/* Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://rd.csp.it/) Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Matthias P. Braendli (http://opendigitalradio.org) Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Stefan Pöschel (http://opendigitalradio.org) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*! \file pad_common.cpp \brief Common parts related to PAD \author Sergio Sagliocco \author Matthias P. Braendli \author Stefan Pöschel */ #include "pad_common.h" // --- DATA_GROUP ----------------------------------------------------------------- DATA_GROUP::DATA_GROUP(size_t len, int apptype_start, int apptype_cont) { this->data.resize(len); this->apptype_start = apptype_start; this->apptype_cont = apptype_cont; written = 0; } void DATA_GROUP::AppendCRC() { uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF; crc = odr::crc16(crc, &data[0], data.size()); crc = ~crc; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "crc=%04x ~crc=%04x\n", crc, ~crc); #endif data.push_back((crc & 0xFF00) >> 8); data.push_back((crc & 0x00FF)); } size_t DATA_GROUP::Available() { return data.size() - written; } int DATA_GROUP::Write(uint8_t *write_data, size_t len, int *cont_apptype) { size_t written_now = std::min(len, Available()); // fill up remaining bytes with zero padding memcpy(write_data, &data[written], written_now); memset(write_data + written_now, 0x00, len - written_now); // set app type depending on progress int apptype = written > 0 ? apptype_cont : apptype_start; written += written_now; // prevent continuation of a different DG having the same type if (cont_apptype) *cont_apptype = Available() > 0 ? apptype_cont : -1; return apptype; } // --- PADPacketizer ----------------------------------------------------------------- const size_t PADPacketizer::SUBFIELD_LENS[] = {4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48}; const size_t PADPacketizer::FPAD_LEN = 2; const size_t PADPacketizer::SHORT_PAD = 6; // F-PAD + 1x CI + 1x 3 bytes data sub-field const size_t PADPacketizer::VARSIZE_PAD_MIN = 8; // F-PAD + 1x CI + end marker + 1x 4 bytes data sub-field const size_t PADPacketizer::VARSIZE_PAD_MAX = 196; // F-PAD + 4x CI + 4x 48 bytes data sub-field const std::string PADPacketizer::ALLOWED_PADLEN = "6 (short X-PAD), 8 to 196 (variable size X-PAD)"; PADPacketizer::PADPacketizer(size_t pad_size) : xpad_size_max(pad_size - FPAD_LEN), short_xpad(pad_size == SHORT_PAD), max_cis(short_xpad ? 1 : 4), last_ci_type(-1) { ResetPAD(); } PADPacketizer::~PADPacketizer() { while (!queue.empty()) { delete queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); } } void PADPacketizer::AddDG(DATA_GROUP* dg, bool prepend) { queue.insert(prepend ? queue.begin() : queue.end(), dg); } void PADPacketizer::AddDGs(const std::vector& dgs, bool prepend) { queue.insert(prepend ? queue.begin() : queue.end(), dgs.cbegin(), dgs.cend()); } bool PADPacketizer::QueueFilled() { return !queue.empty(); } pad_t* PADPacketizer::GetPAD() { bool pad_flushable = false; // process DG queue while (!pad_flushable && !queue.empty()) { DATA_GROUP* dg = queue.front(); // repeatedly append DG while (!pad_flushable && dg->Available() > 0) pad_flushable = AppendDG(dg); if (dg->Available() == 0) { delete dg; queue.pop_front(); } } // (possibly empty) PAD return FlushPAD(); } void PADPacketizer::WriteAllPADs(int output_fd, int limit) { size_t error_count = 0; size_t error_bytes = 0; // output a limited amount of PADs (-1 = no limit) for (int i = 0; i != limit; i++) { pad_t* pad = GetPAD(); // if only F-PAD present, abort if (pad->back() == FPAD_LEN) { delete pad; break; } if (write(output_fd, &(*pad)[0], pad->size()) != (signed) pad->size()) { error_count++; error_bytes += pad->size(); } delete pad; } if (error_count) fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: Could not write %zu PAD(s) with %zu Bytes\n", error_count, error_bytes); } size_t PADPacketizer::AddCINeededBytes() { // returns the amount of additional bytes needed for the next CI // special cases: end marker added/replaced if (!short_xpad && used_cis == 0) return 2; if (!short_xpad && used_cis == (max_cis - 1)) return 0; return 1; } void PADPacketizer::AddCI(int apptype, int len_index) { ci_type[used_cis] = apptype; ci_len_index[used_cis] = len_index; xpad_size += AddCINeededBytes(); used_cis++; } int