ODR-PadEnc ========== ODR-PadEnc is an encoder for Programme Associated Data (PAD) and includes support for: * MOT Slideshow (including catSLS), according to ETSI EN 301 234 and TS 101 499 * DLS (including DL Plus), according to ETSI EN 300 401 and TS 102 980 To encode DLS and Slideshow data, the `odr-padenc` tool reads images from a folder and DLS text from a file, and generates the PAD data for the encoder. For detailed usage, see the usage screen of the tool with the `-h` option. More (recent) information is available on the [Opendigitalradio wiki](http://wiki.opendigitalradio.org/ODR-PadEnc) How to build ============= Requirements: * a C++11 compiler * ImageMagick MagickWand (optional, for MOT Slideshow), version 6 (legacy) or 7 To install MagickWand on Debian or Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev To compile and install ODR-PadEnc: ./bootstrap ./configure make sudo make install ImageMagick and Debian Jessie/Ubuntu 16.04 ------------------------------------------ Please note that Debian Jessie and Ubuntu 16.04 shipped a version of ImageMagick that was affected by two memory leaks (see #2, and also Ubuntu's [#1671630](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/1671630) and [#1680543](https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/imagemagick/+bug/1680543)). Hence ODR-PadEnc increasingly consumed memory until it crashed. This has been fixed with the following package versions: - Debian Jessie: 8: - Ubuntu 16.04: 8: Usage of MOT Slideshow and DLS ============================== `odr-padenc` reads images from the specified folder, and generates the PAD data for the encoder. This is communicated through a FIFO to the encoder. It also reads DLS from a file, and includes this information in the PAD. If ImageMagick is available --------------------------- It can read all file formats supported by ImageMagick, and by default resizes them to 320x240 pixels, and compresses them as JPEG. If the input file is already a JPEG file of the correct size, and smaller than 50kB, it is sent without further compression. If the input file is a PNG that satisfies the same criteria, it is transmitted as PNG without any recompression. RAW Format ---------- If ImageMagick is not compiled in, or when enabled with the `-R` option, the images are not modified, and are transmitted as-is. Use this if you can guarantee that the generated files are smaller than 50kB and not larger than 320x240 pixels. It may be useful to apply [`optipng`](http://optipng.sourceforge.net) to any PNG file prior to transmission. Supported Encoders ------------------ `odr-audioenc` can insert the PAD data from `odr-padenc` into the bitstream. The MP2 encoder [Toolame-DAB](https://github.com/Opendigitalradio/toolame-dab) can also read `odr-padenc` data. This is an ongoing development. Make sure you use the same PAD length option for `odr-padenc` and the audio encoder. Only some PAD lengths are supported, please see `odr-padenc`'s help. Character Sets -------------- When `odr-padenc` is launched with the default character set options, it assumes that the DLS text in the file is encoded in UTF-8, and will convert it according to the DAB standard to the *Complete EBU Latin based repertoire* character set encoding. If you set the character set encoding to any other setting (except *Complete EBU Latin based repertoire* which needs no conversion), `odr-padenc` will abort, as it does not support any other conversion than from UTF-8 to *Complete EBU Latin based repertoire*. You can however use the `-C` option to transmit the untouched DLS text. In this case, it is your responsibility to ensure the encoding is valid. For instance, if your data is already encoded in *Complete EBU Latin based repertoire*, you must specify both `--charset=0` and `--raw-dls`. Known Limitations ================= Some receivers are unable to decode slides larger than some size, even within the allowed size limit given in the specification. Thanks ====== This encoder was initially called `mot-encoder` and has been contributed by [CSP](http://rd.csp.it).