/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android © Copyright 1995 - 2020 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio. This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices. AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part of the MPEG specifications. Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer) may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only. Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality, are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional applications information and documentation. 2. COPYRIGHT LICENSE Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions: You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in source code form. You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form. You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form. The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without prior written permission. You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec software or your modifications thereto. Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term "Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term "Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android." 3. NO PATENT LICENSE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer, ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with respect to this software. You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized by appropriate patent licenses. 4. DISCLAIMER This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors "AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits, or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. 5. CONTACT INFORMATION Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL Am Wolfsmantel 33 91058 Erlangen, Germany www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm amm-info@iis.fraunhofer.de ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*********************** MPEG surround decoder library ************************* Author(s): Description: SAC Dec bitstream decoder *******************************************************************************/ #include "sac_bitdec.h" #include "sac_dec_errorcodes.h" #include "nlc_dec.h" #include "sac_rom.h" #include "FDK_matrixCalloc.h" #include "sac_tsd.h" enum { ottVsTotInactiv = 0, ottVsTotDb1Activ = 1, ottVsTotDb2Activ = 2, ottVsTotDb1Db2Activ = 3 }; static SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecDecodeHelperInfo( SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, UPMIXTYPE upmixType) { int i; UINT syntaxFlags; /* Determine bit stream syntax */ syntaxFlags = 0; switch (pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec) { case AOT_ER_AAC_ELD: case AOT_ER_AAC_LD: syntaxFlags |= SACDEC_SYNTAX_LD; break; case AOT_USAC: syntaxFlags |= SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC; break; case AOT_NONE: default: return MPS_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->syntaxFlags = syntaxFlags; switch (pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig) { case TREE_212: { pSpatialSpecificConfig->ottCLDdefault[0] = 0; } break; default: return MPS_INVALID_TREECONFIG; } if (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC) { if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhasePresent) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhase; } else { int numParameterBands; numParameterBands = pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes; switch (numParameterBands) { case 4: case 5: pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 2; break; case 7: pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 3; break; case 10: pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 5; break; case 14: pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 7; break; case 20: case 28: pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 10; break; default: return MPS_INVALID_PARAMETERBANDS; } } } else { pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = 0; } for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { { pSpatialSpecificConfig->bitstreamOttBands[i] = pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes; } { pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBands[i] = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bitstreamOttBands[i]; if (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC && !pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhasePresent) { if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding && pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig[i].bResidualPresent && (pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD < pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig[i].nResidualBands)) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD = pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig[i].nResidualBands; } } } } /* i */ return MPS_OK; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecParseExtensionConfig ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecParseExtensionConfig( HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *config, int numOttBoxes, int numTttBoxes, int numOutChan, int bitsAvailable) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; INT ba = bitsAvailable; config->sacExtCnt = 0; config->bResidualCoding = 0; ba = fMin((int)FDKgetValidBits(bitstream), ba); while ((ba >= 8) && (config->sacExtCnt < MAX_NUM_EXT_TYPES)) { int bitsRead, nFillBits; INT tmp; UINT sacExtLen; config->sacExtType[config->sacExtCnt] = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 4); ba -= 4; sacExtLen = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 4); ba -= 4; if (sacExtLen == 15) { sacExtLen += FDKreadBits(bitstream, 8); ba -= 8; if (sacExtLen == 15 + 255) { sacExtLen += FDKreadBits(bitstream, 16); ba -= 16; } } tmp = (INT)FDKgetValidBits( bitstream); /* Extension config payload start anchor. */ if ((tmp <= 0) || (tmp < (INT)sacExtLen * 8) || (ba < (INT)sacExtLen * 8)) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } switch (config->sacExtType[config->sacExtCnt]) { default:; /* unknown extension data => do nothing */ } /* skip remaining extension data */ bitsRead = tmp - FDKgetValidBits(bitstream); nFillBits = 8 * sacExtLen - bitsRead; if (nFillBits < 0) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } else { /* Skip fill bits or an unkown extension. */ FDKpushFor(bitstream, nFillBits); } ba -= 8 * sacExtLen; config->sacExtCnt++; } bail: return err; } SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecParseSpecificConfigHeader( HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE coreCodec, SPATIAL_DEC_UPMIX_TYPE upmixType) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; INT numFillBits; int sacHeaderLen = 0; int sacTimeAlignFlag = 0; sacTimeAlignFlag = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); sacHeaderLen = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 7); if (sacHeaderLen == 127) { sacHeaderLen += FDKreadBits(bitstream, 16); } numFillBits = (INT)FDKgetValidBits(bitstream); err = SpatialDecParseSpecificConfig(bitstream, pSpatialSpecificConfig, sacHeaderLen, coreCodec); numFillBits -= (INT)FDKgetValidBits(bitstream); /* the number of read bits (tmpBits) */ numFillBits = (8 * sacHeaderLen) - numFillBits; if (numFillBits < 0) { /* Parsing went wrong */ err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } /* Move to the very end of the SSC */ FDKpushBiDirectional(bitstream, numFillBits); if ((err == MPS_OK) && sacTimeAlignFlag) { /* not supported */ FDKreadBits(bitstream, 16); err = MPS_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG; } /* Derive additional helper variables */ SpatialDecDecodeHelperInfo(pSpatialSpecificConfig, (UPMIXTYPE)upmixType); return err; } SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecParseMps212Config( HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, int samplingRate, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE coreCodec, INT stereoConfigIndex, INT coreSbrFrameLengthIndex) { int i; FDKmemclear(pSpatialSpecificConfig, sizeof(SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG)); pSpatialSpecificConfig->stereoConfigIndex = stereoConfigIndex; pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreSbrFrameLengthIndex = coreSbrFrameLengthIndex; pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes = (SPATIALDEC_FREQ_RES)freqResTable[FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3)]; if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes == 0) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; /* reserved value */ } switch (coreCodec) { case AOT_DRM_USAC: pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX = (SPATIALDEC_FIXED_GAINS)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); /* tempShapeConfig = (bsTempShapeConfigDrm == 1) ? 