#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # present statistics from ODR-DabMod's # RC interface to munin # # Copy this file to /etc/munin/plugins/dabmod # to use it, and make sure it's executable (chmod +x) import sys import json import zmq import os import re # Values monitored: config_all = "" #default data type is GAUGE # One GAUGE multigraph from 0% to 100% with # ofdm clip_stats clip_ratio # ofdm clip_stats errorclip_ratio config_all += """ multigraph ofdm_clip_stats graph_title OFDM CFR clip stats graph_order clip_ratio errorclip_ratio graph_vlabel number of samples/errors clipped during last ${{graph_period}} graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows CFR clipping statistics clip_ratio.info Number of samples clipped clip_ratio.label Number of samples clipped clip_ratio.min 0 clip_ratio.max 100 errorclip_ratio.info Number of errors clipped errorclip_ratio.label Number of errors clipped errorclip_ratio.min 0 errorclip_ratio.max 100""" # One GAUGE multigraph # ofdm clip_stats mer config_all += """ multigraph ofdm_clip_stats_mer graph_title OFDM MER after CFR graph_order mer graph_vlabel MER in dB after CFR graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows MER after CFR mer.info MER dB mer.label MER dB mer.min 0 mer.max 100""" # One GAUGE multigraph in dB for # ofdm papr before-cfr # ofdm papr after-cfr config_all += """ multigraph ofdm_papr graph_title OFDM PAPR stats graph_order before_cfr after_cfr graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel Averate PAPR before/after CFR during last ${{graph_period}} graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio before and after CFR before_cfr.info PAPR before CFR before_cfr.label PAPR before CFR before_cfr.min 0 after_cfr.info PAPR after CFR after_cfr.label PAPR after CFR after_cfr.min 0""" # One GAUGE graph for # tist offset config_all += """ multigraph tist_offset graph_title TIST configured offset graph_order offset graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel Configured offset graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows the configured TIST offset offset.info Configured offset offset.label Configured offset offset.min 0 offset.max 300""" # One DDERIVE graph for # tist timestamp timestamps config_all += """ multigraph tist_timestamp graph_title TIST timestamp graph_order timestamp graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel timestamp value graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows the timestamp value in seconds timestamp.info timestamp timestamp.label timestamp timestamp.type DDERIVE timestamp.min 0""" # One DERIVE (min 0) multigraph for # sdr underruns # sdr latepackets config_all += """ multigraph sdr_stats graph_title SDR device statistics graph_order underruns latepackets graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel Number of underruns and late packets graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows the number of underruns and late packets underruns.info Number of SoapySDR/UHD underruns underruns.label Number of SoapySDR/UHD underruns underruns.type DERIVE underruns.min 0 latepackets.info Number of SoapySDR/UHD late packets latepackets.label Number of SoapySDR/UHD late packets latepackets.type DERIVE latepackets.min 0""" # One DERIVE (min 0) graph for # sdr frames config_all += """ multigraph sdr_frames graph_title SDR number of frames transmitted graph_order frames graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel Number of frames transmitted graph_category dabmod graph_info This graph shows the number of frames transmitted frames.info Number of SoapySDR/UHD frames frames.label Number of SoapySDR/UHD frames frames.type DERIVE frames.min 0""" ctx = zmq.Context() class RCException(Exception): pass if not os.environ.get("MUNIN_CAP_MULTIGRAPH"): sys.stderr.write("This needs munin version 1.4 at least\n") sys.exit(1) def do_transaction(message_parts, sock): """To a send + receive transaction, quit whole program on timeout""" if isinstance(message_parts, str): sys.stderr.write("do_transaction expects a list!