; Sample configuration file for ODR-DabMod

; enable the telnet remote control on localhost:2121
; Since this is totally unsecure telnet, the software
; will only listen on the local loopback interface.
; To get secure remote access, use SSH port forwarding

; Write to a logfile or to syslog.
; Setting filename to stderr is very useful during tests and development

; A file or fifo input is using transport=file

; When the end of file is reached, it is possible to rewind it

; When recieving data using ZeroMQ, the source is the URI to be used

; Gain mode: 0=FIX, 1=MAX, 2=VAR
;   Mode 0 (FIX) uses a fixed factor and is really not recommended. It is more
; useful on an academic perspective for people trying to understand the DAB
; modulation.
;   Mode 1 (MAX) is the normalization of every OFDM symbol. No overshoot, no
; truncating, but varying output power (around 3dB) which might not be the best
; for some power amplifier. The output samples are limited to a magnitude
; of 32768.
;   Mode 2 (VAR) uses the method specified in ETSI 300 798. This method
; normalizes to 4 times the standard deviation for an approximation of the RMS
; power. So around 6/100000 samples will be truncated and will introduce some
; really minor distortion. But this mode also maximizes the output power. This
; is the gain mode recommended for real world operation as it is based on a DAB
; standard; the only difference is that ODR-DabMod uses a better resolution
; with 16 bits instead of 8 bits.

; Transmission mode
; If not defined, take the mode from ETI

; The digital gain is a value that is multiplied to each sample. It is used
; to tune the chain to make sure that no non-linearities appear up to the
; USRP daughterboard programmable gain amplifier (PGA).
; If there is clipping, the spectral quality of the signal will quickly deteriorate,
; and wide-band noise will be generated.
; Be aware that there is a dependency with resampling.

; Output sample rate. Values other than 2048000 enable
; resampling.
; Warning! digital_gain settings are different if resampling
; is enabled or not !

; CIC equaliser for USRP1 and USRP2
; Set to 0 to disable CicEqualiser
; when set to 400000000, an additional USRP2 check is enabled.
; See DabModulator.cpp line 186

; The USRP1 does not have flexible clocking, you will need
; and

; The FIR Filter can be used to create a better spectral quality.
; The filter taps can be calculated with the python script
; doc/fir-filter/generate-filter.py

; choose output: possible values: uhd, file

; The file output writes I/Q float values (i.e. complex float)
; to the file. The I and Q samples can take values up to
; 100000 in absolute magnitude with gainmode FIX.
; With gainmode VAR, they should never exceed 50000.
; With gainmode MAX, thet are limited to 32767.

; The UHD output can be directly used with the Ettus USRP devices
; You have to set master_clock_rate to a multiple of the
; sample_rate. Ideally, it should be
;   master_clock_rate = 4 * sample_rate
; or even a higher factor.
; Settings for a USRP B100:
; Try first with small gain values
; Also set rate to 2048000

; For the B200
; More information and measurements available on:
; http://opendigitalradio.org/index.php/USRP_B200_Measurements
; Settings:
; The B200 needs larger gains (up to 89dB) but,
; "Gain settings are application specific, but it is recommended that users
; consider using at least half of the available gain to get reasonable dynamic
; range."
;    From the B200 User Manual
;    http://files.ettus.com/uhd_docs/manual/html/usrp_b200.html

; For the USRP1
; the usrp1 can have two daughterboards, the subdevice parameter allows you
; to choose which one to use
; The USRP1 doesn't support master_clock_rate, you need to enable resamping

; You must specify either frequency or channel, but not both.

; The reference clock to use.
; possible values : internal, external, MIMO

; The reference one pulse-per second to use
; possible values : none, external, MIMO

; Behaviour when external clock reference lock lost
; possible values: ignore, crash

; Used for SFN with the UHD output

; Enable handling of timestamps for SFN

; Whether to mute the TX when incoming frames have no timestamp

; Choose between fixed and dynamic offset definition
; fixed defines an offset in this file that cannot be changed while
; the modulator runs.
; dynamic reads the offset from a file, and if the value changes,
; the chain does a re-sync.


; The file should contain a single floating point value, written
; in ASCII (it's human-readable, not binary)