# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 # Matthias P. Braendli, matthias.braendli@mpb.li # # http://www.opendigitalradio.org # # This file is part of ODR-DabMod. # # ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib.httputil import parse_query_string from lib import yamlrpc import json import urllib import os import io import datetime import threading def send_ok(data=None): if data is not None: return {'status' : 'ok', 'data': data} else: return {'status': 'ok'} def send_error(reason=""): if reason: return {'status' : 'error', 'reason': reason} else: return {'status' : 'error'} class API: def __init__(self, mod_rc, dpd_port): self.mod_rc = mod_rc self.dpd_port = dpd_port self.dpd_rpc = yamlrpc.Socket(bind_port=0) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return """This is the api area.""" @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def rc_parameters(self): try: return send_ok(self.mod_rc.get_modules()) except IOError as e: return send_error(str(e)) @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def parameter(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': cl = cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length'] rawbody = cherrypy.request.body.read(int(cl)) params = json.loads(rawbody.decode()) try: self.mod_rc.set_param_value(params['controllable'], params['param'], params['value']) except IOError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error(str(e)) except ValueError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error(str(e)) return send_ok() else: if all(p in kwargs for p in ('controllable', 'param')): try: return send_ok(self.mod_rc.get_param_value(kwargs['controllable'], kwargs['param'])) except IOError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error(str(e)) except ValueError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error(str(e)) else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("missing 'controllable' or 'param' GET parameters") def _wrap_dpd(self, method, data=None): try: reply = self.dpd_rpc.call_rpc_method(self.dpd_port, method, data) return send_ok(reply) except ValueError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error("DPDCE remote procedure call error: {}".format(e)) except TimeoutError as e: cherrypy.response.status = 503 return send_error("DPDCE remote procedure call timed out") cherrypy.response.status = 500 return send_error("Unknown DPDCE remote procedure error error") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_trigger_run(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': return self._wrap_dpd("trigger_run") else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("POST only") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_adapt(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': return self._wrap_dpd("adapt") else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("POST only") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_reset(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': return self._wrap_dpd("reset") else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("POST only") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_restore_dump(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': cl = cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length'] rawbody = cherrypy.request.body.read(int(cl)) params = json.loads(rawbody.decode()) if 'dump_id' in params: data = {'dump_id': params['dump_id']} return self._wrap_dpd("restore_dump", data) else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("Missing dump_id") else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("POST only") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_results(self, **kwargs): return self._wrap_dpd("get_results") @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.json_out() def dpd_calibrate(self, **kwargs): if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': return self._wrap_dpd("calibrate") else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return send_error("POST only")