/******************************** MPEG Audio Encoder ************************** (C) Copyright Fraunhofer IIS (1999) All Rights Reserved Please be advised that this software and/or program delivery is Confidential Information of Fraunhofer and subject to and covered by the Fraunhofer IIS Software Evaluation Agreement between Google Inc. and Fraunhofer effective and in full force since March 1, 2012. You may use this software and/or program only under the terms and conditions described in the above mentioned Fraunhofer IIS Software Evaluation Agreement. Any other and/or further use requires a separate agreement. This software and/or program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this software and/or program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. $Id$ Initial author: M.Werner contents/description: Noiseless coder module ******************************************************************************/ #include "dyn_bits.h" #include "bit_cnt.h" #include "psy_const.h" #include "aacenc_pns.h" #include "aacEnc_ram.h" #include "aacEnc_rom.h" typedef INT (*lookUpTable)[CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1]; static INT FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits( const SECTION_INFO* const huffsection, const SHORT* const sideInfoTab, const INT useHCR ) { INT sideInfoBits; if ( useHCR && ((huffsection->codeBook == 11) || (huffsection->codeBook >= 16)) ) { sideInfoBits = 5; } else { sideInfoBits = sideInfoTab[huffsection->sfbCnt]; } return (sideInfoBits); } /* count bits using all possible tables */ static void FDKaacEnc_buildBitLookUp( const SHORT* const quantSpectrum, const INT maxSfb, const INT* const sfbOffset, const UINT* const sfbMax, INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], SECTION_INFO* const huffsection ) { INT i, sfbWidth; for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++) { huffsection[i].sfbCnt = 1; huffsection[i].sfbStart = i; huffsection[i].sectionBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT; huffsection[i].codeBook = -1; sfbWidth = sfbOffset[i + 1] - sfbOffset[i]; FDKaacEnc_bitCount(quantSpectrum + sfbOffset[i], sfbWidth, sfbMax[i], bitLookUp[i]); } } /* essential helper functions */ static INT FDKaacEnc_findBestBook( const INT* const bc, INT* const book, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT minBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT, j; int end = CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX; for (j = 0; j <= end; j++) { if (bc[j] < minBits) { minBits = bc[j]; *book = j; } } return (minBits); } static INT FDKaacEnc_findMinMergeBits( const INT* const bc1, const INT* const bc2, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT minBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT, j; int end = CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX; for (j = 0; j <= end; j++) { if (bc1[j] + bc2[j] < minBits) { minBits = bc1[j] + bc2[j]; } } return (minBits); } static void FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp( INT* const bc1, const INT* const bc2 ) { int j; for (j = 0; j <= CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX; j++) { bc1[j] = fixMin(bc1[j] + bc2[j], INVALID_BITCOUNT); } } static INT FDKaacEnc_findMaxMerge( const INT* const mergeGainLookUp, const SECTION_INFO* const huffsection, const INT maxSfb, INT* const maxNdx ) { INT i, maxMergeGain = 0; for (i = 0; i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt < maxSfb; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt) { if (mergeGainLookUp[i] > maxMergeGain) { maxMergeGain = mergeGainLookUp[i]; *maxNdx = i; } } return (maxMergeGain); } static INT FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain( const SECTION_INFO* const huffsection, const INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], const SHORT* const sideInfoTab, const INT ndx1, const INT ndx2, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT MergeGain, MergeBits, SplitBits; MergeBits = sideInfoTab[huffsection[ndx1].sfbCnt + huffsection[ndx2].sfbCnt] + FDKaacEnc_findMinMergeBits(bitLookUp[ndx1], bitLookUp[ndx2], useVCB11); SplitBits = huffsection[ndx1].sectionBits + huffsection[ndx2].sectionBits; /* Bit amount for splitted huffsections */ MergeGain = SplitBits - MergeBits; if ( (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO) || (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO) || (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO) ) { MergeGain = -1; } return (MergeGain); } /* sectioning Stage 0:find minimum codbooks */ static void FDKaacEnc_gmStage0( SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection, const INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], const INT maxSfb, const INT* const noiseNrg, const INT* const isBook ) { INT i; for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++) { /* Side-Info bits will be calculated in Stage 1! */ if (huffsection[i].sectionBits == INVALID_BITCOUNT) { /* intensity and pns codebooks are already allocated in bitcount.c */ if(noiseNrg[i] != NO_NOISE_PNS){ huffsection[i].codeBook=CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO; huffsection[i].sectionBits = 0; } else if( isBook[i] ) { huffsection[i].codeBook=isBook[i]; huffsection[i].sectionBits = 0; } else { huffsection[i].sectionBits = FDKaacEnc_findBestBook(bitLookUp[i], &(huffsection[i].codeBook), 0); /* useVCB11 must be 0!!! */ } } } } /* sectioning Stage 1:merge all connected regions with the same code book and calculate side info */ static void FDKaacEnc_gmStage1( SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection, INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], const INT maxSfb, const SHORT* const sideInfoTab, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT mergeStart = 0, mergeEnd; do { for (mergeEnd = mergeStart + 1; mergeEnd < maxSfb; mergeEnd++) { if (huffsection[mergeStart].codeBook != huffsection[mergeEnd].codeBook) break; /* we can merge. update tables, side info bits will be updated outside of this loop */ huffsection[mergeStart].sfbCnt++; huffsection[mergeStart].sectionBits += huffsection[mergeEnd].sectionBits; /* update bit look up for all code books */ FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp(bitLookUp[mergeStart], bitLookUp[mergeEnd]); } /* add side info info bits */ huffsection[mergeStart].sectionBits += FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[mergeStart], sideInfoTab, useVCB11); huffsection[mergeEnd - 1].sfbStart = huffsection[mergeStart].sfbStart; /* speed up prev search */ mergeStart = mergeEnd; } while (mergeStart < maxSfb); } /* sectioning Stage 2:greedy merge algorithm, merge connected sections with maximum bit gain until no more gain is possible */ static void FDKaacEnc_gmStage2( SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection, INT* const RESTRICT mergeGainLookUp, INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], const INT maxSfb, const SHORT* const sideInfoTab, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT i; for (i = 0; i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt < maxSfb; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt) { mergeGainLookUp[i] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection, bitLookUp, sideInfoTab, i, i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt, useVCB11); } while (TRUE) { INT maxMergeGain, maxNdx = 0, maxNdxNext, maxNdxLast; maxMergeGain = FDKaacEnc_findMaxMerge(mergeGainLookUp, huffsection, maxSfb, &maxNdx); /* exit while loop if no more gain is possible */ if (maxMergeGain <= 0) break; maxNdxNext = maxNdx + huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt; /* merge sections with maximum bit gain */ huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt += huffsection[maxNdxNext].sfbCnt; huffsection[maxNdx].sectionBits += huffsection[maxNdxNext].sectionBits - maxMergeGain; /* update bit look up table for merged huffsection */ FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp(bitLookUp[maxNdx], bitLookUp[maxNdxNext]); /* update mergeLookUpTable */ if (maxNdx != 0) { maxNdxLast = huffsection[maxNdx - 1].sfbStart; mergeGainLookUp[maxNdxLast] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection, bitLookUp, sideInfoTab, maxNdxLast, maxNdx, useVCB11); } maxNdxNext = maxNdx + huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt; huffsection[maxNdxNext - 1].sfbStart = huffsection[maxNdx].sfbStart; if (maxNdxNext < maxSfb) mergeGainLookUp[maxNdx] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection, bitLookUp, sideInfoTab, maxNdx, maxNdxNext, useVCB11); } } /* count bits used by the