/* Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://rd.csp.it/) Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Matthias P. Braendli (http://opendigitalradio.org) Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Stefan Pöschel (http://opendigitalradio.org) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*! \file odr-padenc.cpp \brief Generate PAD data for MOT Slideshow and DLS \author Sergio Sagliocco \author Matthias P. Braendli \author Stefan Pöschel */ #include "odr-padenc.h" static PadEncoder *pad_encoder = NULL; static void break_handler(int) { fprintf(stderr, "...ODR-PadEnc exits...\n"); if(pad_encoder) pad_encoder->DoExit(); } static void header() { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc %s - DAB PAD encoder for MOT Slideshow and DLS\n\n" "By CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. (http://rd.csp.it/) and\n" "Opendigitalradio.org\n\n" "Reads image data from the specified directory, DLS text from a file,\n" "and outputs PAD data to the given FIFO.\n" " https://opendigitalradio.org\n\n", #if defined(GITVERSION) GITVERSION #else PACKAGE_VERSION #endif ); } static void usage(const char* name) { PadEncoderOptions options_default; fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS...]\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " -d, --dir=DIRNAME Directory to read images from.\n" " -e, --erase Erase slides from DIRNAME once they have\n" " been encoded.\n" " -s, --sleep=DUR Wait DUR seconds between each slide\n" " Default: %d\n" " --dump-current-slide=F1 Write the slide currently being transmitted to the file F1\n" " --dump-completed-slide=F2 Once the slide is transmitted, move the file from F1 to F2\n" " Works only in uniform mode\n" " -o, --output=FILENAME FIFO to write PAD data into.\n" " Default: %s\n" " -t, --dls=FILENAME FIFO or file to read DLS text from.\n" " If specified more than once, use next file after slide switch (for uniform PAD encoder, -l is used instead).\n" " -p, --pad=LENGTH Set the PAD length in bytes.\n" " Possible values: %s\n" " Default: %zu\n" " -c, --charset=ID ID of the character set encoding used for DLS text input.\n" " ID = 0: Complete EBU Latin based repertoire\n" " ID = 6: ISO/IEC 10646 using UCS-2 BE\n" " ID = 15: ISO/IEC 10646 using UTF-8\n" " Default: 15\n" " -r, --remove-dls Always insert a DLS Remove Label command when replacing a DLS text.\n" " -C, --raw-dls Do not convert DLS texts to Complete EBU Latin based repertoire\n" " character set encoding.\n" " -I, --item-state=FILENAME FIFO or file to read the DL Plus Item Toggle/Running bits from (instead of the current DLS file).\n" " -m, --max-slide-size=SIZE Recompress slide if above the specified maximum size in bytes.\n" " Default: %zu (Simple Profile)\n" " -R, --raw-slides Do not process slides. Integrity checks and resizing\n" " slides is skipped. Use this if you know what you are doing !\n" " Slides whose name ends in _PadEncRawMode.jpg or _PadEncRawMode.png are always transmitted unprocessed, regardless of\n" " the -R option being set \n" " It is useful only when -d is used\n" " -v, --verbose Print more information to the console (may be used more than once)\n" " --version Print version information and quit\n" "\n" "Parameters for uniform PAD encoder only:\n" " -f, --frame-dur=DUR Enable the uniform PAD encoder and set the duration of one frame/AU in milliseconds.\n" " -l, --label=DUR Wait DUR seconds between each label (if more than one file used)\n" " Default: %d\n" " -L, --label-ins=DUR Insert label every DUR milliseconds\n" " Default: %d\n" " -i, --init-burst=COUNT Sets a PAD burst amount to initially fill the output FIFO\n" " Default: %d\n" " -X, --xpad-interval=COUNT Output X-PAD every COUNT frames/AUs (otherwise: only F-PAD)\n" " Default: %d\n", options_default.slide_interval, options_default.output, PADPacketizer::ALLOWED_PADLEN.c_str(), options_default.padlen, options_default.max_slide_size, options_default.label_interval, options_default.label_insertion, options_default.init_burst, options_default.xpad_interval ); } static std::string list_dls_files(std::vector dls_files) { std::string result = ""; for (const std::string& dls_file : dls_files) { if (!result.empty()) result += "/"; result += "'" + dls_file + "'"; } return result; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Version handling is done very early to ensure nothing else but the version gets printed out if (argc == 2 and strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", #if defined(GITVERSION) GITVERSION #else PACKAGE_VERSION #endif ); return 0; } header(); // get/check options PadEncoderOptions options; const struct option