3 : 0 */ pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig = (SPATIALDEC_TS_CONF)(FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1) * 3); pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig = (SPATIALDEC_DECORR_CONF)0; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsDecorrType = 0; break; case AOT_USAC: pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX = (SPATIALDEC_FIXED_GAINS)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig = (SPATIALDEC_TS_CONF)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig = (SPATIALDEC_DECORR_CONF)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig > 2) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; /* reserved value */ } pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsDecorrType = 0; break; default: return MPS_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots = (coreSbrFrameLengthIndex == 4) ? 64 : 32; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsHighRateMode = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); { pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPhaseCoding = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhasePresent = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhasePresent) { if (MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS < (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhase = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 5))) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } } else { pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhase = 0; } } if (stereoConfigIndex > 1) { /* do residual coding */ pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding = 1; pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig->bResidualPresent = 1; if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes < (pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig->nResidualBands = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 5))) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhase = fMax(pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsOttBandsPhase, pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig->nResidualBands); pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPseudoLr = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPhaseCoding) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPhaseCoding = 3; } } else { pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding = 0; pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig->bResidualPresent = 0; } if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig == 2) { switch (coreCodec) { case AOT_USAC: pSpatialSpecificConfig->envQuantMode = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); break; default: /* added to avoid compiler warning */ break; /* added to avoid compiler warning */ } } /* Static parameters */ pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq = samplingRate; /* wrong for stereoConfigIndex == 3 but value is unused */ pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig = SPATIALDEC_MODE_RSVD7; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOttBoxes; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nInputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numInputChannels; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOutputChannels; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bArbitraryDownmix = 0; for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->OttConfig[i].nOttBands = 0; } if (coreCodec == AOT_DRM_USAC) { /* MPS payload is MPEG conform -> no need for pseudo DRM AOT */ coreCodec = AOT_USAC; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec = coreCodec; /* Derive additional helper variables */ SpatialDecDecodeHelperInfo(pSpatialSpecificConfig, UPMIXTYPE_NORMAL); return MPS_OK; } SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecParseSpecificConfig( HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, int sacHeaderLen, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE coreCodec) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int i; int bsSamplingFreqIndex; int bsFreqRes, b3DaudioMode = 0; int numHeaderBits; int cfgStartPos, bitsAvailable; FDKmemclear(pSpatialSpecificConfig, sizeof(SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG)); cfgStartPos = FDKgetValidBits(bitstream); /* It might be that we do not know the SSC length beforehand. */ if (sacHeaderLen == 0) { bitsAvailable = cfgStartPos; } else { bitsAvailable = 8 * sacHeaderLen; if (bitsAvailable > cfgStartPos) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } } bsSamplingFreqIndex = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 4); if (bsSamplingFreqIndex == 15) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 24); } else { pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq = samplingFreqTable[bsSamplingFreqIndex]; if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq == 0) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } } pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 5) + 1; if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots < 1) || (pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots > MAX_TIME_SLOTS)) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } bsFreqRes = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes = (SPATIALDEC_FREQ_RES)freqResTable_LD[bsFreqRes]; { UINT treeConfig = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 4); switch (treeConfig) { case SPATIALDEC_MODE_RSVD7: pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig = (SPATIALDEC_TREE_CONFIG)treeConfig; break; default: err = MPS_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG; goto bail; } } { pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOttBoxes; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTttBoxes = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numTttBoxes; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nInputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numInputChannels; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOutputChannels; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->quantMode = (SPATIALDEC_QUANT_MODE)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); pSpatialSpecificConfig->bArbitraryDownmix = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX = (SPATIALDEC_FIXED_GAINS)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig = (SPATIALDEC_TS_CONF)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig > 2) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; /* reserved value */ } pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig = (SPATIALDEC_DECORR_CONF)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig > 2) { return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; /* reserved value */ } for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->OttConfig[i].nOttBands = 0; } for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTttBoxes; i++) { int bTttDualMode = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); /* not supported */ if (bTttDualMode) { FDKreadBits(bitstream, 8); /* not supported */ } } if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig == 2) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->envQuantMode = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); } if (b3DaudioMode) { if (FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2) == 0) { /* b3DaudioHRTFset ? */ int hc; int HRTFnumBand; int HRTFfreqRes = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3); int HRTFnumChan = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 4); int HRTFasymmetric = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); HRTFnumBand = freqResTable_LD[HRTFfreqRes]; for (hc = 0; hc < HRTFnumChan; hc++) { FDKpushFor(bitstream, HRTFnumBand * 6); /* HRTFlevelLeft[hc][hb] */ if (HRTFasymmetric) { FDKpushFor(bitstream, HRTFnumBand * 6); /* HRTFlevelRight[hc][hb] */ } if (FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1)) { /* HRTFphase[hc] ? */ FDKpushFor(bitstream, HRTFnumBand * 6); /* HRTFphaseLR[hc][hb] */ } if (FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1)) { /* HRTFicc[hc] ? */ FDKpushFor(bitstream, HRTFnumBand * 6); /* HRTFiccLR[hc][hb] */ } } } } FDKbyteAlign(bitstream, cfgStartPos); /* ISO/IEC FDIS 23003-1: 5.2. ... byte alignment with respect to the beginning of the syntactic element in which ByteAlign() occurs. */ numHeaderBits = cfgStartPos - (INT)FDKgetValidBits(bitstream); bitsAvailable -= numHeaderBits; if (bitsAvailable < 0) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->sacExtCnt = 0; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding = 0; err = SpatialDecParseExtensionConfig( bitstream, pSpatialSpecificConfig, pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes, pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTttBoxes, pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels, bitsAvailable); FDKbyteAlign( bitstream, cfgStartPos); /* Same alignment anchor as above because SpatialExtensionConfig() always reads full bytes */ pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec = coreCodec; SpatialDecDecodeHelperInfo(pSpatialSpecificConfig, UPMIXTYPE_NORMAL); bail: if (sacHeaderLen > 0) { /* If the config is of known length then assure that the bitbuffer is exactly at its end when leaving the function. */ FDKpushBiDirectional( bitstream, (sacHeaderLen * 8) - (cfgStartPos - (INT)FDKgetValidBits(bitstream))); } return err; } int SpatialDecDefaultSpecificConfig( SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE coreCodec, int samplingFreq, int nTimeSlots, int sacDecoderLevel, int isBlind, int numCoreChannels) { int err = MPS_OK; int i; FDK_ASSERT(coreCodec != AOT_NONE); FDK_ASSERT(nTimeSlots > 0); FDK_ASSERT(samplingFreq > 0); pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec = coreCodec; pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq = samplingFreq; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots = nTimeSlots; if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec == AOT_ER_AAC_LD)) pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes = SPATIALDEC_FREQ_RES_23; else pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes = SPATIALDEC_FREQ_RES_28; { pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig = SPATIALDEC_MODE_RSVD7; /* 212 configuration */ } { pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOttBoxes; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nInputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numInputChannels; pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig].numOutputChannels; } pSpatialSpecificConfig->quantMode = SPATIALDEC_QUANT_FINE_DEF; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bArbitraryDownmix = 0; pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding = 0; if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (pSpatialSpecificConfig->coreCodec == AOT_ER_AAC_LD)) pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX = SPATIALDEC_GAIN_RSVD2; else pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX = SPATIALDEC_GAIN_MODE0; pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig = SPATIALDEC_TS_TPNOWHITE; pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig = SPATIALDEC_DECORR_MODE0; for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { pSpatialSpecificConfig->OttConfig[i].nOttBands = 0; } return err; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: coarse2fine ******************************************************************************* Description: Parameter index mapping from coarse to fine quantization Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static void coarse2fine(SCHAR *data, DATA_TYPE dataType, int startBand, int numBands) { int i; for (i = startBand; i < startBand + numBands; i++) { data[i] <<= 1; } if (dataType == t_CLD) { for (i = startBand; i < startBand + numBands; i++) { if (data[i] == -14) data[i] = -15; else if (data[i] == 14) data[i] = 15; } } } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: fine2coarse ******************************************************************************* Description: Parameter index mapping from fine to coarse quantization Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static void fine2coarse(SCHAR *data, DATA_TYPE dataType, int startBand, int numBands) { int i; for (i = startBand; i < startBand + numBands; i++) { /* Note: the if cases below actually make a difference (negative values) */ if (dataType == t_CLD) data[i] /= 2; else data[i] >>= 1; } } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: getStrideMap ******************************************************************************* Description: Index Mapping accroding to pbStrides Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static int getStrideMap(int freqResStride, int startBand, int stopBand, int *aStrides) { int i, pb, pbStride, dataBands, strOffset; pbStride = pbStrideTable[freqResStride]; dataBands = (stopBand - startBand - 1) / pbStride + 1; aStrides[0] = startBand; for (pb = 1; pb <= dataBands; pb++) { aStrides[pb] = aStrides[pb - 1] + pbStride; } strOffset = 0; while (aStrides[dataBands] > stopBand) { if (strOffset < dataBands) strOffset++; for (i = strOffset; i <= dataBands; i++) { aStrides[i]--; } } return dataBands; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: ecDataDec ******************************************************************************* Description: Do delta decoding and dequantization Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR ecDataDec( const SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame, UINT syntaxFlags, HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, LOSSLESSDATA *const llData, SCHAR (*data)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], SCHAR **lastdata, int datatype, int boxIdx, int startBand, int stopBand, SCHAR defaultValue) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int i, j, pb, dataSets, setIdx, bsDataPair, dataBands, oldQuantCoarseXXX; INT aStrides[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1] = {0}; dataSets = 0; for (i = 0; i < frame->numParameterSets; i++) { llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] = (SCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if ((frame->bsIndependencyFlag == 1) && (i == 0) && (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 1 || llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 2)) { /* This check catches bitstreams generated by older encoder that cause trouble */ return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } if ((i >= frame->numParameterSets - 1) && (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 