2020-09-23: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v3.0.0): Replacement of PAD fifo with a socket, offering bidirectional communication with ODR-PadEnc. This is a breaking change, modifying also the command line options. Update the fdk-aac library to 2.0.1. 2020-05-26: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.6.1): Add --version option. Do not build toolame-dab and fdk-aac dynamic libraries, but link those statically into odr-audioenc. Improve silence detection. Minor changes in EDI output. 2020-04-23: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.6.0): Add GStreamer-based input. Add --identifier option for EDI output. Handle TCP connection automatically for EDI output and fix multi-output functionality. 2020-02-11: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.5.0): Integrate FDK-AAC into this repository. This removes the external dependency, and the issues with differing .so versions depending on the distribution. The included FDK is v2. Add TIST support for EDI output. 2019-07-31: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.4.1): Bugfix for regression in v2.4.0: Insertion of audio level metadata was broken. 2019-07-15: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.4.0): Add Stats output to Unix DGRAM socket, see `./example_stats_receiver.py`. Internal refactoring, with ongoing EDI output work (not yet complete) Avoid crashes when invalid command line options are given. 2018-10-11: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.3.1): Improve internal queue behaviour to avoid dropping data when not using drift compensation. Check for fdk-aac using pkg-config, to fix compilation on systems where both libfdk-aac.so.0 and libfdk-aac.so.1 are present. Set ZMQ socket linger time to 0, to fix some teardown lockups. 2018-03-21: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.3.0): Deprecate -R option. Allow usage of zeromq IPC socket. Improve portability. Deprecate autorestart, as it was not a good concept. Autorestart functionality is much better handled by an external supervisor. Improve a few mono scenarios. Fix .wav header write when using --decode option. Make compatible with VLC 3. 2017-11-18: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.2.0): Add a decoder option for loopback testing. Add a auto-restart option in case of input fault. PAD improvements for DAB and DAB+. Fix a few issues in mono. Unify internal API for all inputs and simplify implementation. Usage screen clarifications and minor internal fixes. 2017-03-10: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.1.0): Improve drift compensation quality, reduce occurrence of microglitches. VLC: Ask float samples to avoid that VLC chooses the ugly_resampler. Print libtoolame debug output to stderr instead of stdout. 2017-01-27: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.0.1): Increase internal VLC input buffers to fix interruptions occurring with some AAC streams. Fix compilation on some systems. Check for the correct version of FDK-AAC in the configure phase. 2016-09-16: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v2.0.0): The FDK-AAC-DABplus project was split in three repositories: ODR-AudioEnc, ODR-PadEnc and fdk-aac. This is ODR-AudioEnc, containing libtoolame-dab and odr-audioenc. * odr-audioenc: Remove libfec dependency 2016-09-02: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v1.2.0): * dabplus-enc: VLC input can extract Artist and Title from stream if available, for DL+ * mot-encoder: Try compressing slides to PNG if size is smaller than JPG. Fix memory leak in JPG compressor. 2016-07-30: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v1.1.0): * dabplus-enc: Fix inputs using drift compensation in DAB mode. This includes JACK, ALSA and VLC. Fix mono in DAB mode. Fix SCF-CRC insertion in DAB mode. * mot-encoder: Add DL+ support * developer documentation: Add a Doxygen target for the whole project. 2016-03-29: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v1.0.1): * dabplus-enc: Fix libtoolame-dab PAD insertion. 2016-03-26: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v1.0.0): * dabplus-enc: Include libtoolame-dab, add a DAB encoder. Fix issue with VLC input reading OGG streams. Fix pthread autoconfiguration issue on some systems. 2016-01-10: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.8.0): * dabplus-enc: Fix bug in v0.7.4 where the VLC compressor was active even if not enabled with the gain option. Add drift compensation to VLC input. 2016-01-03: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.7.4): * dabplus-enc: Add libvlc cache and gain (from the vlc audio compressor) options. Fix a few minor issues seen by static analysis. Allow input of mono WAV files. * mot-encoder: Do not add black border around images anymore. Ensure JPEGs are not using progressive encoding and strip useless metadata. 2015-10-01: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.7.3): * dabplus-enc: Update zmq support to version 4.1.x. Add ability to connect to several ZMQ outputs. Improve ICY-Text write to file for DLS. * mot-encoder: Refactor datagroup encoding to improve encoding efficiency. Update EBU Latin charset. Add remove-dls option. 2015-05-09: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.7.2): * dabplus-enc: Fix segmentation fault when libVLC 2.1 or older is used. Switch to C++11. Remove Boost dependency. 2015-05-04: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.7.1): * dabplus-enc: Add ICY Text write to file routine (experimental). * mot-encoder: Add support for character set conversion from UTF-8 to EBU Complete Latin Based Repertoire. Fix issue with short X-PAD lengths. 2015-04-10: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.7.0): * dabplus-enc: Merge fix for missing sampling rates. Add libVLC input. * mot-encoder: Merge fixes for mot-encoder issues. 2014-12-09: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.6.0): * dabplus-enc: Fix crashes with high bitrates Improve wav input Add option to quit on silence Enable afterburner by default Fix PAD insertion * mot-encoder: Add support for PNG slides 2014-09-26: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.5.1): * dabplus-enc: Revert change that broke audio decoding on some receivers, at the price of reducing support for PAD. Add JACK example to README. * mot-encoder: Improve slide selection and transmission handling. Add ability to send slides without doing pre-processing. 2014-07-08: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.5.0): * dabplus-enc: Add support for JACK Add EOF fifo silence inserter Minor corrections in the encoder (granule length) * mot-encoder: Can do only DLS, only slideshow or both Can erase slides once transmitted Fixed the memory allocation issues. Removed obsolete dls-encoder Known bugs: PAD lengths 23 and 26 don't work. Some older receivers don't like the encoded bitstream 2014-05-16: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.4.2): Fix INTERNAL ERROR when the encoder was configured in AAC-LC (bitrates above 80kbps) Add --sbr --aaclc and --ps options to force AOT 2014-05-14: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.4.1): Bugfix release for the file output that was non-functional in v0.4.0 2014-04-25: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.4.0): Merge of dabplus-enc-file-zmq and dabplus-enc-alsa-zmq into dabplus-enc, that now supports ALSA input, file input and output, and ZeroMQ output. This gets rid of quite some duplicated code. * dabplus-enc: Support for ZeroMQ authentication. Peak audio level indicator with -l option and removal of the little dots. New ZeroMQ message format. * mot-encoder: Acceleration of MOT Slideshow transfer. 2014-03-29: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.3.0): MOT Slideshow and DLS support * fdk-aac encoder: Fix insertion of PAD data (must be in first AU) * mot-encoder: Correct X-PAD encoding 2014-03-19: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.2.2): * README: Add snd-aloop scenario. * dabplus-enc-alsa-zmq: Support older version of libasound2, so that it compiles with debian stable. Repair 48kHz sample rate. * dabplus-enc-file-zmq: Add support for file output, which make dabplus-enc-file redundant. * dabplus-enc-file: Has been removed 2014-03-10: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.2.1): Add -p option to mot-encoder. Add version numbers to each encoder. 2014-03-09: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.2.0): Rename all tools in a consistent way and tidy them up. Add the alsa input with optional drift compensation. Add MOT Slideshow and PAD code from CSP.it Add new descriptions and scenarios to the README. 2014-02-11: Matthias P. Braendli <matthias@mpb.li> (v0.1.0): Initial release of fdk-aac-dabplus, based on forked from https://github.com/piratfm/fdk-aac-dabplus