longopts[] = { {"charset", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"raw-dls", no_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"remove-dls", no_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"dir", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"erase", no_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"output", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"dls", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"item-state", required_argument, 0, 'I'}, {"pad", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"sleep", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"max-slide-size", required_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"raw-slides", no_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"frame-dur", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"label", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"label-ins", required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"init-burst", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"xpad-interval", required_argument, 0, 'X'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"dump-current-slide", required_argument, 0, 1}, {"dump-completed-slide", required_argument, 0, 2}, {0,0,0,0}, }; int ch; while((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "eChRrc:d:o:p:s:t:I:f:l:L:i:X:vm:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': options.dl_params.charset = (DABCharset) atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': options.dl_params.raw_dls = true; break; case 'r': options.dl_params.remove_dls = true; break; case 'd': options.sls_dir = optarg; break; case 'e': options.erase_after_tx = true; break; case 'o': options.output = optarg; break; case 's': options.slide_interval = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': // can be used more than once! options.dls_files.push_back(optarg); break; case 'I': options.item_state_file = optarg; break; case 'p': options.padlen = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': options.max_slide_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': options.raw_slides = true; break; case 'f': options.frame_dur = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': options.label_interval = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': options.label_insertion = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': options.init_burst = atoi(optarg); break; case 'X': options.xpad_interval = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 1: // dump-current-slide options.current_slide_dump_name = optarg; break; case 2: // dump-completed-slide options.completed_slide_dump_name = optarg; break; case '?': case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; } } if (!PADPacketizer::CheckPADLen(options.padlen)) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: PAD length %zu invalid: Possible values: %s\n", options.padlen, PADPacketizer::ALLOWED_PADLEN.c_str()); return 2; } if (options.max_slide_size > SLSEncoder::MAXSLIDESIZE_SIMPLE) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: max slide size %zu exceeds Simple Profile limit %zu\n", options.max_slide_size, SLSEncoder::MAXSLIDESIZE_SIMPLE); return 2; } if (options.sls_dir && not options.dls_files.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc encoding Slideshow from '%s' and DLS from %s to '%s' (PAD length: %zu)\n", options.sls_dir, list_dls_files(options.dls_files).c_str(), options.output, options.padlen); } else if (options.sls_dir) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc encoding Slideshow from '%s' to '%s' (PAD length: %zu). No DLS.\n", options.sls_dir, options.output, options.padlen); } else if (not options.dls_files.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc encoding DLS from %s to '%s' (PAD length: %zu). No Slideshow.\n", list_dls_files(options.dls_files).c_str(), options.output, options.padlen); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: Neither DLS nor Slideshow to encode !\n"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } const char* user_charset; switch (options.dl_params.charset) { case DABCharset::COMPLETE_EBU_LATIN: user_charset = "Complete EBU Latin"; break; case DABCharset::EBU_LATIN_CY_GR: user_charset = "EBU Latin core, Cyrillic, Greek"; break; case DABCharset::EBU_LATIN_AR_HE_CY_GR: user_charset = "EBU Latin core, Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Greek"; break; case DABCharset::ISO_LATIN_ALPHABET_2: user_charset = "ISO Latin Alphabet 2"; break; case DABCharset::UCS2_BE: user_charset = "UCS-2 BE"; break; case DABCharset::UTF8: user_charset = "UTF-8"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: Invalid charset!