path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 547 deletions
diff --git a/src/crc-dwap.py b/src/crc-dwap.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cae257..0000000
--- a/src/crc-dwap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,-2010 Her Majesty the Queen in
-# Right of Canada (Communications Research Center Canada)
-# This file is part of ODR-DabMod.
-# ODR-DabMod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# ODR-DabMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with ODR-DabMod. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from wxPython.wx import *
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio.wxgui import fftsink, scopesink
-from gnuradio.eng_notation import num_to_str
-from gnuradio.eng_option import *
-ID_ABOUT = wxNewId()
-ID_EXIT = wxNewId()
-ID_GAIN_SLIDER0 = wxNewId()
-ID_FREQ_SLIDER0 = wxNewId()
-ID_GAIN_SLIDER1 = wxNewId()
-ID_FREQ_SLIDER1 = wxNewId()
-ID_START = wxNewId()
-ID_STOP = wxNewId()
-def gcd(a, b) :
- if b == 0 :
- return a
- return gcd(b, a % b)
-def appendFrequency(option, opt, value, parser):
- if parser.values.frequency is None :
- parser.values.frequency = [ value ]
- else :
- parser.values.frequency.append(value)
-def listUsrp(option, opt, value, parser):
- id = 0
- while (true) :
- try:
- version = usrp._look_for_usrp(id)
- print "USRP #%i" % id
- print " Rev: %i" % version
- dst = usrp.sink_c(id)
- src = usrp.source_c(id)
- print " Tx"
- for db in dst.db:
- if (db[0].dbid() != -1):
- print " %s" % db[0].side_and_name()
- (min, max, offset) = db[0].freq_range()
- print " Frequency"
- print " Min: %sHz" % num_to_str(min)
- print " Max: %sHz" % num_to_str(max)
- print " Offset: %sHz" % num_to_str(offset)
- (min, max, offset) = db[0].gain_range()
- print " Gain"
- print " Min: %sdB" % num_to_str(min)
- print " Max: %sdB" % num_to_str(max)
- print " Offset: %sdB" % num_to_str(offset)
- print " Rx"
- for db in src.db:
- if (db[0].dbid() != -1):
- print " %s" % db[0].side_and_name()
- (min, max, offset) = db[0].freq_range()
- print " Frequency"
- print " Min: %sHz" % num_to_str(min)
- print " Max: %sHz" % num_to_str(max)
- print " Offset: %sHz" % num_to_str(offset)
- (min, max, offset) = db[0].gain_range()
- print " Gain"
- print " Min: %sdB" % num_to_str(min)
- print " Max: %sdB" % num_to_str(max)
- print " Offset: %sdB" % num_to_str(offset)
- except RuntimeError:
- break
- id += 1
- raise SystemExit
-class MyFrame(wxFrame):
- def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
- wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title,
- wxDefaultPosition)
- self.pga = 0
- self.pgaMin = -20
- self.pgaMax = 0
- self.pgaStep = 0.25
-# Parsing options
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option,
- usage="usage: %prog [options] filename1" \
- " [-f frequency2 filename2 [...]]")
- parser.add_option("-a", "--agc", action="store_true",
- help="enable agc")
- parser.add_option("-c", "--clockrate", type="eng_float", default=128e6,
- help="set USRP clock rate (128e6)")
- parser.add_option("--copy", action="store_true",
- help="enable real to imag data copy when in real mode")
- parser.add_option("-e", "--encoding", type="choice", choices=["s", "f"],
- default="f", help="choose data encoding: [s]igned or [f]loat.")
- parser.add_option("-f", "--frequency", type="eng_float",
- action="callback", callback=appendFrequency,
- help="set output frequency (222.064e6)")
- parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="float",
- help="set output pga gain")
- parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action="callback", callback=listUsrp,
- help="list USRPs and daugtherboards")
- parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", type="eng_float", default=2,
- help="mode: 1: real, 2: complex (2)")
- parser.add_option("-o", "--osc", action="store_true",
- help="enable oscilloscope")
- parser.add_option("-r", "--samplingrate", type="eng_float",
- default=3.2e6,
- help="set input sampling rate (3200000)")
- parser.add_option("-s", "--spectrum", action="store_true",
- help="enable spectrum analyzer")
-# parser.add_option("-t", "--tx", type="choice", choices=["A", "B"],
-# default="A", help="choose USRP tx A|B output (A)")
- parser.add_option("-u", "--usrp", action="store_true",
- help="enable USRP output")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) == 0 :
- options.filename = [ "/dev/stdin" ]
- else :
- options.filename = args
-# Setting default frequency
- if options.frequency is None :
- options.frequency = [ 222.064e6 ]
- if len(options.filename) != len(options.frequency) :
- parser.error("Nb input file != nb frequency!")
-# Status bar
-# self.CreateStatusBar(3, 0)
-# msg = "PGA: %.2f dB" % (self.pga * self.pgaStep)
-# self.SetStatusText(msg, 1)
-# msg = "Freq: %.3f mHz" % (options.frequency[0] / 1000000.0)
-# self.SetStatusText(msg, 2)
-# Menu bar
- menu = wxMenu()
- menu.Append(ID_ABOUT, "&About",
- "More information about this program")
- menu.AppendSeparator()
- menu.Append(ID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the program")
- menuBar = wxMenuBar()
- menuBar.Append(menu, "&File")
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
-# Main windows
- mainSizer = wxFlexGridSizer(0, 1)
- sliderSizer = wxFlexGridSizer(0, 2)
- buttonSizer = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
- if options.usrp :
- # TX d'board 0
- gainLabel = wxStaticText(self, -1, "PGA 0")
- gainSlider = wxSlider(self, ID_GAIN_SLIDER0, self.pga,
- self.pgaMin / self.pgaStep, self.pgaMax / self.pgaStep,
- gainSlider.SetSize((400, -1))
- sliderSizer.Add(gainLabel, 0,
- sliderSizer.Add(gainSlider, 0,
- freqLabel = wxStaticText(self, -1, "Frequency 0")
- freqSlider = wxSlider(self, ID_FREQ_SLIDER0,
- options.frequency[0] / 16000, 0, 20e3,
- freqSlider.SetSize((400, -1))
- sliderSizer.Add(freqLabel, 0,
- sliderSizer.Add(freqSlider, 0,
- if len(options.frequency) > 1 :
- # TX d'board 1
- gainLabel = wxStaticText(self, -1, "PGA 1")
- gainSlider = wxSlider(self, ID_GAIN_SLIDER1, self.pga,
- self.pgaMin / self.pgaStep, self.pgaMax / self.pgaStep,
- gainSlider.SetSize((400, -1))
- sliderSizer.Add(gainLabel, 0,
- sliderSizer.Add(gainSlider, 0,
- freqLabel = wxStaticText(self, -1, "Frequency 1")
- freqSlider = wxSlider(self, ID_FREQ_SLIDER1,
- options.frequency[1] / 16000, 0, 20e3,
- freqSlider.SetSize((400, -1))
- sliderSizer.Add(freqLabel, 0,
- sliderSizer.Add(freqSlider, 0,
- mainSizer.Add(sliderSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 0)
- start = wxButton(self, ID_START, "Start")
- stop = wxButton(self, ID_STOP, "Stop")
- buttonSizer.Add(start, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0)
- buttonSizer.Add(stop, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0)
- mainSizer.Add(buttonSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 0)
-# GnuRadio
- self.fg = gr.flow_graph()
- if options.mode == 1 :
- print "Source: real"
- if (options.encoding == "s") :
- print "Source encoding: short"
- src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short, options.filename[0], 1)
- if (options.copy) :
- print "Imag: copy"
- imag = src
- else :
- print "Imag: null"
- imag = gr.null_source(gr.sizeof_short)
- interleaver = gr.interleave(gr.sizeof_short)
- self.fg.connect(src, (interleaver, 0))
- self.fg.connect(imag, (interleaver, 1))
- tail = interleaver
- elif (options.encoding == "f") :
- print "Source encoding: float"
- src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,
- options.filename[0], 1)
- tail = src
- elif (options.mode == 2) :
- print "Source: complex"
- if len(options.frequency) == 1 :
- if (options.encoding == "s") :
- print "Source encoding: short"
- src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short,
- options.filename[0], 1)
- elif (options.encoding == "f") :
- print "Source encoding: float"
- src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,
- options.filename[0], 1)
- else :
- parser.error("Invalid encoding type for complex data!")
- tail = src
- elif (len(options.frequency) == 2) :
- src0 = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,
- options.filename[0], 1)
- src1 = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,
- options.filename[1], 1)
- interleaver = gr.interleave(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)
- self.fg.connect(src0, (interleaver, 0))
- self.fg.connect(src1, (interleaver, 1))
- tail = interleaver
- else :
- parser.error(
- "Invalid number of source (> 2) with complex input!")
- else :
- parser.error("Invalid mode!")
-# Interpolation
- dac_freq = options.clockrate
- interp = int(dac_freq / options.samplingrate)
- if interp == 0 :
- parser.error("Invalid sampling rate!")
