fdk-aac-dabplus =============== A standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android. This is 960-frames version of codec. Used for DAB+ boradcast encoding. Usage: aac-enc-dabplus [OPTION...] -b, --bitrate={ 8, 16, ..., 192 } Output bitrate in kbps. Must be 8 multiple. -i, --input=FILENAME Input filename (default: stdin). -o, --output=FILENAME Output filename (default: stdout). -a, --afterburner Turn on AAC encoder quality increaser. -f, --format={ wav, raw } Set input file format (default: wav). -c, --channels={ 1, 2 } Nb of input channels for raw input (default: 2). -r, --rate={ 32000, 48000 } Sample rate for raw input (default: 48000). How to build =============== * Download code and unpack it. * Download and install libfec from crc.ca website: http://mmbtools.crc.ca/content/view/39/65/ (follow instructions on that website). * do "./configure --enable-example", then "make" and "make install" * use aac-enc-dabplus to encode live stream or file. How to use =============== Scenario 1 (Live Stream enconding and preparing for DAB muxer): arecord -t raw -f S16_LE -c 2 -r 48000 -D plughw:CARD=Loopback,DEV=0,SUBDEV=0 | \ aac-enc-dabplus -b 24 -f raw -c 2 -r 48000 -i /dev/stdin -o /dev/stdout 2>/dev/null | \ mbuffer -q -m 10k -P 100 -s 360 > station1.fifo Scenario 2 (Wave file enconding): aac-enc-dabplus -a -b 64 -i wave_file.wav -o station1.dabp