2014-03-19: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li>
		Add snd-aloop scenario.
	* dabplus-enc-alsa-zmq:
		Support older version of libasound2, so that
		it compiles with debian stable.
		Repair 48kHz sample rate.
	* dabplus-enc-file-zmq:
		Add support for file output, which make
		dabplus-enc-file redundant.
	* dabplus-enc-file:
		Has been removed

2014-03-10: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li>
		Add -p option to mot-encoder.
		Add version numbers to each encoder.

2014-03-09: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li>
		Rename all tools in a consistent way and tidy
		them up.
		Add the alsa input with optional drift compensation.
		Add MOT Slideshow and PAD code from CSP.it
		Add new descriptions and scenarios to the README.

2014-02-11: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li>
		Initial release of fdk-aac-dabplus, based on
		forked from https://github.com/piratfm/fdk-aac-dabplus