noiseless coder */ static void FDKaacEnc_noiselessCounter( SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData, INT mergeGainLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG], INT bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1], const SHORT* const quantSpectrum, const UINT* const maxValueInSfb, const INT* const sfbOffset, const INT blockType, const INT* const noiseNrg, const INT* const isBook, const INT useVCB11 ) { INT grpNdx, i; const SHORT *sideInfoTab = NULL; SECTION_INFO *huffsection; /* use appropriate side info table */ switch (blockType) { case LONG_WINDOW: case START_WINDOW: case STOP_WINDOW: sideInfoTab = FDKaacEnc_sideInfoTabLong; break; case SHORT_WINDOW: sideInfoTab = FDKaacEnc_sideInfoTabShort; break; } sectionData->noOfSections = 0; sectionData->huffmanBits = 0; sectionData->sideInfoBits = 0; if (sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup == 0) return; /* loop trough groups */ for (grpNdx = 0; grpNdx < sectionData->sfbCnt; grpNdx += sectionData->sfbPerGroup) { huffsection = sectionData->huffsection + sectionData->noOfSections; /* count bits in this group */ FDKaacEnc_buildBitLookUp(quantSpectrum, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, sfbOffset + grpNdx, maxValueInSfb + grpNdx, bitLookUp, huffsection); /* 0.Stage :Find minimum Codebooks */ FDKaacEnc_gmStage0(huffsection, bitLookUp, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, noiseNrg+grpNdx, isBook+grpNdx); /* 1.Stage :Merge all connected regions with the same code book */ FDKaacEnc_gmStage1(huffsection, bitLookUp, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, sideInfoTab, useVCB11); /* 2.Stage greedy merge algorithm, merge connected huffsections with maximum bit gain until no more gain is possible */ FDKaacEnc_gmStage2(huffsection, mergeGainLookUp, bitLookUp, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, sideInfoTab, useVCB11); /* compress output, calculate total huff and side bits since we did not update the actual codebook in stage 2 to save time, we must set it here for later use in bitenc */ for (i = 0; i < sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt) { if ((huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO) || (huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO) || (huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO)) { huffsection[i].sectionBits=0; } else { /* the sections in the sectionData are now marked with the optimal code book */ FDKaacEnc_findBestBook(bitLookUp[i], &(huffsection[i].codeBook), useVCB11); sectionData->huffmanBits += huffsection[i].sectionBits - FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[i], sideInfoTab, useVCB11); } huffsection[i].sfbStart += grpNdx; /* sum up side info bits (section data bits) */ sectionData->sideInfoBits += FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[i], sideInfoTab, useVCB11); sectionData->huffsection[sectionData->noOfSections++] = huffsection[i]; } } } /******************************************************************************* functionname: FDKaacEnc_scfCount returns : --- description : count bits used by scalefactors. not in all cases if maxValueInSfb[] == 0 we set deltaScf to zero. only if the difference of the last and future scalefacGain is not greater then CODE_BOOK_SCF_LAV (60). example: ^ scalefacGain | | | last 75 | | | | | | | | current 50 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | future 5 | | | | --- ... ---------------------------- ... ---------> sfb if maxValueInSfb[] of current is zero because of a notfallstrategie, we do not save bits and transmit a deltaScf of 25. otherwise the deltaScf between the last scalfacGain (75) and the future scalefacGain (5) is 70. ********************************************************************************/ static void FDKaacEnc_scfCount( const INT* const scalefacGain, const UINT* const maxValueInSfb, SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData, const INT* const isScale ) { INT i, j, k, m, n; INT lastValScf = 0; INT deltaScf = 0; INT found = 0; INT scfSkipCounter = 0; INT lastValIs = 0; sectionData->scalefacBits = 0; if (scalefacGain == NULL) return; sectionData->firstScf = 0; for (i=0; inoOfSections; i++) { if (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO) { sectionData->firstScf = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart; lastValScf = scalefacGain[sectionData->firstScf]; break; } } for (i=0; inoOfSections; i++) { if ((sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO) || (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO)) { for (j = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart; j < sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt; j++) { INT deltaIs = isScale[j]-lastValIs; lastValIs = isScale[j]; sectionData->scalefacBits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaIs); } } /* Intensity */ else if ((sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO) && (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO)) { INT tmp = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt; for (j = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart; jnoOfSections) && (found == 0); m++) { if ((sectionData->huffsection[m].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO) && (sectionData->huffsection[m].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO)) { INT end = sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbCnt; for (n = sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbStart; nscalefacBits += FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaScf); } } } /* for (i=0; inoOfSections; i++) */ } #ifdef PNS_PRECOUNT_ENABLE /* preCount bits used pns */ /* estimate bits used by pns for correction of static bits */ /* no codebook switch estimation, see AAC LD FASTENC */ INT noisePreCount(const INT *noiseNrg, INT maxSfb) { INT noisePCMFlag = TRUE; INT lastValPns = 0, deltaPns; int i, bits=0; for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++) { if (noiseNrg[i] != NO_NOISE_PNS) { if (noisePCMFlag) { bits+=PNS_PCM_BITS; lastValPns = noiseNrg[i]; noisePCMFlag = FALSE; }else { deltaPns = noiseNrg[i]-lastValPns; lastValPns = noiseNrg[i]; bits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaPns); } } } return ( bits ); } #endif /* PNS_PRECOUNT_ENABLE */ /* count bits used by pns */ static void FDKaacEnc_noiseCount( SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData, const INT* const noiseNrg ) { INT noisePCMFlag = TRUE; INT lastValPns = 0, deltaPns; int i, j; sectionData->noiseNrgBits = 0; for (i = 0; i < sectionData->noOfSections; i++) { if (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO) { int sfbStart = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart; int sfbEnd = sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt; for (j=sfbStart; jnoiseNrgBits+=PNS_PCM_BITS; lastValPns = noiseNrg[j]; noisePCMFlag = FALSE; } else { deltaPns = noiseNrg[j]-lastValPns; lastValPns = noiseNrg[j]; sectionData->noiseNrgBits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaPns); } } } } } INT FDKaacEnc_dynBitCount( BITCNTR_STATE* const hBC, const SHORT* const quantSpectrum, const UINT* const maxValueInSfb, const INT* const scalefac, const INT blockType, const INT sfbCnt, const INT maxSfbPerGroup, const INT sfbPerGroup, const INT* const sfbOffset, SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData, const INT* const noiseNrg, const INT* const isBook, const INT* const isScale, const UINT syntaxFlags ) { sectionData->blockType = blockType; sectionData->sfbCnt = sfbCnt; sectionData->sfbPerGroup = sfbPerGroup; sectionData->noOfGroups = sfbCnt / sfbPerGroup; sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup = maxSfbPerGroup; FDKaacEnc_noiselessCounter( sectionData, hBC->mergeGainLookUp, (lookUpTable)hBC->bitLookUp, quantSpectrum, maxValueInSfb, sfbOffset, blockType, noiseNrg, isBook, (syntaxFlags & AC_ER_VCB11)?1:0); FDKaacEnc_scfCount( scalefac, maxValueInSfb, sectionData, isScale); FDKaacEnc_noiseCount(sectionData, noiseNrg); return (sectionData->huffmanBits + sectionData->sideInfoBits + sectionData->scalefacBits + sectionData->noiseNrgBits); } INT FDKaacEnc_BCNew(BITCNTR_STATE **phBC ,UCHAR* dynamic_RAM ) { BITCNTR_STATE *hBC = GetRam_aacEnc_BitCntrState(); if (hBC) { *phBC = hBC; hBC->bitLookUp = GetRam_aacEnc_BitLookUp(0,dynamic_RAM); hBC->mergeGainLookUp = GetRam_aacEnc_MergeGainLookUp(0,dynamic_RAM); if (hBC->bitLookUp == 0 || hBC->mergeGainLookUp == 0) { return 1; } } return (hBC == 0) ? 1 : 0; } void FDKaacEnc_BCClose(BITCNTR_STATE **phBC) { if (*phBC!=NULL) { FreeRam_aacEnc_BitCntrState(phBC); } }