2)) { /* The interpolation mode must not be active for the last parameter set */ return MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 3) { dataSets++; } } setIdx = 0; bsDataPair = 0; oldQuantCoarseXXX = llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprevParse; for (i = 0; i < frame->numParameterSets; i++) { if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 0) { for (pb = startBand; pb < stopBand; pb++) { lastdata[boxIdx][pb] = defaultValue; } oldQuantCoarseXXX = 0; } if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 3) { if (bsDataPair) { bsDataPair = 0; } else { bsDataPair = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); llData->bsFreqResStrideXXX[setIdx] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if (llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx] != oldQuantCoarseXXX) { if (oldQuantCoarseXXX) { coarse2fine(lastdata[boxIdx], (DATA_TYPE)datatype, startBand, stopBand - startBand); } else { fine2coarse(lastdata[boxIdx], (DATA_TYPE)datatype, startBand, stopBand - startBand); } } dataBands = getStrideMap(llData->bsFreqResStrideXXX[setIdx], startBand, stopBand, aStrides); for (pb = 0; pb < dataBands; pb++) { lastdata[boxIdx][startBand + pb] = lastdata[boxIdx][aStrides[pb]]; } if (boxIdx > MAX_NUM_OTT) return MPS_INVALID_BOXIDX; if ((setIdx + bsDataPair) > MAX_PARAMETER_SETS) return MPS_INVALID_SETIDX; /* DECODER_TYPE defined in FDK_tools */ DECODER_TYPE this_decoder_type = SAC_DECODER; if (syntaxFlags & (SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC | SACDEC_SYNTAX_RSVD50)) { this_decoder_type = USAC_DECODER; } else if (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_LD) { this_decoder_type = SAOC_DECODER; } err = (SACDEC_ERROR)EcDataPairDec( this_decoder_type, bitstream, data[boxIdx][setIdx + 0], data[boxIdx][setIdx + 1], lastdata[boxIdx], (DATA_TYPE)datatype, startBand, dataBands, bsDataPair, llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx], !(frame->bsIndependencyFlag && (i == 0)) || (setIdx > 0)); if (err != MPS_OK) goto bail; if (datatype == t_IPD) { const SCHAR mask = (llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx]) ? 7 : 15; for (pb = 0; pb < dataBands; pb++) { for (j = aStrides[pb]; j < aStrides[pb + 1]; j++) { lastdata[boxIdx][j] = data[boxIdx][setIdx + bsDataPair][startBand + pb] & mask; } } } else { for (pb = 0; pb < dataBands; pb++) { for (j = aStrides[pb]; j < aStrides[pb + 1]; j++) { lastdata[boxIdx][j] = data[boxIdx][setIdx + bsDataPair][startBand + pb]; } } } oldQuantCoarseXXX = llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx]; if (bsDataPair) { llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx + 1] = llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx]; llData->bsFreqResStrideXXX[setIdx + 1] = llData->bsFreqResStrideXXX[setIdx]; } setIdx += bsDataPair + 1; } /* !bsDataPair */ } /* llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 3 */ } llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprevParse = oldQuantCoarseXXX; bail: return err; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: parseArbitraryDownmixData ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR parseArbitraryDownmixData( spatialDec *self, const SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSSC, const UINT syntaxFlags, const SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame, HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int ch; int offset = pSSC->nOttBoxes; /* CLD (arbitrary down-mix gains) */ for (ch = 0; ch < pSSC->nInputChannels; ch++) { err = ecDataDec(frame, syntaxFlags, bitstream, &frame->CLDLosslessData[offset + ch], frame->cmpArbdmxGainIdx, self->cmpArbdmxGainIdxPrev, t_CLD, ch, 0, pSSC->freqRes, arbdmxGainDefault); if (err != MPS_OK) return err; } return err; } /* parseArbitraryDownmixData */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecParseFrame ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static int nBitsParamSlot(int i) { int bitsParamSlot; bitsParamSlot = fMax(0, DFRACT_BITS - 1 - fNormz((FIXP_DBL)i)); if ((1 << bitsParamSlot) < i) { bitsParamSlot++; } FDK_ASSERT((bitsParamSlot >= 0) && (bitsParamSlot <= 32)); return bitsParamSlot; } SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecParseFrameData( spatialDec_struct *self, SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame, HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bitstream, const SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig, UPMIXTYPE upmixType, int fGlobalIndependencyFlag) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int bsFramingType, dataBands, ps, pg, i; int pb; int numTempShapeChan = 0; int bsNumOutputChannels = treePropertyTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig] .numOutputChannels; /* CAUTION: Maybe different to pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig in some modes! */ int paramSetErr = 0; UINT alignAnchor = FDKgetValidBits( bitstream); /* Anchor for ByteAlign() function. See comment below. */ UINT syntaxFlags; syntaxFlags = pSpatialSpecificConfig->syntaxFlags; if ((syntaxFlags & (SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC | SACDEC_SYNTAX_RSVD50)) && pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsHighRateMode == 0) { bsFramingType = 0; /* fixed framing */ frame->numParameterSets = 1; } else { bsFramingType = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); if (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_LD) frame->numParameterSets = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1) + 1; else frame->numParameterSets = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 3) + 1; } /* Any error after this line shall trigger parameter invalidation at bail * label. */ paramSetErr = 1; if (frame->numParameterSets >= MAX_PARAMETER_SETS) { goto bail; } /* Basic config check. */ if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->nInputChannels <= 0 || pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels <= 0) { err = MPS_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG; goto bail; } if (bsFramingType) { int prevParamSlot = -1; int bitsParamSlot; { bitsParamSlot = nBitsParamSlot(pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots); for (i = 0; i < frame->numParameterSets; i++) { frame->paramSlot[i] = FDKreadBits(bitstream, bitsParamSlot); /* Sanity check */ if ((frame->paramSlot[i] <= prevParamSlot) || (frame->paramSlot[i] >= pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots)) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } prevParamSlot = frame->paramSlot[i]; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < frame->numParameterSets; i++) { frame->paramSlot[i] = ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots * (i + 1)) / frame->numParameterSets) - 1; } } if ((syntaxFlags & (SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC | SACDEC_SYNTAX_RSVD50)) && fGlobalIndependencyFlag) { frame->bsIndependencyFlag = 1; } else { frame->bsIndependencyFlag = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); } /* * OttData() */ for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { err = ecDataDec(frame, syntaxFlags, bitstream, &frame->CLDLosslessData[i], frame->cmpOttCLDidx, self->cmpOttCLDidxPrev, t_CLD, i, 0, pSpatialSpecificConfig->bitstreamOttBands[i], pSpatialSpecificConfig->ottCLDdefault[i]); if (err != MPS_OK) { goto bail; } } /* i < numOttBoxes */ { for (i = 0; i < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; i++) { err = ecDataDec(frame, syntaxFlags, bitstream, &frame->ICCLosslessData[i], frame->cmpOttICCidx, self->cmpOttICCidxPrev, t_ICC, i, 0, pSpatialSpecificConfig->bitstreamOttBands[i], ICCdefault); if (err != MPS_OK) { goto bail; } } /* i < numOttBoxes */ } /* !oneICC */ if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig == SPATIALDEC_MODE_RSVD7) && (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPhaseCoding)) { frame->phaseMode = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); if (frame->phaseMode == 0) { for (pb = 0; pb < pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD; pb++) { self->cmpOttIPDidxPrev[0][pb] = 0; for (i = 0; i < frame->numParameterSets; i++) { frame->cmpOttIPDidx[0][i][pb] = 0; // frame->ottIPDidx[0][i][pb] = 0; } /* self->ottIPDidxPrev[0][pb] = 0; */ } frame->OpdSmoothingMode = 0; } else { frame->OpdSmoothingMode = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); err = ecDataDec(frame, syntaxFlags, bitstream, &frame->IPDLosslessData[0], frame->cmpOttIPDidx, self->cmpOttIPDidxPrev, t_IPD, 0, 0, pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD, IPDdefault); if (err != MPS_OK) { goto bail; } } } /* * SmgData() */ { if (!pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsHighRateMode && (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC)) { for (ps = 0; ps < frame->numParameterSets; ps++) { frame->bsSmoothMode[ps] = 0; } } else { for (ps = 0; ps < frame->numParameterSets; ps++) { frame->bsSmoothMode[ps] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); if (frame->bsSmoothMode[ps] >= 2) { frame->bsSmoothTime[ps] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); } if (frame->bsSmoothMode[ps] == 3) { frame->bsFreqResStrideSmg[ps] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 2); dataBands = (pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes - 1) / pbStrideTable[frame->bsFreqResStrideSmg[ps]] + 1; for (pg = 0; pg < dataBands; pg++) { frame->bsSmgData[ps][pg] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); } } } /* ps < numParameterSets */ } } /* * TempShapeData() */ if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig == 3) && (syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC)) { int TsdErr; TsdErr = TsdRead(bitstream, pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots, &frame->TsdData[0]); if (TsdErr) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } } else { frame->TsdData[0].bsTsdEnable = 0; } for (i = 0; i < bsNumOutputChannels; i++) { frame->tempShapeEnableChannelSTP[i] = 0; frame->tempShapeEnableChannelGES[i] = 0; } if ((pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig == 1) || (pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig == 2)) { int bsTempShapeEnable = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); if (bsTempShapeEnable) { numTempShapeChan = tempShapeChanTable[pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig - 1] [pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig]; switch (pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig) { case 1: /* STP */ for (i = 0; i < numTempShapeChan; i++) { int stpEnable = FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); frame->tempShapeEnableChannelSTP[i] = stpEnable; } break; case 2: /* GES */ { UCHAR gesChannelEnable[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]; for (i = 0; i < numTempShapeChan; i++) { gesChannelEnable[i] = (UCHAR)FDKreadBits(bitstream, 1); frame->tempShapeEnableChannelGES[i] = gesChannelEnable[i]; } for (i = 0; i < numTempShapeChan; i++) { if (gesChannelEnable[i]) { int envShapeData_tmp[MAX_TIME_SLOTS]; if (huff_dec_reshape(bitstream, envShapeData_tmp, pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots) != 0) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } for (int ts = 0; ts < pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots; ts++) { if (!(envShapeData_tmp[ts] >= 0) && (envShapeData_tmp[ts] <= 4)) { err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; goto bail; } frame->bsEnvShapeData[i][ts] = (UCHAR)envShapeData_tmp[ts]; } } } } break; default: err = MPS_INVALID_TEMPSHAPE; goto bail; } } /* bsTempShapeEnable */ } /* pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig != 0 */ if (pSpatialSpecificConfig->bArbitraryDownmix != 0) { err = parseArbitraryDownmixData(self, pSpatialSpecificConfig, syntaxFlags, frame, bitstream); if (err != MPS_OK) goto bail; } if (1 && (!(syntaxFlags & (SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC)))) { FDKbyteAlign(bitstream, alignAnchor); /* ISO/IEC FDIS 23003-1: 5.2. ... byte alignment with respect to the beginning of the syntactic element in which ByteAlign() occurs. */ } bail: if (err != MPS_OK && paramSetErr != 0) { /* Since the parameter set data has already been written to the instance we * need to ... */ frame->numParameterSets = 0; /* ... signal that it is corrupt ... */ } return err; } /* SpatialDecParseFrame */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: createMapping ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static void createMapping(int aMap[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1], int startBand, int stopBand, int stride) { int inBands, outBands, bandsAchived, bandsDiff, incr, k, i; int vDk[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1]; inBands = stopBand - startBand; outBands = (inBands - 1) / stride + 1; if (outBands < 1) { outBands = 1; } bandsAchived = outBands * stride; bandsDiff = inBands - bandsAchived; for (i = 0; i < outBands; i++) { vDk[i] = stride; } if (bandsDiff > 0) { incr = -1; k = outBands - 1; } else { incr = 1; k = 0; } while (bandsDiff != 0) { vDk[k] = vDk[k] - incr; k = k + incr; bandsDiff = bandsDiff + incr; if (k >= outBands) { if (bandsDiff > 0) { k = outBands - 1; } else if (bandsDiff < 0) { k = 0; } } } aMap[0] = startBand; for (i = 0; i < outBands; i++) { aMap[i + 1] = aMap[i] + vDk[i]; } } /* createMapping */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: mapFrequency ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static void mapFrequency(const SCHAR *pInput, /* Input */ SCHAR *pOutput, /* Output */ int *pMap, /* Mapping function */ int dataBands) /* Number of data Bands */ { int i, j; int startBand0 = pMap[0]; for (i = 0; i < dataBands; i++) { int startBand, stopBand, value; value = pInput[i + startBand0]; startBand = pMap[i]; stopBand = pMap[i + 1]; for (j = startBand; j < stopBand; j++) { pOutput[j] = value; } } } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: deq ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static int deqIdx(int value, int paramType) { int idx = -1; switch (paramType) { case t_CLD: if (((value + 15) >= 0) && ((value + 15) < 31)) { idx = (value + 15); } break; case t_ICC: if ((value >= 0) && (value < 8)) { idx = value; } break; case t_IPD: /* (+/-)15 * MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS for differential coding in frequency * domain (according to rbl) */ if ((value >= -420) && (value <= 420)) { idx = (value & 0xf); } break; default: FDK_ASSERT(0); } return idx; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: factorFunct ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ #define SF_IDX (7) #define SF_FACTOR (3) #define SCALE_FACTOR (1 << SF_FACTOR) #define SCALE_CLD_C1C2 (1 << SF_CLD_C1C2) static FIXP_DBL factorFunct(FIXP_DBL ottVsTotDb, INT quantMode) { FIXP_DBL factor; if (ottVsTotDb > FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0)) { ottVsTotDb = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0); } ottVsTotDb = -ottVsTotDb; switch (quantMode) { case 0: factor = FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f / SCALE_FACTOR); break; case 1: if (ottVsTotDb >= FL2FXCONST_DBL(21.0f / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) factor = FL2FXCONST_DBL(5.0f / SCALE_FACTOR); else if (ottVsTotDb <= FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) factor = FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f / SCALE_FACTOR); else factor = (fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.2f), ottVsTotDb) + FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.8f / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) << (SF_CLD_C1C2 - SF_FACTOR); break; case 2: if (ottVsTotDb >= FL2FXCONST_DBL(25.0f / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) { FDK_ASSERT(SF_FACTOR == 3); factor = (FIXP_DBL) MAXVAL_DBL; /* avoid warning: FL2FXCONST_DBL(8.0f/SCALE_FACTOR) */ } else if (ottVsTotDb <= FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) factor = FL2FXCONST_DBL(1.0f / SCALE_FACTOR); else factor = (fMult(FL2FXCONST_DBL(7.0f / 24.0f), ottVsTotDb) + FL2FXCONST_DBL((17.0f / 24.0f) / SCALE_CLD_C1C2)) << (SF_CLD_C1C2 - SF_FACTOR); break; default: factor = FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0f); } return (factor); } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: factorCLD ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static void factorCLD(SCHAR *idx, FIXP_DBL ottVsTotDb, FIXP_DBL *ottVsTotDb1, FIXP_DBL *ottVsTotDb2, SCHAR ottVsTotDbMode, INT quantMode) { FIXP_DBL factor; FIXP_DBL cldIdxFract; INT cldIdx; factor = factorFunct(ottVsTotDb, quantMode); cldIdxFract = fMult((FIXP_DBL)((*idx) << ((DFRACT_BITS - 1) - SF_IDX)), factor); cldIdxFract += FL2FXCONST_DBL(15.5f / (1 << (SF_FACTOR + SF_IDX))); cldIdx = fixp_truncateToInt(cldIdxFract, SF_FACTOR + SF_IDX); cldIdx = fMin(cldIdx, 30); cldIdx = fMax(cldIdx, 0); *idx = cldIdx - 15; if (ottVsTotDbMode & ottVsTotDb1Activ) (*ottVsTotDb1) = ottVsTotDb + dequantCLD_c1[cldIdx]; if (ottVsTotDbMode & ottVsTotDb2Activ) (*ottVsTotDb2) = ottVsTotDb + dequantCLD_c1[30 - cldIdx]; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: mapIndexData ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR mapIndexData( LOSSLESSDATA *llData, SCHAR ***outputDataIdx, SCHAR ***outputIdxData, const SCHAR (*cmpIdxData)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], SCHAR ***diffIdxData, SCHAR xttIdx, SCHAR **idxPrev, int paramIdx, int paramType, int startBand, int stopBand, SCHAR defaultValue, int numParameterSets, const int *paramSlot, int extendFrame, int quantMode, SpatialDecConcealmentInfo *concealmentInfo, SCHAR ottVsTotDbMode, FIXP_DBL (*pOttVsTotDbIn)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], FIXP_DBL (*pOttVsTotDb1)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], FIXP_DBL (*pOttVsTotDb2)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS]) { int aParamSlots[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS]; int aInterpolate[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS] = {0}; int dataSets; int aMap[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1]; int setIdx, i, band, parmSlot; int dataBands; int ps, pb; int i1; if (numParameterSets > MAX_PARAMETER_SETS) return MPS_WRONG_PARAMETERSETS; dataSets = 0; for (i = 0; i < numParameterSets; i++) { if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 3) { aParamSlots[dataSets] = i; dataSets++; } } setIdx = 0; /* Main concealment stage is here: */ SpatialDecConcealment_Apply( concealmentInfo, cmpIdxData[xttIdx], (diffIdxData != NULL) ? diffIdxData[xttIdx] : NULL, idxPrev[xttIdx], llData->bsXXXDataMode, startBand, stopBand, defaultValue, paramType, numParameterSets); /* Prepare data */ for (i = 0; i < numParameterSets; i++) { if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 0) { llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] = 0; for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band] = defaultValue; } for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { idxPrev[xttIdx][band] = outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band]; } /* Because the idxPrev are also set to the defaultValue -> signalize fine */ llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprev = 0; } if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 1) { for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band] = idxPrev[xttIdx][band]; } llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] = llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprev; } if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 2) { for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band] = idxPrev[xttIdx][band]; } llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] = llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprev; aInterpolate[i] = 1; } else { aInterpolate[i] = 0; } if (llData->bsXXXDataMode[i] == 3) { int stride; parmSlot = aParamSlots[setIdx]; stride = pbStrideTable[llData->bsFreqResStrideXXX[setIdx]]; dataBands = (stopBand - startBand - 1) / stride + 1; createMapping(aMap, startBand, stopBand, stride); mapFrequency(&cmpIdxData[xttIdx][setIdx][0], &outputIdxData[xttIdx][parmSlot][0], aMap, dataBands); for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { idxPrev[xttIdx][band] = outputIdxData[xttIdx][parmSlot][band]; } llData->state->bsQuantCoarseXXXprev = llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx]; llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] = llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[setIdx]; setIdx++; } if (diffIdxData != NULL) { for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band] += diffIdxData[xttIdx][i][band]; } } } /* for( i = 0 ; i < numParameterSets; i++ ) */ /* Map all coarse data to fine */ for (i = 0; i < numParameterSets; i++) { if (llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] == 1) { coarse2fine(outputIdxData[xttIdx][i], (DATA_TYPE)paramType, startBand, stopBand - startBand); llData->nocmpQuantCoarseXXX[i] = 0; } } /* Interpolate */ i1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < numParameterSets; i++) { if (aInterpolate[i] != 1) { i1 = i; } else { int xi, i2, x1, x2; for (i2 = i; i2 < numParameterSets; i2++) { if (aInterpolate[i2] != 1) break; } if (i2 >= numParameterSets) return MPS_WRONG_PARAMETERSETS; x1 = paramSlot[i1]; xi = paramSlot[i]; x2 = paramSlot[i2]; for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { int yi, y1, y2; y1 = outputIdxData[xttIdx][i1][band]; y2 = outputIdxData[xttIdx][i2][band]; if (x1 != x2) { yi = y1 + (xi - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); } else { yi = y1 /*+ (xi-x1)*(y2-y1)/1e-12*/; } outputIdxData[xttIdx][i][band] = yi; } } } /* for( i = 0 ; i < numParameterSets; i++ ) */ /* Dequantize data and apply factorCLD if necessary */ for (ps = 0; ps < numParameterSets; ps++) { if (quantMode && (paramType == t_CLD)) { if (pOttVsTotDbIn == 0) return MPS_WRONG_OTT; if ((pOttVsTotDb1 == 0) && (ottVsTotDbMode & ottVsTotDb1Activ)) return MPS_WRONG_OTT; if ((pOttVsTotDb2 == 0) && (ottVsTotDbMode & ottVsTotDb2Activ)) return MPS_WRONG_OTT; for (pb = startBand; pb < stopBand; pb++) { factorCLD(&(outputIdxData[xttIdx][ps][pb]), (*pOttVsTotDbIn)[ps][pb], (pOttVsTotDb1 != NULL) ? &((*pOttVsTotDb1)[ps][pb]) : NULL, (pOttVsTotDb2 != NULL) ? &((*pOttVsTotDb2)[ps][pb]) : NULL, ottVsTotDbMode, quantMode); } } /* Dequantize data */ for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputDataIdx[xttIdx][ps][band] = deqIdx(outputIdxData[xttIdx][ps][band], paramType); if (outputDataIdx[xttIdx][ps][band] == -1) { outputDataIdx[xttIdx][ps][band] = defaultValue; } } } /* for( i = 0 ; i < numParameterSets; i++ ) */ if (extendFrame) { if (paramType == t_IPD) { llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[numParameterSets] = llData->bsQuantCoarseXXX[numParameterSets - 1]; } for (band = startBand; band < stopBand; band++) { outputDataIdx[xttIdx][numParameterSets][band] = outputDataIdx[xttIdx][numParameterSets - 1][band]; } } return MPS_OK; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: decodeAndMapFrameOtt ******************************************************************************* Description: Do delta decoding and dequantization Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR decodeAndMapFrameOtt(HANDLE_SPATIAL_DEC self, SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *pCurBs) { int i, ottIdx; int