\n"); sys.exit(1) for i, part in enumerate(message_parts): if i == len(message_parts) - 1: f = 0 else: f = zmq.SNDMORE sock.send(part, flags=f) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN) socks = dict(poller.poll(1000)) if socks: if socks.get(sock) == zmq.POLLIN: rxpackets = sock.recv_multipart() return rxpackets raise RCException("Could not receive data for command '{}'\n".format( message_parts)) def connect(): """Create a connection to the dabmod RC returns: the socket""" sock = zmq.Socket(ctx, zmq.REQ) sock.set(zmq.LINGER, 5) sock.connect("tcp://localhost:9400") try: ping_answer = do_transaction([b"ping"], sock) if not ping_answer == [b"ok"]: sys.stderr.write("Wrong answer to ping\n") sys.exit(1) except RCException as e: print("connect failed because: {}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) return sock def get_rc_value(module, name, sock): try: parts = do_transaction([b"get", module.encode(), name.encode()], sock) if len(parts) != 1: sys.stderr.write("Received unexpected multipart message {}\n".format( parts)) sys.exit(1) return parts[0].decode() except RCException as e: print("get {} {} fail: {}".format(module, name, e)) return "" def handle_re(graph_name, re, rc_value, group_number=1): match = re.search(rc_value) if match: return "{} {}\n".format(graph_name, match.group(group_number)) else: return "{} U\n".format(graph_name) re_double_value = re.compile(r"(\d+\.\d+)", re.X) re_int_value = re.compile(r"(\d+)", re.X) if len(sys.argv) == 1: sock = connect() munin_values = "" munin_values += "multigraph ofdm_clip_stats\n" ofdm_clip_stats = get_rc_value("ofdm", "clip_stats", sock) re_clip_samples = re.compile(r"(\d+\.\d+)%\ samples\ clipped", re.X) munin_values += handle_re("clip_ratio.value ", re_clip_samples, ofdm_clip_stats) re_clip_errors = re.compile(r"(\d+\.\d+)%\ errors\ clipped", re.X) munin_values += handle_re("errorclip_ratio.value", re_clip_errors, ofdm_clip_stats) munin_values += "multigraph ofdm_clip_stats_mer\n" re_clip_mer = re.compile(r"MER\ after\ CFR:\ (\d+\.\d+)", re.X) munin_values += handle_re("mer.value", re_clip_mer, ofdm_clip_stats) munin_values += "multigraph ofdm_papr\n" ofdm_papr_stats = get_rc_value("ofdm", "papr", sock) def muninise_papr(papr): if "N/A" in papr: return "U" else: return float(papr.strip()) # Format is as follows: # "PAPR [dB]: " << std::fixed << # (papr_before == 0 ? string("N/A") : to_string(papr_before)) << # ", " << # (papr_after == 0 ? string("N/A") : to_string(papr_after)); try: _, _, both_papr = ofdm_papr_stats.partition(":") papr_before, papr_after = both_papr.split(",") papr_before = muninise_papr(papr_before) munin_values += "before_cfr.value {}\n".format(papr_before) except: munin_values += "before_cfr.value U\n" try: _, _, both_papr = ofdm_papr_stats.partition(":") papr_before, papr_after = both_papr.split(",") papr_after = muninise_papr(papr_after) munin_values += "after_cfr.value {}\n".format(papr_after) except: munin_values += "after_cfr.value U\n" munin_values += "multigraph tist_offset\n" tist_offset = get_rc_value("tist", "offset", sock) munin_values += handle_re("offset.value", re_double_value, tist_offset) # Plotting FCT is not useful because it overflows in 6s, and the poll # interval is usually 5min tist_timestamp = get_rc_value("tist", "timestamp", sock) re_tist_timestamp = re.compile(r"(\d+\.\d+)\ for\ frame\ FCT\ (\d+)", re.X) munin_values += "multigraph tist_timestamp\n" munin_values += handle_re("timestamp.value", re_tist_timestamp, tist_timestamp, 1) munin_values += "multigraph sdr_stats\n" sdr_underruns = get_rc_value("sdr", "underruns", sock) munin_values += handle_re("underruns.value", re_int_value, sdr_underruns) sdr_latepackets = get_rc_value("sdr", "latepackets", sock) munin_values += handle_re("latepacket.value", re_int_value, sdr_latepackets) munin_values += "multigraph sdr_frames\n" sdr_frames = get_rc_value("sdr", "frames", sock) munin_values += handle_re("frames.value", re_int_value, sdr_frames) print(munin_values) elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "config": # No need to connect print(config_all) else: sys.stderr.write("Invalid command line arguments") sys.exit(1)