PADPacketizer::OptimalSubFieldSizeIndex(size_t available_bytes) { /*! Return the index of the optimal sub-field size by stepwise search (regards only Variable Size X-PAD): * - find the smallest sub-field able to hold (at least) all available bytes * - find the biggest regarding sub-field we have space for (which definitely exists - otherwise previously the PAD would have been flushed) * - if the wasted space is at least as big as the smallest possible sub-field, use a sub-field one size smaller */ int len_index = 0; while ((len_index + 1) < 8 && SUBFIELD_LENS[len_index] < available_bytes) len_index++; while ((len_index - 1) >= 0 && (SUBFIELD_LENS[len_index] + AddCINeededBytes()) > (xpad_size_max - xpad_size)) len_index--; if ((len_index - 1) >= 0 && ((int) SUBFIELD_LENS[len_index] - (int) available_bytes) >= (int) SUBFIELD_LENS[0]) len_index--; return len_index; } int PADPacketizer::WriteDGToSubField(DATA_GROUP* dg, size_t len) { int apptype = dg->Write(&subfields[subfields_size], len, &last_ci_type); subfields_size += len; xpad_size += len; return apptype; } bool PADPacketizer::AppendDG(DATA_GROUP* dg) { /*! use X-PAD w/o CIs instead of X-PAD w/ CIs, if we can save some bytes or at least do not waste additional bytes * * Omit CI list in case: * 1. no pending data sub-fields * 2. last CI type valid * 3. last CI type matching current (continuity) CI type * 4a. short X-PAD; OR * 4ba. size of the last X-PAD being at least as big as the available X-PAD payload in case all CIs are used AND * 4bb. the amount of available DG bytes being at least as big as the size of the last X-PAD in case all CIs are used */ if ( used_cis == 0 && last_ci_type != -1 && last_ci_type == dg->apptype_cont && (short_xpad || (last_ci_size >= (xpad_size_max - max_cis) && dg->Available() >= (last_ci_size - max_cis))) ) { AppendDGWithoutCI(dg); return true; } else { AppendDGWithCI(dg); // if no further sub-fields could be added, PAD must be flushed if (used_cis == max_cis || SUBFIELD_LENS[0] + AddCINeededBytes() > (xpad_size_max - xpad_size)) return true; } return false; } void PADPacketizer::AppendDGWithCI(DATA_GROUP* dg) { int len_index = short_xpad ? 0 : OptimalSubFieldSizeIndex(dg->Available()); size_t len_size = short_xpad ? 3 : SUBFIELD_LENS[len_index]; int apptype = WriteDGToSubField(dg, len_size); AddCI(apptype, len_index); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "PADPacketizer: added sub-field w/ CI - type: %2d, size: %2zu\n", apptype, len_size); #endif } void PADPacketizer::AppendDGWithoutCI(DATA_GROUP* dg) { #ifdef DEBUG int old_last_ci_type = last_ci_type; #endif WriteDGToSubField(dg, last_ci_size); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "PADPacketizer: added sub-field w/o CI - type: %2d, size: %2zu\n", old_last_ci_type, last_ci_size); #endif } void PADPacketizer::ResetPAD() { xpad_size = 0; subfields_size = 0; used_cis = 0; } pad_t* PADPacketizer::FlushPAD() { pad_t* result = new pad_t(xpad_size_max + FPAD_LEN + 1); pad_t &pad = *result; size_t pad_offset = xpad_size_max; if (subfields_size > 0) { if (used_cis > 0) { // X-PAD: CIs for (size_t i = 0; i < used_cis; i++) pad[--pad_offset] = (short_xpad ? 0 : ci_len_index[i]) << 5 | ci_type[i]; // X-PAD: end marker (if needed) if (used_cis < max_cis) pad[--pad_offset] = 0x00; } // X-PAD: sub-fields (reversed on-the-fly) for (size_t off = 0; off < subfields_size; off++) pad[--pad_offset] = subfields[off]; } else { // no X-PAD last_ci_type = -1; } // zero padding memset(&pad[0], 0x00, pad_offset); // F-PAD pad[xpad_size_max + 0] = subfields_size > 0 ? (short_xpad ? 0x10 : 0x20) : 0x00; pad[xpad_size_max + 1] = subfields_size > 0 ? (used_cis > 0 ? 0x02 : 0x00) : 0x00; // used PAD len pad[xpad_size_max + FPAD_LEN] = xpad_size + FPAD_LEN; last_ci_size = xpad_size; ResetPAD(); return result; } DATA_GROUP* PADPacketizer::CreateDataGroupLengthIndicator(size_t len) { DATA_GROUP* dg = new DATA_GROUP(2, 1, 1); // continuation never used (except for comparison at short X-PAD) uint8_vector_t &data = dg->data; // Data Group length data[0] = (len & 0x3F00) >> 8; data[1] = (len & 0x00FF); // CRC dg->AppendCRC(); return dg; } bool PADPacketizer::CheckPADLen(size_t len) { return len == PADPacketizer::SHORT_PAD || (len >= PADPacketizer::VARSIZE_PAD_MIN && len <= PADPacketizer::VARSIZE_PAD_MAX); }