numOttBoxes; SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; numOttBoxes = self->numOttBoxes; switch (self->treeConfig) { default: { if (self->quantMode != 0) { goto bail; } } for (i = 0; i < numOttBoxes; i++) { err = mapIndexData( &pCurBs->CLDLosslessData[i], /* LOSSLESSDATA *llData,*/ self->ottCLD__FDK, self->outIdxData, pCurBs ->cmpOttCLDidx, /* int cmpIdxData[MAX_NUM_OTT][MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], */ NULL, /* no differential data */ i, /* int xttIdx, Which ott/ttt index to use for input and output buffers */ self->ottCLDidxPrev, /* int idxPrev[MAX_NUM_OTT][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], */ i, t_CLD, 0, /* int startBand, */ self->pConfigCurrent->bitstreamOttBands[i], /* int stopBand, */ self->pConfigCurrent->ottCLDdefault[i], /* int defaultValue, */ pCurBs->numParameterSets, /* int numParameterSets) */ pCurBs->paramSlot, self->extendFrame, self->quantMode, &(self->concealInfo), ottVsTotInactiv, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err != MPS_OK) goto bail; } /* for(i = 0; i < numOttBoxes ; i++ ) */ break; } /* case */ for (ottIdx = 0; ottIdx < numOttBoxes; ottIdx++) { /* Read ICC */ err = mapIndexData( &pCurBs->ICCLosslessData[ottIdx], /* LOSSLESSDATA *llData,*/ self->ottICC__FDK, self->outIdxData, pCurBs ->cmpOttICCidx, /* int cmpIdxData[MAX_NUM_OTT][MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], */ self->ottICCdiffidx, /* differential data */ ottIdx, /* int xttIdx, Which ott/ttt index to use for input and output buffers */ self->ottICCidxPrev, /* int idxPrev[MAX_NUM_OTT][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS], */ ottIdx, t_ICC, 0, /* int startBand, */ self->pConfigCurrent->bitstreamOttBands[ottIdx], /* int stopBand, */ ICCdefault, /* int defaultValue, */ pCurBs->numParameterSets, /* int numParameterSets) */ pCurBs->paramSlot, self->extendFrame, self->quantMode, &(self->concealInfo), ottVsTotInactiv, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err != MPS_OK) goto bail; } /* ottIdx */ if ((self->treeConfig == TREE_212) && (self->phaseCoding)) { if (pCurBs->phaseMode == 0) { for (int pb = 0; pb < self->pConfigCurrent->numOttBandsIPD; pb++) { self->ottIPDidxPrev[0][pb] = 0; } } for (ottIdx = 0; ottIdx < numOttBoxes; ottIdx++) { err = mapIndexData( &pCurBs->IPDLosslessData[ottIdx], self->ottIPD__FDK, self->outIdxData, pCurBs->cmpOttIPDidx, NULL, ottIdx, self->ottIPDidxPrev, ottIdx, t_IPD, 0, self->numOttBandsIPD, IPDdefault, pCurBs->numParameterSets, pCurBs->paramSlot, self->extendFrame, self->quantMode, &(self->concealInfo), ottVsTotInactiv, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } bail: return MPS_OK; } /* decodeAndMapFrameOtt */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: decodeAndMapFrameSmg ******************************************************************************* Description: Decode smoothing flags Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR decodeAndMapFrameSmg(HANDLE_SPATIAL_DEC self, const SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame) { int ps, pb, pg, pbStride, dataBands, pbStart, pbStop, aGroupToBand[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1]; if (frame->numParameterSets > MAX_PARAMETER_SETS) return MPS_WRONG_PARAMETERSETS; if (self->bitstreamParameterBands > MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS) return MPS_WRONG_PARAMETERBANDS; for (ps = 0; ps < frame->numParameterSets; ps++) { switch (frame->bsSmoothMode[ps]) { case 0: self->smgTime[ps] = 256; FDKmemclear(self->smgData[ps], self->bitstreamParameterBands * sizeof(UCHAR)); break; case 1: if (ps > 0) { self->smgTime[ps] = self->smgTime[ps - 1]; FDKmemcpy(self->smgData[ps], self->smgData[ps - 1], self->bitstreamParameterBands * sizeof(UCHAR)); } else { self->smgTime[ps] = self->smoothState->prevSmgTime; FDKmemcpy(self->smgData[ps], self->smoothState->prevSmgData, self->bitstreamParameterBands * sizeof(UCHAR)); } break; case 2: self->smgTime[ps] = smgTimeTable[frame->bsSmoothTime[ps]]; for (pb = 0; pb < self->bitstreamParameterBands; pb++) { self->smgData[ps][pb] = 1; } break; case 3: self->smgTime[ps] = smgTimeTable[frame->bsSmoothTime[ps]]; pbStride = pbStrideTable[frame->bsFreqResStrideSmg[ps]]; dataBands = (self->bitstreamParameterBands - 1) / pbStride + 1; createMapping(aGroupToBand, 0, self->bitstreamParameterBands, pbStride); for (pg = 0; pg < dataBands; pg++) { pbStart = aGroupToBand[pg]; pbStop = aGroupToBand[pg + 1]; for (pb = pbStart; pb < pbStop; pb++) { self->smgData[ps][pb] = frame->bsSmgData[ps][pg]; } } break; } } self->smoothState->prevSmgTime = self->smgTime[frame->numParameterSets - 1]; FDKmemcpy(self->smoothState->prevSmgData, self->smgData[frame->numParameterSets - 1], self->bitstreamParameterBands * sizeof(UCHAR)); if (self->extendFrame) { self->smgTime[frame->numParameterSets] = self->smgTime[frame->numParameterSets - 1]; FDKmemcpy(self->smgData[frame->numParameterSets], self->smgData[frame->numParameterSets - 1], self->bitstreamParameterBands * sizeof(UCHAR)); } return MPS_OK; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: decodeAndMapFrameArbdmx ******************************************************************************* Description: Do delta decoding and dequantization Arguments: Input: Output: *******************************************************************************/ static SACDEC_ERROR decodeAndMapFrameArbdmx(HANDLE_SPATIAL_DEC self, const SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int ch; int offset = self->numOttBoxes; for (ch = 0; ch < self->numInputChannels; ch++) { err = mapIndexData(&frame->CLDLosslessData[offset + ch], self->arbdmxGain__FDK, self->outIdxData, frame->cmpArbdmxGainIdx, NULL, /* no differential data */ ch, self->arbdmxGainIdxPrev, offset + ch, t_CLD, 0, self->bitstreamParameterBands, 0 /*self->arbdmxGainDefault*/, frame->numParameterSets, frame->paramSlot, self->extendFrame, 0, &(self->concealInfo), ottVsTotInactiv, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err != MPS_OK) goto bail; } bail: return err; } /* decodeAndMapFrameArbdmx */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecDecodeFrame ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecDecodeFrame(spatialDec *self, SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *frame) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; self->extendFrame = 0; if (frame->paramSlot[frame->numParameterSets - 1] != self->timeSlots - 1) { self->extendFrame = 1; } self->TsdTs = 0; /****** DTDF and MAP DATA ********/ if ((err = decodeAndMapFrameOtt(self, frame)) != MPS_OK) goto bail; if ((err = decodeAndMapFrameSmg(self, frame)) != MPS_OK) goto bail; if (self->arbitraryDownmix != 0) { if ((err = decodeAndMapFrameArbdmx(self, frame)) != MPS_OK) goto bail; } if (self->extendFrame) { frame->numParameterSets = fixMin(MAX_PARAMETER_SETS, frame->numParameterSets + 1); frame->paramSlot[frame->numParameterSets - 1] = self->timeSlots - 1; for (int p = 0; p < frame->numParameterSets; p++) { if (frame->paramSlot[p] > self->timeSlots - 1) { frame->paramSlot[p] = self->timeSlots - 1; err = MPS_PARSE_ERROR; } } if (err != MPS_OK) { goto bail; } } bail: return err; } /* SpatialDecDecodeFrame() */ /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecodeHeader ******************************************************************************* Description: Arguments: Return: *******************************************************************************/ SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecDecodeHeader( spatialDec *self, SPATIAL_SPECIFIC_CONFIG *pSpatialSpecificConfig) { SACDEC_ERROR err = MPS_OK; int i; self->samplingFreq = pSpatialSpecificConfig->samplingFreq; self->timeSlots = pSpatialSpecificConfig->nTimeSlots; self->frameLength = self->timeSlots * self->qmfBands; self->bitstreamParameterBands = pSpatialSpecificConfig->freqRes; if (self->pConfigCurrent->syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_LD) self->hybridBands = self->qmfBands; else self->hybridBands = SacGetHybridSubbands(self->qmfBands); self->tp_hybBandBorder = 12; self->numParameterBands = self->bitstreamParameterBands; if (self->pConfigCurrent->syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_LD) { switch (self->numParameterBands) { case 4: self->kernels = kernels_4_to_64; break; case 5: self->kernels = kernels_5_to_64; break; case 7: self->kernels = kernels_7_to_64; break; case 9: self->kernels = kernels_9_to_64; break; case 12: self->kernels = kernels_12_to_64; break; case 15: self->kernels = kernels_15_to_64; break; case 23: self->kernels = kernels_23_to_64; break; default: return MPS_INVALID_PARAMETERBANDS; /* unsupported numParameterBands */ } } else { switch (self->numParameterBands) { case 4: self->kernels = kernels_4_to_71; break; case 5: self->kernels = kernels_5_to_71; break; case 7: self->kernels = kernels_7_to_71; break; case 10: self->kernels = kernels_10_to_71; break; case 14: self->kernels = kernels_14_to_71; break; case 20: self->kernels = kernels_20_to_71; break; case 28: self->kernels = kernels_28_to_71; break; default: return MPS_INVALID_PARAMETERBANDS; /* unsupported numParameterBands */ } } /* create param to hyb band table */ FDKmemclear(self->param2hyb, (MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1) * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < self->hybridBands; i++) { self->param2hyb[self->kernels[i] + 1] = i + 1; } { int pb = self->kernels[i - 1] + 2; for (; pb < (MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS + 1); pb++) { self->param2hyb[pb] = i; } for (pb = 0; pb < MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS; pb += 1) { self->kernels_width[pb] = self->param2hyb[pb + 1] - self->param2hyb[pb]; } } self->treeConfig = pSpatialSpecificConfig->treeConfig; self->numOttBoxes = pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOttBoxes; self->numInputChannels = pSpatialSpecificConfig->nInputChannels; self->numOutputChannels = pSpatialSpecificConfig->nOutputChannels; self->quantMode = pSpatialSpecificConfig->quantMode; self->arbitraryDownmix = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bArbitraryDownmix; self->numM2rows = self->numOutputChannels; { self->residualCoding = 0; if (self->arbitraryDownmix == 2) self->arbitraryDownmix = 1; /* no arbitrary downmix residuals */ } if ((self->pConfigCurrent->syntaxFlags & SACDEC_SYNTAX_USAC)) { self->residualCoding = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bResidualCoding; } self->clipProtectGain__FDK = FX_CFG2FX_DBL(clipGainTable__FDK[pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX]); self->clipProtectGainSF__FDK = clipGainSFTable__FDK[pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsFixedGainDMX]; self->tempShapeConfig = pSpatialSpecificConfig->tempShapeConfig; self->decorrConfig = pSpatialSpecificConfig->decorrConfig; if (self->upmixType == UPMIXTYPE_BYPASS) { self->numOutputChannels = self->numInputChannels; } self->numOutputChannelsAT = self->numOutputChannels; self->numOttBandsIPD = pSpatialSpecificConfig->numOttBandsIPD; self->phaseCoding = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsPhaseCoding; for (i = 0; i < self->numOttBoxes; i++) { { self->pConfigCurrent->bitstreamOttBands[i] = self->bitstreamParameterBands; } self->numOttBands[i] = self->pConfigCurrent->bitstreamOttBands[i]; } /* i */ if (self->residualCoding) { int numBoxes = self->numOttBoxes; for (i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { self->residualPresent[i] = pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig[i].bResidualPresent; if (self->residualPresent[i]) { self->residualBands[i] = pSpatialSpecificConfig->ResidualConfig[i].nResidualBands; /* conversion from hybrid bands to qmf bands */ self->residualQMFBands[i] = fMax(self->param2hyb[self->residualBands[i]] + 3 - 10, 3); /* simplification for the lowest 10 hybrid bands */ } else { self->residualBands[i] = 0; self->residualQMFBands[i] = 0; } } } /* self->residualCoding */ else { int boxes = self->numOttBoxes; for (i = 0; i < boxes; i += 1) { self->residualPresent[i] = 0; self->residualBands[i] = 0; } } switch (self->treeConfig) { case TREE_212: self->numDirektSignals = 1; self->numDecorSignals = 1; self->numXChannels = 1; if (self->arbitraryDownmix == 2) { self->numXChannels += 1; } self->numVChannels = self->numDirektSignals + self->numDecorSignals; break; default: return MPS_INVALID_TREECONFIG; } self->highRateMode = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsHighRateMode; self->decorrType = pSpatialSpecificConfig->bsDecorrType; SpatialDecDecodeHelperInfo(pSpatialSpecificConfig, UPMIXTYPE_NORMAL); return err; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecCreateBsFrame ******************************************************************************* Description: Create spatial bitstream structure Arguments: spatialDec* self const SPATIAL_BS_FRAME **bsFrame Return: - *******************************************************************************/ SACDEC_ERROR SpatialDecCreateBsFrame(SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *bsFrame, BS_LL_STATE *llState) { SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *pBs = bsFrame; const int maxNumOtt = MAX_NUM_OTT; const int maxNumInputChannels = MAX_INPUT_CHANNELS; FDK_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_1D_P( pBs->cmpOttIPDidx, maxNumOtt * MAX_PARAMETER_SETS * MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS, SCHAR, SCHAR(*)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS]) /* Arbitrary Downmix */ FDK_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_1D_P( pBs->cmpArbdmxGainIdx, maxNumInputChannels * MAX_PARAMETER_SETS * MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS, SCHAR, SCHAR(*)[MAX_PARAMETER_SETS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS]) /* Lossless control */ FDK_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->CLDLosslessData, MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS, LOSSLESSDATA) FDK_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->ICCLosslessData, MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS, LOSSLESSDATA) FDK_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->IPDLosslessData, MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS, LOSSLESSDATA) pBs->newBsData = 0; pBs->numParameterSets = 1; /* Link lossless states */ for (int x = 0; x < MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS; x++) { pBs->CLDLosslessData[x].state = &llState->CLDLosslessState[x]; pBs->ICCLosslessData[x].state = &llState->ICCLosslessState[x]; pBs->IPDLosslessData[x].state = &llState->IPDLosslessState[x]; } return MPS_OK; bail: return MPS_OUTOFMEMORY; } /******************************************************************************* Functionname: SpatialDecCloseBsFrame ******************************************************************************* Description: Close spatial bitstream structure Arguments: spatialDec* self Return: - *******************************************************************************/ void SpatialDecCloseBsFrame(SPATIAL_BS_FRAME *pBs) { if (pBs != NULL) { /* These arrays contain the compact indices, only one value per pbstride, * only paramsets actually containing data. */ FDK_FREE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->cmpOttIPDidx); /* Arbitrary Downmix */ FDK_FREE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->cmpArbdmxGainIdx); /* Lossless control */ FDK_FREE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->IPDLosslessData); FDK_FREE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->CLDLosslessData); FDK_FREE_MEMORY_1D(pBs->ICCLosslessData); } }