ODR-DabMod Web UI ================= Goals ----- Enable users to play with digital predistortion settings, through a visualisation of the settings and the parameters. Make it easier to discover the tuning possibilities of the modulator. Install ------- Install dependencies: cherrypy, jinja2, scipy, matplotlib, zmq python modules Run --- 1. Execute ODR-DabMod, configured with zmq rc on port 9400 1. `cd gui` 1. `./run.py` 1. Connect your browser to `http://localhost:8099` Todo ---- * Integrate DPDCE * Show DPD settings and effect visually * Allow load/store of DPD settings * Make ports configurable * Use Feedback Server interface and make spectrum and constellation plots * Get authentication to work * Read and write config file, and add forms to change ODR-DabMod configuration * Connect to supervisord to be able to restart ODR-DabMod * Create a status page * Is process running? * Is modulator rate within bounds? * Are there underruns or late packets? * Is the GPSDO ok? (needs new RC params) * Think about how to show PA settings * Return loss is an important metric * Some PAs offer serial interfaces for supervision