.getFic()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data initialisation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t ficSizeIn = fic->getFramesize(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modules configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuring FIC channel PDEBUG("FIC:\n"); PDEBUG(" Framesize: %zu\n", fic->getFramesize()); // Configuring prbs generator auto ficPrbs = make_shared<PrbsGenerator>(ficSizeIn, 0x110); // Configuring convolutionnal encoder auto ficConv = make_shared<ConvEncoder>(ficSizeIn); // Configuring puncturing encoder auto ficPunc = make_shared<PuncturingEncoder>(); for (const auto &rule : fic->get_rules()) { PDEBUG(" Adding rule:\n"); PDEBUG(" Length: %zu\n", rule.length()); PDEBUG(" Pattern: 0x%x\n", rule.pattern()); ficPunc->append_rule(rule); } PDEBUG(" Adding tail\n"); ficPunc->append_tail_rule(PuncturingRule(3, 0xcccccc)); myFlowgraph->connect(fic, ficPrbs); myFlowgraph->connect(ficPrbs, ficConv); myFlowgraph->connect(ficConv, ficPunc); myFlowgraph->connect(ficPunc, cifPart); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuring subchannels //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (const auto& subchannel : myEtiSource.getSubchannels()) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data initialisation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t subchSizeIn = subchannel->framesize(); size_t subchSizeOut = subchannel->framesizeCu() * 8; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modules configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuring subchannel PDEBUG("Subchannel:\n"); PDEBUG(" Start address: %zu\n", subchannel->startAddress()); PDEBUG(" Framesize: %zu\n", subchannel->framesize()); PDEBUG(" Bitrate: %zu\n", subchannel->bitrate()); PDEBUG(" Framesize CU: %zu\n", subchannel->framesizeCu()); PDEBUG(" Protection: %zu\n", subchannel->protection()); PDEBUG(" Form: %zu\n", subchannel->protectionForm()); PDEBUG(" Level: %zu\n", subchannel->protectionLevel()); PDEBUG(" Option: %zu\n", subchannel->protectionOption()); // Configuring prbs genrerator auto subchPrbs = make_shared<PrbsGenerator>(subchSizeIn, 0x110); // Configuring convolutionnal encoder auto subchConv = make_shared<ConvEncoder>(subchSizeIn); // Configuring puncturing encoder auto subchPunc = make_shared<PuncturingEncoder>(subchannel->framesizeCu()); for (const auto& rule : subchannel->get_rules()) { PDEBUG(" Adding rule:\n"); PDEBUG(" Length: %zu\n", rule.length()); PDEBUG(" Pattern: 0x%x\n", rule.pattern()); subchPunc->append_rule(rule); } PDEBUG(" Adding tail\n"); subchPunc->append_tail_rule(PuncturingRule(3, 0xcccccc)); // Configuring time interleaver auto subchInterleaver = make_shared<TimeInterleaver>(subchSizeOut); myFlowgraph->connect(subchannel, subchPrbs); myFlowgraph->connect(subchPrbs, subchConv); myFlowgraph->connect(subchConv, subchPunc); myFlowgraph->connect(subchPunc, subchInterleaver); myFlowgraph->connect(subchInterleaver, cifMux); } myFlowgraph->connect(cifMux, cifPart); #if defined(BUILD_FOR_EASYDABV3) myFlowgraph->connect(cifPart, myOutput); #else myFlowgraph->connect(cifPart, cifMap); myFlowgraph->connect(cifMap, cifFreq); myFlowgraph->connect(cifRef, cifDiff); myFlowgraph->connect(cifFreq, cifDiff); myFlowgraph->connect(cifNull, cifSig); myFlowgraph->connect(cifDiff, cifSig); if (tii) { myFlowgraph->connect(tiiRef, tii); myFlowgraph->connect(tii, cifSig); } shared_ptr<ModPlugin> prev_plugin = static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifSig); const std::list<shared_ptr<ModPlugin> > plugins({ static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifCicEq), static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifOfdm), static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifGain), static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifGuard), static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifFilter), // optional block static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifRes), // optional block static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(cifPoly), // optional block static_pointer_cast<ModPlugin>(myOutput), }); for (auto& p : plugins) { if (p) { myFlowgraph->connect(prev_plugin, p); prev_plugin = p; } } #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Processing data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return myFlowgraph->run(); } meta_vec_t DabModulator::process_metadata(const meta_vec_t& metadataIn) { if (myOutput) { return myOutput->get_latest_metadata(); } return {}; } void DabModulator::set_parameter(const string& parameter, const string& value) { if (parameter == "rate") { throw ParameterError("Parameter 'rate' is read-only"); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "Parameter '" << parameter << "' is not exported by controllable " << get_rc_name(); throw ParameterError(ss.str()); } } const string DabModulator::get_parameter(const string& parameter) const { stringstream ss; if (parameter == "rate") { ss << m_settings.outputRate; } else { ss << "Parameter '" << parameter << "' is not exported by controllable " << get_rc_name(); throw ParameterError(ss.str()); } return ss.str(); }