/* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada) Copyright (C) 2017 Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li http://opendigitalradio.org */ /* This file is part of ODR-DabMod. ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "porting.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Log.h" #include "DabModulator.h" #include "InputMemory.h" #include "OutputFile.h" #include "FormatConverter.h" #include "output/SDR.h" #include "output/UHD.h" #include "output/Soapy.h" #include "OutputZeroMQ.h" #include "InputReader.h" #include "PcDebug.h" #include "TimestampDecoder.h" #include "FIRFilter.h" #include "RemoteControl.h" #include "ConfigParser.h" #include <memory> #include <complex> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <signal.h> #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include <netinet/in.h> #endif #if HAVE_DECL__MM_MALLOC # include <mm_malloc.h> #else # define memalign(a, b) malloc(b) #endif /* UHD requires the input I and Q samples to be in the interval * [-1.0,1.0], otherwise they get truncated, which creates very * wide-spectrum spikes. Depending on the Transmission Mode, the * Gain Mode and the sample rate (and maybe other parameters), the * samples can have peaks up to about 48000. The value of 50000 * should guarantee that with a digital gain of 1.0, UHD never clips * our samples. */ static const float normalise_factor = 50000.0f; //Empirical normalisation factors used to normalise the samples to amplitude 1. static const float normalise_factor_file_fix = 81000.0f; static const float normalise_factor_file_var = 46000.0f; static const float normalise_factor_file_max = 46000.0f; typedef std::complex<float> complexf; using namespace std; volatile sig_atomic_t running = 1; void signalHandler(int signalNb) { PDEBUG("signalHandler(%i)\n", signalNb); running = 0; } struct modulator_data { modulator_data() : inputReader(nullptr), framecount(0), flowgraph(nullptr), etiReader(nullptr) {} InputReader* inputReader; Buffer data; uint64_t framecount; Flowgraph* flowgraph; EtiReader* etiReader; }; enum class run_modulator_state_t { failure, // Corresponds to all failures normal_end, // Number of frames to modulate was reached again, // ZeroMQ overrun reconfigure // Some sort of change of configuration we cannot handle happened }; run_modulator_state_t run_modulator(modulator_data& m); static void printModSettings(const mod_settings_t& mod_settings) { // Print settings fprintf(stderr, "Input\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Type: %s\n", mod_settings.inputTransport.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, " Source: %s\n", mod_settings.inputName.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Output\n"); if (mod_settings.useFileOutput) { fprintf(stderr, " Name: %s\n", mod_settings.outputName.c_str()); } #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UHD) else if (mod_settings.useUHDOutput) { fprintf(stderr, " UHD\n" " Device: %s\n" " Subdevice: %s\n" " master_clock_rate: %ld\n" " refclk: %s\n" " pps source: %s\n", mod_settings.sdr_device_config.device.c_str(), mod_settings.sdr_device_config.subDevice.c_str(), mod_settings.sdr_device_config.masterClockRate, mod_settings.sdr_device_config.refclk_src.c_str(), mod_settings.sdr_device_config.pps_src.c_str()); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_SOAPYSDR) else if (mod_settings.useSoapyOutput) { fprintf(stderr, " SoapySDR\n" " Device: %s\n" " master_clock_rate: %ld\n", mod_settings.sdr_device_config.device.c_str(), mod_settings.sdr_device_config.masterClockRate); } #endif else if (mod_settings.useZeroMQOutput) { fprintf(stderr, " ZeroMQ\n" " Listening on: %s\n" " Socket type : %s\n", mod_settings.outputName.c_str(), mod_settings.zmqOutputSocketType.c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, " Sampling rate: "); if (mod_settings.outputRate > 1000) { if (mod_settings.outputRate > 1000000) { fprintf(stderr, "%.4g MHz\n", mod_settings.outputRate / 1000000.0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%.4g kHz\n", mod_settings.outputRate / 1000.0); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%zu Hz\n", mod_settings.outputRate); } } static shared_ptr<ModOutput> prepare_output( mod_settings_t& s) { shared_ptr<ModOutput> output; if (s.useFileOutput) { if (s.fileOutputFormat == "complexf") { output = make_shared<OutputFile>(s.outputName); } if (s.fileOutputFormat == "complexf_normalised") { if (s.gainMode == GainMode::GAIN_FIX) s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor_file_fix; else if (s.gainMode == GainMode::GAIN_MAX) s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor_file_max; else if (s.gainMode == GainMode::GAIN_VAR) s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor_file_var; output = make_shared<OutputFile>(s.outputName); } else if (s.fileOutputFormat == "s8" or s.fileOutputFormat == "u8") { // We must normalise the samples to the interval [-127.0; 127.0] // The formatconverter will add 127 for u8 so that it ends up in // [0; 255] s.normalise = 127.0f / normalise_factor; output = make_shared<OutputFile>(s.outputName); } } #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UHD) else if (s.useUHDOutput) { s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor; s.sdr_device_config.sampleRate = s.outputRate; auto uhddevice = make_shared<Output::UHD>(s.sdr_device_config); output = make_shared<Output::SDR>(s.sdr_device_config, uhddevice); rcs.enrol((Output::SDR*)output.get()); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_SOAPYSDR) else if (s.useSoapyOutput) { /* We normalise the same way as for the UHD output */ s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor; s.sdr_device_config.sampleRate = s.outputRate; auto soapydevice = make_shared<Output::Soapy>(s.sdr_device_config); output = make_shared<Output::SDR>(s.sdr_device_config, soapydevice); rcs.enrol((Output::SDR*)output.get()); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_ZEROMQ) else if (s.useZeroMQOutput) { /* We normalise the same way as for the UHD output */ s.normalise = 1.0f / normalise_factor; if (s.zmqOutputSocketType == "pub") { output = make_shared<OutputZeroMQ>(s.outputName, ZMQ_PUB); } else if (s.zmqOutputSocketType == "rep") { output = make_shared<OutputZeroMQ>(s.outputName, ZMQ_REP); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ZeroMQ output socket type " << s.zmqOutputSocketType << " invalid"; throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } #endif return output; } int launch_modulator(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ret = 0; struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = &signalHandler; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1) { perror("sigaction"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Set timezone to UTC setenv("TZ", "", 1); tzset(); mod_settings_t mod_settings; parse_args(argc, argv, mod_settings); printStartupInfo(); if (not (mod_settings.useFileOutput or mod_settings.useUHDOutput or mod_settings.useZeroMQOutput or mod_settings.useSoapyOutput)) { etiLog.level(error) << "Output not specified"; fprintf(stderr, "Must specify output !"); throw std::runtime_error("Configuration error"); } // When using the FIRFilter, increase the modulator offset pipelining delay // by the correct amount if (not mod_settings.filterTapsFilename.empty()) { mod_settings.tist_delay_stages += FIRFILTER_PIPELINE_DELAY; } printModSettings(mod_settings); modulator_data m; shared_ptr<FormatConverter> format_converter; if (mod_settings.useFileOutput and (mod_settings.fileOutputFormat == "s8" or mod_settings.fileOutputFormat == "u8")) { format_converter = make_shared<FormatConverter>(mod_settings.fileOutputFormat); } auto output = prepare_output(mod_settings); // Set thread priority to realtime if (int r = set_realtime_prio(1)) { etiLog.level(error) << "Could not set priority for modulator:" << r; } set_thread_name("modulator"); if (mod_settings.inputTransport == "edi") { EdiReader ediReader(mod_settings.tist_offset_s, mod_settings.tist_delay_stages); EdiDecoder::ETIDecoder ediInput(ediReader, false); if (mod_settings.edi_max_delay_ms > 0.0f) { // setMaxDelay wants number of AF packets, which correspond to 24ms ETI frames ediInput.setMaxDelay(lroundf(mod_settings.edi_max_delay_ms / 24.0f)); } EdiUdpInput ediUdpInput(ediInput); ediUdpInput.Open(mod_settings.inputName); if (not ediUdpInput.isEnabled()) { etiLog.level(error) << "inputTransport is edi, but ediUdpInput is not enabled"; return -1; } Flowgraph flowgraph; auto modulator = make_shared<DabModulator>(ediReader, mod_settings); if (format_converter) { flowgraph.connect(modulator, format_converter); flowgraph.connect(format_converter, output); } else { flowgraph.connect(modulator, output); } if (false #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UHD) or mod_settings.useUHDOutput #endif #if defined(HAVE_SOAPYSDR) or mod_settings.useSoapyOutput #endif ) { ((Output::SDR*)output.get())->setETISource(modulator->getEtiSource()); } size_t framecount = 0; while (running) { while (not ediReader.isFrameReady()) { bool success = ediUdpInput.rxPacket(); if (not success) { running = false; break; } } framecount++; flowgraph.run(); ediReader.clearFrame(); /* Check every once in a while if the remote control * is still working */ if ((framecount % 250) == 0) { rcs.check_faults(); } } } else { shared_ptr<InputReader> inputReader; if (mod_settings.inputTransport == "file") { auto inputFileReader = make_shared<InputFileReader>(); // Opening ETI input file if (inputFileReader->Open(mod_settings.inputName, mod_settings.loop) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file!\n"); etiLog.level(error) << "Unable to open input file!"; ret = -1; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open input"); } inputReader = inputFileReader; } else if (mod_settings.inputTransport == "zeromq") { #if !defined(HAVE_ZEROMQ) fprintf(stderr, "Error, ZeroMQ input transport selected, but not compiled in!