; This sample configuration is useful if ODR-DabMod is compiled ; with --enable-easydabv3 [remotecontrol] zmqctrl=1 zmqctrlendpoint=tcp:// ; There is no telnet RC available in this build [log] syslog=0 filelog=0 filename=odr-dabmod.log [input] transport=zeromq source=tcp://localhost:9100 max_frames_queued=400 ; There are no [modulator], [cfr], [firfilter], [poly] nor [tii] sections [output] output=file [fileoutput] ; to be confirmed format=complexf filename=/dev/csdiof1 show_metadata=0 ; TODO add option for writing out timestamps to csdiof1 [delaymanagement] synchronous=0 mutenotimestamps=0 offset=1.002