- if options.mode == 2 :
- print "Input sampling rate: %s complex samples/s" % \
- num_to_str(options.samplingrate)
- else :
- print "Input sampling rate: %s samples/s" % \
- num_to_str(options.samplingrate)
- print "Interpolation rate: int(%s / %s) = %sx" % \
- (num_to_str(dac_freq), num_to_str(options.samplingrate), interp)
- if interp > 512 :
- factor = gcd(dac_freq / 512, options.samplingrate)
- num = int((dac_freq / 512) / factor)
- den = int(options.samplingrate / factor)
- print "Resampling by %i / %i" % (num, den)
- resampler = blks.rational_resampler_ccc(self.fg, num, den)
- self.fg.connect(tail, resampler)
- tail = resampler
- interp = 512
- options.samplingrate = dac_freq / 512
-# AGC
- if options.agc :
- agc = gr.agc_cc()
- self.fg.connect(tail, agc)
- tail = agc
- if options.usrp :
- nchan = len(options.frequency)
- if len(options.frequency) == 1 :
- if options.mode == 1 :
- mux = 0x00000098
- elif options.mode == 2 :
- mux = 0x00000098
- else :
- parser.error("Unsupported mode for USRP mux!")
- elif len(options.frequency) == 2 :
- if options.mode == 1 :
- mux = 0x0000ba98
- elif options.mode == 2 :
- mux = 0x0000ba98
- else :
- parser.error("Unsupported mode for USRP mux!")
- else :
- parser.error("Invalid number of frequency [0..2]!")
-# if options.tx == "A" :
-# mux = 0x00000098
-# else :
-# mux = 0x00009800
- print "Nb channels: ", nchan
- print "Mux: 0x%x" % mux
- if options.encoding == 's' :
- dst = usrp.sink_s(0, interp, nchan, mux)
- elif options.encoding == 'f' :
- dst = usrp.sink_c(0, interp, nchan, mux)
- else :
- parser.error("Unsupported data encoding for USRP!")
- dst.set_verbose(1)
- for i in range(len(options.frequency)) :
- if options.gain is None :
- print "Setting gain to %f" % dst.pga_max()
- dst.set_pga(i << 1, dst.pga_max())
- else :
- print "Setting gain to %f" % options.gain
- dst.set_pga(i << 1, options.gain)
- tune = false
- for dboard in dst.db:
- if (dboard[0].dbid() != -1):
- device = dboard[0]
- print "Tuning TX d'board %s to %sHz" % \
- (device.side_and_name(),
- num_to_str(options.frequency[i]))
- device.lo_offset = 38e6
- (min, max, offset) = device.freq_range()
- print " Frequency"
- print " Min: %sHz" % num_to_str(min)
- print " Max: %sHz" % num_to_str(max)
- print " Offset: %sHz" % num_to_str(offset)
- device.set_enable(True)
- tune = \
- dst.tune(device._which, device,
- options.frequency[i] * 128e6 / dac_freq)
- if tune:
- print " Baseband frequency: %sHz" % \
- num_to_str(tune.baseband_freq)
- print " DXC frequency: %sHz" % \
- num_to_str(tune.dxc_freq)
- print " Residual Freqency: %sHz" % \
- num_to_str(tune.residual_freq)
- print " Inverted: ", \
- tune.inverted
- mux = usrp.determine_tx_mux_value(dst,
- (device._which, 0))
- dst.set_mux(mux)
- break
- else:
- print " Failed!"
- if not tune:
- print " Failed!"