\n"); ret = -1; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open input"); #else auto inputZeroMQReader = make_shared<InputZeroMQReader>(); inputZeroMQReader->Open(mod_settings.inputName, mod_settings.inputMaxFramesQueued); inputReader = inputZeroMQReader; #endif } else if (mod_settings.inputTransport == "tcp") { auto inputTcpReader = make_shared<InputTcpReader>(); inputTcpReader->Open(mod_settings.inputName); inputReader = inputTcpReader; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error, invalid input transport %s selected!\n", mod_settings.inputTransport.c_str()); ret = -1; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open input"); } bool run_again = true; while (run_again) { Flowgraph flowgraph; m.inputReader = inputReader.get(); m.flowgraph = &flowgraph; m.data.setLength(6144); EtiReader etiReader(mod_settings.tist_offset_s, mod_settings.tist_delay_stages); m.etiReader = &etiReader; auto input = make_shared<InputMemory>(&m.data); auto modulator = make_shared<DabModulator>(etiReader, mod_settings); if (format_converter) { flowgraph.connect(modulator, format_converter); flowgraph.connect(format_converter, output); } else { flowgraph.connect(modulator, output); } if (false #if defined(HAVE_OUTPUT_UHD) or mod_settings.useUHDOutput #endif #if defined(HAVE_SOAPYSDR) or mod_settings.useSoapyOutput #endif ) { ((Output::SDR*)output.get())->setETISource(modulator->getEtiSource()); } inputReader->PrintInfo(); run_modulator_state_t st = run_modulator(m); etiLog.log(trace, "DABMOD,run_modulator() = %d", st); switch (st) { case run_modulator_state_t::failure: etiLog.level(error) << "Modulator failure."; run_again = false; ret = 1; break; case run_modulator_state_t::again: etiLog.level(warn) << "Restart modulator."; run_again = false; if (auto in = dynamic_pointer_cast<InputFileReader>(inputReader)) { if (in->Open(mod_settings.inputName, mod_settings.loop) == -1) { etiLog.level(error) << "Unable to open input file!"; ret = 1; } else { run_again = true; } } #if defined(HAVE_ZEROMQ) else if (auto in = dynamic_pointer_cast<InputZeroMQReader>(inputReader)) { run_again = true; // Create a new input reader auto inputZeroMQReader = make_shared<InputZeroMQReader>(); inputZeroMQReader->Open(mod_settings.inputName, mod_settings.inputMaxFramesQueued); inputReader = inputZeroMQReader; } #endif else if (auto in = dynamic_pointer_cast<InputTcpReader>(inputReader)) { auto inputTcpReader = make_shared<InputTcpReader>(); inputTcpReader->Open(mod_settings.inputName); inputReader = inputTcpReader; } break; case run_modulator_state_t::reconfigure: etiLog.level(warn) << "Detected change in ensemble configuration."; /* We can keep the input in this care */ run_again = true; break; case run_modulator_state_t::normal_end: default: etiLog.level(info) << "modulator stopped."; ret = 0; run_again = false; break; } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); etiLog.level(info) << m.framecount << " DAB frames encoded"; etiLog.level(info) << ((float)m.framecount * 0.024f) << " seconds encoded"; m.data.setLength(0); } } etiLog.level(info) << "Terminating"; return ret; } run_modulator_state_t run_modulator(modulator_data& m) { auto ret = run_modulator_state_t::failure; try { while (running) { int framesize; PDEBUG("*****************************************\n"); PDEBUG("* Starting main loop\n"); PDEBUG("*****************************************\n"); while ((framesize = m.inputReader->GetNextFrame(m.data.getData())) > 0) { if (!running) { break; } m.framecount++; PDEBUG("*****************************************\n"); PDEBUG("* Read frame %lu\n", m.framecount); PDEBUG("*****************************************\n"); const int eti_bytes_read = m.etiReader->loadEtiData(m.data); if ((size_t)eti_bytes_read != m.data.getLength()) { etiLog.level(error) << "ETI frame incompletely read"; throw std::runtime_error("ETI read error"); } m.flowgraph->run(); /* Check every once in a while if the remote control * is still working */ if ((m.framecount % 250) == 0) { rcs.check_faults(); } } if (framesize == 0) { etiLog.level(info) << "End of file reached."; } else { etiLog.level(error) << "Input read error."; } running = 0; ret = run_modulator_state_t::normal_end; } } catch (zmq_input_overflow& e) { // The ZeroMQ input has overflowed its buffer etiLog.level(warn) << e.what(); ret = run_modulator_state_t::again; } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { // One of the DSP blocks has detected an invalid change // or value in some settings. This can be due to a multiplex // reconfiguration. etiLog.level(warn) << e.what(); ret = run_modulator_state_t::reconfigure; } catch (std::exception& e) { etiLog.level(error) << "Exception caught: " << e.what(); ret = run_modulator_state_t::failure; } return ret; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Set timezone to UTC setenv("TZ", "", 1); tzset(); try { return launch_modulator(argc, argv); } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { std::string what(e.what()); if (not what.empty()) { std::cerr << "Modulator error: " << what << std::endl; } } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Modulator runtime error: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }