Measure amplifier non-linearity using two-tone signal ===================================================== HOWTO ----- # Take a USRP B200 # Connect its TX to the amplifier you want to measure # Connect the amp to an big enough attenuator # Connect to the B200 RX The amplitude ramp script is going to generate a two-tone (1kHz separation) signal at 222MHz, and record outgoing signal magnitude and phase difference against the source signal. The measurements are written into a CSV file. It's your job to ensure you don't overload the B200 input signal power (-15dBm last time I checked). First step is to gather some measurements: ./ --ampl-start 0.15 --ampl-stop 0.5 --ampl-step 0.01 --num-meas 300 --txgain 77 This creates a measurement.csv file you can analyse with ./ That's it for now.