/************************** MPEG-4 Transport Encoder ************************ (C) Copyright Fraunhofer IIS (2006) All Rights Reserved Please be advised that this software and/or program delivery is Confidential Information of Fraunhofer and subject to and covered by the Fraunhofer IIS Software Evaluation Agreement between Google Inc. and Fraunhofer effective and in full force since March 1, 2012. You may use this software and/or program only under the terms and conditions described in the above mentioned Fraunhofer IIS Software Evaluation Agreement. Any other and/or further use requires a separate agreement. $Id$ Author(s): Manuel Jander Description: MPEG Transport encode This software and/or program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this software and/or program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __TPENC_LIB_H__ #define __TPENC_LIB_H__ #include "tp_data.h" #include "FDK_bitstream.h" #define TRANSPORTENC_INBUF_SIZE 8192 typedef enum { TRANSPORTENC_OK = 0, /*!< All fine. */ TRANSPORTENC_NO_MEM, /*!< Out of memory. */ TRANSPORTENC_UNKOWN_ERROR = 1, /*!< Unknown error (embarrasing). */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_PARAMETER, /*!< An invalid parameter was passed to a function . */ TRANSPORTENC_PARSE_ERROR, /*!< Bitstream data contained inconsistencies (wrong syntax). */ TRANSPORTENC_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT, /*!< Unsupported transport format. */ TRANSPORTENC_NOT_ENOUGH_BITS, /*!< Out of bits. Provide more bits and try again. */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_CONFIG, /*!< Error in configuration. */ TRANSPORTENC_LATM_INVALID_NR_OF_SUBFRAMES, /*!< LATM: number of subframes out of range. */ TRANSPORTENC_LOAS_NOT_AVAILABLE, /*!< LOAS format not supported. */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_LATM_ALIGNMENT, /*!< AudioMuxElement length not aligned to 1 byte. */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_TRANSMISSION_FRAME_LENGTH, /*!< Invalid transmission frame length (< 0). */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_CELP_FRAME_LENGTH, /*!< Invalid CELP frame length found (>= 62). */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_FRAME_BITS, /*!< Frame bits is not 40 and not 80. */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_AOT, /*!< Unknown AOT found. */ TRANSPORTENC_INVALID_AU_LENGTH /*!< Invalid Access Unit length (not byte-aligned). */ } TRANSPORTENC_ERROR; typedef struct TRANSPORTENC *HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC; /** * \brief Determine a reasonable channel configuration on the basis of channel_mode. * \param noChannels Number of audio channels. * \return CHANNEL_MODE value that matches the given amount of audio channels. */ CHANNEL_MODE transportEnc_GetChannelMode( int noChannels ); /** * \brief Register SBR heaqder writer callback. * \param hTp Handle of transport decoder. * \param cbUpdateConfig Pointer to a callback function to handle SBR header writing. * \param user_data void pointer for user data passed to the callback as first parameter. * \return 0 on success. */ int transportEnc_RegisterSbrCallback ( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, const cbSbr_t cbSbr, void* user_data ); /** * \brief Register SSC writer callback. * \param hTp Handle of transport decoder. * \param cbUpdateConfig Pointer to a callback function to handle SSC writing. * \param user_data void pointer for user data passed to the callback as first parameter. * \return 0 on success. */ int transportEnc_RegisterSscCallback ( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, const cbSsc_t cbSsc, void* user_data ); /** * \brief Write ASC from given parameters. * \param asc A HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM where the ASC is written to. * \param config Structure containing the codec configuration settings. * \param cb callback information structure. * \return 0 on success. */ int transportEnc_writeASC ( HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM asc, CODER_CONFIG *config, CSTpCallBacks *cb ); /* Defintion of flags that can be passed to transportEnc_Open() */ #define TP_FLAG_MPEG4 1 /** MPEG4 (instead of MPEG2) */ #define TP_FLAG_LATM_AMV 2 /** LATM AudioMuxVersion */ #define TP_FLAG_LATM_AMVA 4 /** LATM AudioMuxVersionA */ /** * \brief Allocate transport encoder. * \param phTpEnc Pointer to transport encoder handle. * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_Open( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC *phTpEnc ); /** * \brief Init transport encoder. * \param bsBuffer Pointer to transport encoder. * \param bsBuffer Pointer to bitstream buffer. * \param bsBufferSize Size in bytes of bsBuffer. * \param transportFmt Format of the transport to be written. * \param config Pointer to a valid CODER_CONFIG struct. * \param flags Transport encoder flags. * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_Init( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, UCHAR *bsBuffer, INT bsBufferSize, TRANSPORT_TYPE transportFmt, CODER_CONFIG *config, UINT flags ); /** * \brief Get transport encoder bitstream. * \param hTp Pointer to a transport encoder handle. * \return The handle to the requested FDK bitstream. */ HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM transportEnc_GetBitstream( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTp ); /** * \brief Get amount of bits required by the transport headers. * \param hTp Handle of transport encoder. * \param auBits Amount of payload bits required for the current subframe. * \return Error code. */ INT transportEnc_GetStaticBits( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTp, int auBits ); /** * \brief Close transport encoder. This function assures that all allocated memory is freed. * \param phTp Pointer to a previously allocated transport encoder handle. */ void transportEnc_Close( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC *phTp ); /** * \brief Write one access unit. * \param hTp Handle of transport encoder. * \param total_bits Amount of total access unit bits. * \param bufferFullness Value of current buffer fullness in bits. * \param noConsideredChannels Number of bitrate wise considered channels (all minus LFE channels). * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_WriteAccessUnit( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTp, INT total_bits, int bufferFullness, int noConsideredChannels ); /** * \brief Inform the transportEnc layer that writing of access unit has finished. This function * is required to be called when the encoder has finished writing one Access * one Access Unit for bitstream housekeeping. * \param hTp Transport handle. * \param pBits Pointer to an int, where the current amount of frame bits is passed * and where the current amount of subframe bits is returned. * * OR: This integer is modified by the amount of extra bit alignment that may occurr. * * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_EndAccessUnit( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTp, int *pBits); /* * \brief Get a payload frame. * \param hTpEnc Transport encoder handle. * \param nBytes Pointer to an int to hold the frame size in bytes. Returns zero * if currently there is no complete frame for output (number of sub frames > 1). * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_GetFrame(HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, int *nbytes); /* ADTS CRC support */ /** * \brief Set current bitstream position as start of a new data region. * \param hTpEnc Transport encoder handle. * \param mBits Size in bits of the data region. Set to 0 if it should not be of a fixed size. * \return Data region ID, which should be used when calling transportEnc_CrcEndReg(). */ int transportEnc_CrcStartReg(HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, int mBits); /** * \brief Set end of data region. * \param hTpEnc Transport encoder handle. * \param reg Data region ID, opbtained from transportEnc_CrcStartReg(). * \return void */ void transportEnc_CrcEndReg(HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, int reg); /** * \brief Get AudioSpecificConfig or StreamMuxConfig from transport encoder handle and write it to dataBuffer. * \param hTpEnc Transport encoder handle. * \param cc Pointer to the current and valid configuration contained in a CODER_CONFIG struct. * \param dataBuffer Bitbuffer holding binary configuration. * \param confType Pointer to an UINT where the configuration type is returned (0:ASC, 1:SMC). * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_GetConf( HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, CODER_CONFIG *cc, FDK_BITSTREAM *dataBuffer, UINT *confType ); /** * \brief Get information (version among other things) of the transport encoder library. * \param info Pointer to an allocated LIB_INFO struct. * \return Error code. */ TRANSPORTENC_ERROR transportEnc_GetLibInfo( LIB_INFO *info ); #endif /* #ifndef __TPENC_LIB_H__ */