path: root/kiss/_kiss_fft_guts.h
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diff --git a/kiss/_kiss_fft_guts.h b/kiss/_kiss_fft_guts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd8d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kiss/_kiss_fft_guts.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Mark Borgerding. All rights reserved.
+ * This file is part of KISS FFT -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * See COPYING file for more information.
+ */
+/* kiss_fft.h
+ defines kiss_fft_scalar as either short or a float type
+ and defines
+ typedef struct { kiss_fft_scalar r; kiss_fft_scalar i; }kiss_fft_cpx; */
+#ifndef _kiss_fft_guts_h
+#define _kiss_fft_guts_h
+#include "kiss_fft.h"
+#include "kiss_fft_log.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#define MAXFACTORS 32
+/* e.g. an fft of length 128 has 4 factors
+ as far as kissfft is concerned
+ 4*4*4*2
+ */
+struct kiss_fft_state{
+ int nfft;
+ int inverse;
+ int factors[2*MAXFACTORS];
+ kiss_fft_cpx twiddles[1];
+ Explanation of macros dealing with complex math:
+ C_MUL(m,a,b) : m = a*b
+ C_FIXDIV( c , div ) : if a fixed point impl., c /= div. noop otherwise
+ C_SUB( res, a,b) : res = a - b
+ C_SUBFROM( res , a) : res -= a
+ C_ADDTO( res , a) : res += a
+ * */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if (FIXED_POINT==32)
+# define FRACBITS 31
+# define SAMPPROD int64_t
+#define SAMP_MAX INT32_MAX
+#define SAMP_MIN INT32_MIN
+# define FRACBITS 15
+# define SAMPPROD int32_t
+#define SAMP_MAX INT16_MAX
+#define SAMP_MIN INT16_MIN
+#if defined(CHECK_OVERFLOW)
+# define CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(a,op,b) \
+ if ( (SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b) > SAMP_MAX || (SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b) < SAMP_MIN ) { \
+ KISS_FFT_WARNING("overflow (%d " #op" %d) = %ld", (a),(b),(SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b)); }
+# define smul(a,b) ( (SAMPPROD)(a)*(b) )
+# define sround( x ) (kiss_fft_scalar)( ( (x) + (1<<(FRACBITS-1)) ) >> FRACBITS )
+# define S_MUL(a,b) sround( smul(a,b) )
+# define C_MUL(m,a,b) \
+ do{ (m).r = sround( smul((a).r,(b).r) - smul((a).i,(b).i) ); \
+ (m).i = sround( smul((a).r,(b).i) + smul((a).i,(b).r) ); }while(0)
+# define DIVSCALAR(x,k) \
+ (x) = sround( smul( x, SAMP_MAX/k ) )
+# define C_FIXDIV(c,div) \
+ do { DIVSCALAR( (c).r , div); \
+ DIVSCALAR( (c).i , div); }while (0)
+# define C_MULBYSCALAR( c, s ) \
+ do{ (c).r = sround( smul( (c).r , s ) ) ;\
+ (c).i = sround( smul( (c).i , s ) ) ; }while(0)
+#else /* not FIXED_POINT*/
+# define S_MUL(a,b) ( (a)*(b) )
+#define C_MUL(m,a,b) \
+ do{ (m).r = (a).r*(b).r - (a).i*(b).i;\
+ (m).i = (a).r*(b).i + (a).i*(b).r; }while(0)
+# define C_FIXDIV(c,div) /* NOOP */
+# define C_MULBYSCALAR( c, s ) \
+ do{ (c).r *= (s);\
+ (c).i *= (s); }while(0)
+# define CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(a,op,b) /* noop */
+#define C_ADD( res, a,b)\
+ do { \
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).r,+,(b).r)\
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).i,+,(b).i)\
+ (res).r=(a).r+(b).r; (res).i=(a).i+(b).i; \
+ }while(0)
+#define C_SUB( res, a,b)\
+ do { \
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).r,-,(b).r)\
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).i,-,(b).i)\
+ (res).r=(a).r-(b).r; (res).i=(a).i-(b).i; \
+ }while(0)
+#define C_ADDTO( res , a)\
+ do { \
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).r,+,(a).r)\
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).i,+,(a).i)\
+ (res).r += (a).r; (res).i += (a).i;\
+ }while(0)
+#define C_SUBFROM( res , a)\
+ do {\
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).r,-,(a).r)\
+ CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).i,-,(a).i)\
+ (res).r -= (a).r; (res).i -= (a).i; \
+ }while(0)
+# define KISS_FFT_COS(phase) floor(.5+SAMP_MAX * cos (phase))
+# define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase) floor(.5+SAMP_MAX * sin (phase))
+# define HALF_OF(x) ((x)>>1)
+#elif defined(USE_SIMD)
+# define KISS_FFT_COS(phase) _mm_set1_ps( cos(phase) )
+# define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase) _mm_set1_ps( sin(phase) )
+# define HALF_OF(x) ((x)*_mm_set1_ps(.5))
+# define KISS_FFT_COS(phase) (kiss_fft_scalar) cos(phase)
+# define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase) (kiss_fft_scalar) sin(phase)
+# define HALF_OF(x) ((x)*((kiss_fft_scalar).5))
+#define kf_cexp(x,phase) \
+ do{ \
+ (x)->r = KISS_FFT_COS(phase);\
+ (x)->i = KISS_FFT_SIN(phase);\
+ }while(0)
+/* a debugging function */
+#define pcpx(c)\
+ KISS_FFT_DEBUG("%g + %gi\n",(double)((c)->r),(double)((c)->i))
+// define this to allow use of alloca instead of malloc for temporary buffers
+// Temporary buffers are used in two case:
+// 1. FFT sizes that have "bad" factors. i.e. not 2,3 and 5
+// 2. "in-place" FFTs. Notice the quotes, since kissfft does not really do an in-place transform.
+#include <alloca.h>
+#define KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC(nbytes) alloca(nbytes)
+#define KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(ptr)
+#define KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC(nbytes) KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nbytes)
+#define KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(ptr) KISS_FFT_FREE(ptr)
+#endif /* _kiss_fft_guts_h */