Digital Predistortion Calculation Engine for ODR-DabMod ======================================================= This folder contains work in progress for digital predistortion. Concept ------- ODR-DabMod makes outgoing TX samples and feedback RX samples available for an external tool. This external tool can request a buffer of samples for analysis, can calculate coefficients for the polynomial predistorter in ODR-DabMod and load the new coefficients using the remote control. The *dpd/* script is the entry point for the *DPD Calculation Engine* into which these features will be implemented. The tool uses modules from the *dpd/src/* folder: - Sample transfer and time alignment with subsample accuracy is done by ** - Estimating the effects of the PA using some model and calculation of the updated polynomial coefficients is done in ** - Finally, ** loads them into ODR-DabMod. These modules themselves use additional helper scripts in the *dpd/src/* folder. Requirements ------------ - USRP B200. - Power amplifier. - A feedback connection from the power amplifier output, at an appropriate power level for the B200. Usually this is done with a directional coupler and additional attenuators. - ODR-DabMod with enabled *dpd_port*, and with a samplerate of 8192000 samples per second. - Synchronous=1 so that the USRP has the timestamping set properly, internal refclk and pps are sufficient for this example. - A live mux source with TIST enabled. See dpd/dpd.ini for an example. The DPD server port can be tested with the *dpd/* helper tool, which can also display a constellation diagram. TODO ---- Implement a PA model. Implement cases for different oversampling for FFT bin choice. Fix loads of missing and buggy aspects of the implementation.