\n"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc using charset %s (%d)\n", user_charset, (int) options.dl_params.charset); if (not options.dl_params.raw_dls) { switch (options.dl_params.charset) { case DABCharset::COMPLETE_EBU_LATIN: // no conversion needed break; case DABCharset::UTF8: fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc converting DLS texts to Complete EBU Latin\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: DLS conversion to EBU is currently only supported for UTF-8 input!\n"); return 1; } } if (options.item_state_file) fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc reading DL Plus Item Toggle/Running bits from '%s'.\n", options.item_state_file); // TODO: check uniform PAD encoder options!? if (options.xpad_interval < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: The X-PAD interval must be 1 or greater!\n"); return 1; } // invoke selected encoder if (options.frame_dur) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc using uniform PAD encoder\n"); pad_encoder = new UniformPadEncoder(options); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc using burst PAD encoder\n"); pad_encoder = new BurstPadEncoder(options); } int result = pad_encoder->Main(); delete pad_encoder; return result; } // --- PadEncoder ----------------------------------------------------------------- int PadEncoder::Main() { output_fd = open(options.output, O_WRONLY); if (output_fd == -1) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: failed to open output"); return 3; } // check for FIFO struct stat fifo_stat; if (fstat(output_fd, &fifo_stat)) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: could not retrieve output file stat"); return 1; } if ((fifo_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFIFO) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: the output file must be a FIFO!\n"); return 3; } #if HAVE_MAGICKWAND MagickWandGenesis(); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc using ImageMagick version '%s'\n", GetMagickVersion(NULL)); #endif // handle signals if (signal(SIGINT, break_handler) == SIG_ERR) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: could not set SIGINT handler"); return 1; } if (signal(SIGTERM, break_handler) == SIG_ERR) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: could not set SIGTERM handler"); return 1; } if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: could not set SIGPIPE to be ignored"); return 1; } // invoke actual encoder int result = 0; while (!do_exit) { result = Encode(); // abort on error if (result) break; // sleep until next run std::this_thread::sleep_until(run_timeline); } // cleanup if (close(output_fd)) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: failed to close output"); return 1; } #if HAVE_MAGICKWAND MagickWandTerminus(); #endif return result; } int PadEncoder::CheckRereadFile(const std::string& type, const std::string& path) { struct stat path_stat; if (stat(path.c_str(), &path_stat)) { // ignore missing request file if (errno != ENOENT) { perror(("ODR-PadEnc Error: could not retrieve " + type +" re-read request file stat").c_str()); return -1; // error } return 0; // no re-read } else { // handle request fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc received %s re-read request!\n", type.c_str()); if (unlink(path.c_str())) perror(("ODR-PadEnc Error: erasing file '" + path +"' failed").c_str()); return 1; // re-read } } int PadEncoder::EncodeSlide(bool skip_if_already_queued) { // skip insertion, if desired and previous one not yet finished if (skip_if_already_queued && pad_packetizer.QueueContainsDG(SLSEncoder::APPTYPE_MOT_START)) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Warning: skipping slide insertion, as previous one still in transmission!\n"); return 0; } // check for slides dir re-read request int reread = CheckRereadFile("slides dir", std::string(options.sls_dir) + "/" + SLSEncoder::REQUEST_REREAD_FILENAME); switch (reread) { case 1: // re-read requested slides.Clear(); break; case -1: // error return 1; } // usually invoked once for (;;) { // try to read slides dir (if present) if (slides.Empty()) { if (!slides.InitFromDir(options.sls_dir)) return 1; slides_success = false; } // if slides available, encode the first one if (!slides.Empty()) { slide_metadata_t slide = slides.GetSlide(); if (sls_encoder.encodeSlide(slide.filepath, slide.fidx, options.raw_slides, options.max_slide_size, options.current_slide_dump_name)) { slides_success = true; if (options.erase_after_tx) { if (unlink(slide.filepath.c_str())) perror(("ODR-PadEnc Error: erasing file '" + slide.filepath +"' failed").c_str()); } } else { /* skip to next slide, except this is the last slide and so far * no slide worked, to prevent an infinite loop and because * re-reading the slides dir just moments later won't result in * a different amount of slides. */ bool skipping = !