A patched version of fdk-aac with DAB+ support ============================================== This is a modified version of fdk-aac that supports the AOTs required for DAB+ encoding. This library is a dependency for [ODR-AudioEnc](https://github.com/Opendigitalradio/ODR-AudioEnc) See http://www.opendigitalradio.org for more Branches in this repository =========================== The dabplus branch points to a version that builds `libfdk-aac.so.1`. The dabplus2 branch points to a version that builds `libfdk-aac.so.2`. Installation ============ Make sure you have installed git, build-essential and automake, otherwise install them with `sudo apt-get install git build-essential automake`. $ git clone https://github.com/Opendigitalradio/fdk-aac.git $ cd fdk-aac/ $ ./bootstrap $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install