- raise SystemExit
-# int nunderruns ()
- print "USRP"
- print " Rx halfband: ", dst.has_rx_halfband()
- print " Tx halfband: ", dst.has_tx_halfband()
- print " Nb DDC: ", dst.nddc()
- print " Nb DUC: ", dst.nduc()
-#dst._write_9862(0, 14, 224)
- print " DAC frequency: %s samples/s" % num_to_str(dst.dac_freq())
- print " Fpga decimation rate: %s -> %s samples/s" % \
- (num_to_str(dst.interp_rate()),
- num_to_str(dac_freq / dst.interp_rate()))
- print " Nb channels:",
- if hasattr(dst, "nchannels()") :
- print dst.nchannels()
- else:
- print "N/A"
- print " Mux:",
- if hasattr(dst, "mux()") :
- print "0x%x" % dst.mux()
- else :
- print "N/A"
- print " FPGA master clock frequency:",
- if hasattr(dst, "fpga_master_clock_freq()") :
- print "%sHz" % num_to_str(dst.fpga_master_clock_freq())
- else :
- print "N/A"
- print " Converter rate:",
- if hasattr(dst, "converter_rate()") :
- print "%s" % num_to_str(dst.converter_rate())
- else :
- print "N/A"
- print " DAC rate:",
- if hasattr(dst, "dac_rate()") :
- print "%s sample/s" % num_to_str(dst.dac_rate())
- else :
- print "N/A"
- print " Interp rate: %sx" % num_to_str(dst.interp_rate())
- print " DUC frequency 0: %sHz" % num_to_str(dst.tx_freq(0))
- print " DUC frequency 1: %sHz" % num_to_str(dst.tx_freq(1))
- print " Programmable Gain Amplifier 0: %s dB" % \
- num_to_str(dst.pga(0))
- print " Programmable Gain Amplifier 1: %s dB" % \
- num_to_str(dst.pga(2))
- else :
- dst = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)
-# AGC
- if options.agc :
- agc = gr.agc_cc()
- self.fg.connect(tail, agc)
- tail = agc
- self.fg.connect(tail, dst)
-# oscilloscope
- if options.osc :
- oscPanel = wxPanel(self, -1)
- if (options.encoding == "s") :
- converter = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex()
- self.fg.connect(tail, converter)
- signal = converter
- elif (options.encoding == "f") :
- signal = tail
- else :
- parser.error("Unsupported data encoding for oscilloscope!")
-#block = scope_sink_f(fg, parent, title=label, sample_rate=input_rate)
-#return (block, block.win)
- oscWin = scopesink.scope_sink_c(self.fg, oscPanel, "Signal",
- options.samplingrate)
- self.fg.connect(signal, oscWin)
- mainSizer.Add(oscPanel, 1, wxEXPAND)
-# spectrometer
- if options.spectrum :
- ymin = 0
- ymax = 160
- fftPanel = wxPanel(self, -1)
- if (options.encoding == "s") :
- converter = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex()
- self.fg.connect(tail, converter)
- signal = converter
- elif (options.encoding == "f") :
- signal = tail
- else :
- parser.error("Unsupported data encoding for oscilloscope!")
- fftWin = fftsink.fft_sink_c(self.fg, fftPanel,
- title="Spectrum",
- fft_size=2048,
- sample_rate=options.samplingrate,
- y_per_div=(ymax - ymin) / 8,
- ref_level=ymax,
- fft_rate=50,
- average=True
- )
- self.fg.connect(signal, fftWin)
- mainSizer.Add(fftPanel, 1, wxEXPAND)
-# Events
- EVT_MENU(self, ID_ABOUT, self.OnAbout)
- EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.TimeToQuit)
- EVT_SLIDER(self, ID_GAIN_SLIDER0, self.slideEvent)
- EVT_SLIDER(self, ID_FREQ_SLIDER0, self.slideEvent)
- EVT_SLIDER(self, ID_GAIN_SLIDER1, self.slideEvent)
- EVT_SLIDER(self, ID_FREQ_SLIDER1, self.slideEvent)
- EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_START, self.onClick)
- EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_STOP, self.onClick)
-#Layout sizers
- self.SetSizer(mainSizer)
- self.SetAutoLayout(1)
- mainSizer.Fit(self)
- self.fg.start()
- def OnAbout(self, event):
- dlg = wxMessageDialog(self, "This sample program shows off\n"
- "frames, menus, statusbars, and this\n"
- "message dialog.",
- "About Me", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)
- dlg.ShowModal()
- dlg.Destroy()
- def TimeToQuit(self, event):
- self.Close(true)
- def slideEvent(self, evt):
- value = evt.GetInt()
- id = evt.GetId()
- if id == ID_GAIN_SLIDER:
- msg = "PGA: %.2f dB" % (value * self.pgaStep)
- self.SetStatusText(msg, 1)
- elif id == ID_FREQ_SLIDER:
- msg = "Freq: %.3f mHz" % (value * 16.0 / 1000)
- self.SetStatusText(msg, 2)
- else:
- print "Slider event not yet coded!"
- self.Close(True)
- def onClick(self, event):
- id = event.GetId()
- if id == ID_START:
- self.fg.start()
- elif id == ID_STOP:
- self.fg.stop()
- else:
- print "Click event not yet coded!"
- self.Close(True)
-class MyApp(wxApp):
- def OnInit(self):
- frame = MyFrame(NULL, -1, "Digital WAve Player")
- frame.Show(true)
- self.SetTopWindow(frame)
- return true
-app = MyApp(0)