(slides.Empty() && !slides_success); fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Error: cannot encode file '%s'; %s\n", slide.filepath.c_str(), skipping ? "skipping" : "giving up for now"); if (skipping) continue; } } break; } return 0; } int PadEncoder::EncodeLabel(bool skip_if_already_queued) { // skip insertion, if desired and previous one not yet finished if (skip_if_already_queued && pad_packetizer.QueueContainsDG(DLSEncoder::APPTYPE_START)) { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc Warning: skipping label insertion, as previous one still in transmission!\n"); return 0; } dls_encoder.encodeLabel(options.dls_files[curr_dls_file], options.item_state_file, options.dl_params); return 0; } // --- BurstPadEncoder ----------------------------------------------------------------- const int BurstPadEncoder::DLS_REPETITION_WHILE_SLS = 50; // PADs int BurstPadEncoder::Encode() { int result = 0; // encode SLS if (options.SLSEnabled()) { result = EncodeSlide(false); if (result) return result; // while flushing, insert DLS (if present) after a certain PAD amout while (pad_packetizer.QueueFilled()) { if (options.DLSEnabled()) { result = EncodeLabel(false); if (result) return result; } pad_packetizer.WriteAllPADs(output_fd, DLS_REPETITION_WHILE_SLS); } } // encode (a last) DLS (if present) if (options.DLSEnabled()) { result = EncodeLabel(false); if (result) return result; // switch to next DLS file curr_dls_file = (curr_dls_file + 1) % options.dls_files.size(); } // flush all remaining PADs pad_packetizer.WriteAllPADs(output_fd); // schedule next run at next slide interval run_timeline += std::chrono::seconds(options.slide_interval); return 0; } // --- UniformPadEncoder ----------------------------------------------------------------- UniformPadEncoder::UniformPadEncoder(PadEncoderOptions options) : PadEncoder(options) { // PAD related timelines pad_timeline = steady_clock::now(); next_slide = pad_timeline; next_label = pad_timeline; next_label_insertion = pad_timeline; // consider initial burst run_timeline -= std::chrono::milliseconds(options.init_burst * options.frame_dur); // if multiple DLS files, ensure that initial increment leads to first one if (options.dls_files.size() > 1) curr_dls_file = -1; xpad_interval_counter = 0; } int UniformPadEncoder::Encode() { int result = 0; // handle SLS if (options.SLSEnabled()) { // Check if slide transmission is complete if ( not options.completed_slide_dump_name.empty() and not options.current_slide_dump_name.empty() and not pad_packetizer.QueueContainsDG(SLSEncoder::APPTYPE_MOT_START)) { if (rename(options.current_slide_dump_name.c_str(), options.completed_slide_dump_name.c_str())) { if (errno != ENOENT) { perror("ODR-PadEnc Error: renaming completed slide file failed"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "ODR-PadEnc completed slide transmission.\n"); } } if (options.slide_interval > 0) { // encode slides regularly if (pad_timeline >= next_slide) { result = EncodeSlide(true); next_slide += std::chrono::seconds(options.slide_interval); } } else { // encode slide as soon as previous slide has been transmitted if (!pad_packetizer.QueueContainsDG(SLSEncoder::APPTYPE_MOT_START)) result = EncodeSlide(true); } } if (result) return result; // handle DLS if (options.DLSEnabled()) { // check for DLS re-read request for (size_t i = 0; i < options.dls_files.size(); i++) { int reread = CheckRereadFile("DLS file '" + options.dls_files[i] + "'", options.dls_files[i] + DLSEncoder::REQUEST_REREAD_SUFFIX); switch (reread) { case 1: // re-read requested // switch to desired DLS file curr_dls_file = i; next_label = pad_timeline + std::chrono::seconds(options.label_interval); // enforce label insertion next_label_insertion = pad_timeline; break; case -1: // error return 1; } } if (options.dls_files.size() > 1 && pad_timeline >= next_label) { // switch to next DLS file curr_dls_file = (curr_dls_file + 1) % options.dls_files.size(); next_label += std::chrono::seconds(options.label_interval); // enforce label insertion next_label_insertion = pad_timeline; } if (pad_timeline >= next_label_insertion) { // encode label result = EncodeLabel(true); next_label_insertion += std::chrono::milliseconds(options.label_insertion); } } if (result) return result; // flush one PAD (considering X-PAD output interval) pad_packetizer.WriteAllPADs(output_fd, 1, true, xpad_interval_counter == 0); pad_timeline += std::chrono::milliseconds(options.frame_dur); // schedule next run at next frame/AU run_timeline += std::chrono::milliseconds(options.frame_dur); // update X-PAD output interval counter xpad_interval_counter = (xpad_interval_counter + 1) % options.xpad_interval; return 0; }