Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://rd.csp.it/)
Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Matthias P. Braendli (http://opendigitalradio.org)
Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Stefan Pöschel (http://opendigitalradio.org)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
\file sls.h
\brief Slideshow related code
\author Sergio Sagliocco
\author Matthias P. Braendli
\author Stefan Pöschel
#ifndef SLS_H_
#define SLS_H_
#include "common.h"
#include "pad_common.h"
# include
# else
# include
# endif
// --- MSCDG -----------------------------------------------------------------
struct MSCDG {
// MSC Data Group Header (extension field not supported)
unsigned char extflag; // 1 bit
unsigned char crcflag; // 1 bit
unsigned char segflag; // 1 bit
unsigned char accflag; // 1 bit
unsigned char dgtype; // 4 bits
unsigned char cindex; // 4 bits
unsigned char rindex; // 4 bits
/// Session header - Segment field
unsigned char last; // 1 bit
unsigned short int segnum; // 16 bits
// Session header - User access field
unsigned char rfa; // 3 bits
unsigned char tidflag; // 1 bit
unsigned char lenid; // 4 bits - Fixed to value 2 in this implemntation
unsigned short int tid; // 16 bits
// MSC data group data field
// Mot Segmentation header
unsigned char rcount; // 3 bits
unsigned short int seglen; // 13 bits
// Mot segment
unsigned char* segdata;
// MSC data group CRC
unsigned short int crc; // 16 bits
// --- slide_metadata_t -----------------------------------------------------------------
/*! Between collection of slides and transmission, the slide data is saved
* in this structure.
struct slide_metadata_t {
// complete path to slide
std::string filepath;
// index, values from 0 to MAXSLIDEID, rolls over
int fidx;
// This is used to define the order in which several discovered
// slides are transmitted
bool operator<(const slide_metadata_t& other) const {
return this->fidx < other.fidx;
// --- fingerprint_t -----------------------------------------------------------------
/*! A simple fingerprint for each slide transmitted.
* Allows us to reuse the same fidx if the same slide
* is transmitted more than once.
struct fingerprint_t {
// file name
std::string s_name;
// file size, in bytes
off_t s_size;
// time of last modification
unsigned long s_mtime;
// assigned fidx, -1 means invalid
int fidx;
/*! The comparison is not done on fidx, only
* on the file-specific data
bool operator==(const fingerprint_t& other) const {
return (((s_name == other.s_name &&
s_size == other.s_size) &&
s_mtime == other.s_mtime));
void disp(void) {
printf("%s_%ld_%lu:%d\n", s_name.c_str(), s_size, s_mtime, fidx);
void load_from_file(const char* filepath)
struct stat file_attribue;
const char * final_slash;
stat(filepath, &file_attribue);
final_slash = strrchr(filepath, '/');
// load filename, size and mtime
// Save only the basename of the filepath
this->s_name.assign((final_slash == NULL) ? filepath : final_slash + 1);
this->s_size = file_attribue.st_size;
this->s_mtime = file_attribue.st_mtime;
this->fidx = -1;
// --- History -----------------------------------------------------------------
/*! We keep track of transmitted files so that we can retransmit
* identical slides with the same index, in case the receivers cache
* them.
* \c MAXHISTORYLEN defines for how how many slides we want to keep this
* history.
class History {
History() : History(MAXHISTORYLEN) {}
History(size_t hist_size) :
m_last_given_fidx(0) {}
void disp_database();
// controller of id base on database
int get_fidx(const char* filepath);
static const size_t MAXHISTORYLEN;
static const int MAXSLIDEID;
std::deque m_database;
size_t m_hist_size;
int m_last_given_fidx;
// find the fingerprint fp in database.
// returns the fidx when found,
// or -1 if not found
int find(const fingerprint_t& fp) const;
// add a new fingerprint into database
// returns its fidx
void add(fingerprint_t& fp);
// --- SlideStore -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SlideStore {
std::list slides;
History history;
static int FilterSlides(const struct dirent* file);
bool InitFromDir(const std::string& dir);
bool Empty() {return slides.empty();}
slide_metadata_t GetSlide();
// --- MOTHeader -----------------------------------------------------------------
class MOTHeader {
size_t header_size;
uint8_vector_t data;
void IncrementHeaderSize(size_t size);
void AddParamHeader(int pli, int param_id) {data.push_back((pli << 6) | (param_id & 0x3F));}
void AddExtensionFixedSize(int pli, int param_id, const uint8_t* data_field, size_t data_field_len);
void AddExtensionVarSize(int param_id, const uint8_t* data_field, size_t data_field_len);
MOTHeader(size_t body_size, int content_type, int content_subtype);
void AddExtension(int param_id, const uint8_t* data_field, size_t data_field_len);
const uint8_vector_t GetData() {return data;}
// --- SLSEncoder -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SLSEncoder {
static const size_t MAXSEGLEN;
static const size_t MAXSLIDESIZE;
static const int MINQUALITY;
static const std::string SLS_PARAMS_SUFFIX;
void warnOnSmallerImage(size_t height, size_t width, const std::string& fname);
size_t resizeImage(MagickWand* m_wand, unsigned char** blob, const std::string& fname, bool* jfif_not_png);
bool parse_sls_param_id(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, uint8_t &target);
bool check_sls_param_len(const std::string &key, size_t len, size_t len_max);
void process_mot_params_file(MOTHeader& header, const std::string ¶ms_fname);
uint8_vector_t createMotHeader(size_t blobsize, int fidx, bool jfif_not_png, const std::string ¶ms_fname);
void createMscDG(MSCDG* msc, unsigned short int dgtype,
int *cindex, unsigned short int segnum, unsigned short int lastseg,
unsigned short int tid, unsigned char* data,
unsigned short int datalen);
DATA_GROUP* packMscDG(MSCDG* msc);
PADPacketizer* pad_packetizer;
int cindex_header;
int cindex_body;
SLSEncoder(PADPacketizer* pad_packetizer) : pad_packetizer(pad_packetizer), cindex_header(0), cindex_body(0) {}
bool encodeSlide(const std::string& fname, int fidx, bool raw_slides);
static bool isSlideParamFileFilename(const std::string& filename);
#endif /* SLS_H_ */