path: root/libSYS/include/FDK_audio.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libSYS/include/FDK_audio.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 636 deletions
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-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
-© Copyright 1995 - 2013 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
- All rights reserved.
-The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
-the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
-This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.
-AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
-audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
-independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
-of the MPEG specifications.
-Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
-may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners
-individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
-the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
-these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
-software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.
-Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
-are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
-applications information and documentation.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
-payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:
-You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
-your modifications thereto in source code form.
-You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
-provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
-You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
-modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
-The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
-prior written permission.
-You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
-software or your modifications thereto.
-Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
-and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
-"Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
-"Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."
-NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
-ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with
-respect to this software.
-You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
-by appropriate patent licenses.
-This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
-"AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties
-of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
-CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages,
-including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits,
-or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
-liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
-advised of the possibility of such damage.
-Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
-Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
-Am Wolfsmantel 33
-91058 Erlangen, Germany
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/************************** Fraunhofer IIS FDK SysLib **********************
- Author(s): Manuel Jander
-/** \file FDK_audio.h
- * \brief Global audio struct and constant definitions.
- */
-#ifndef FDK_AUDIO_H
-#define FDK_AUDIO_H
-#include "machine_type.h"
-#include "genericStds.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
- * File format identifiers.
- */
-typedef enum
- FF_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown format. */
- FF_RAW = 0, /**< No container, bit stream data conveyed "as is". */
- FF_MP4_3GPP = 3, /**< 3GPP file format. */
- FF_MP4_MP4F = 4, /**< MPEG-4 File format. */
- FF_RAWPACKETS = 5, /**< Proprietary raw packet file. */
- FF_DRMCT = 12 /**< Digital Radio Mondial (DRM30/DRM+) CT proprietary file format. */
- * Transport type identifiers.
- */
-typedef enum
- TT_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown format. */
- TT_MP4_RAW = 0, /**< "as is" access units (packet based since there is obviously no sync layer) */
- TT_MP4_ADIF = 1, /**< ADIF bitstream format. */
- TT_MP4_ADTS = 2, /**< ADTS bitstream format. */
- TT_MP4_LATM_MCP1 = 6, /**< Audio Mux Elements with muxConfigPresent = 1 */
- TT_MP4_LATM_MCP0 = 7, /**< Audio Mux Elements with muxConfigPresent = 0, out of band StreamMuxConfig */
- TT_MP4_LOAS = 10, /**< Audio Sync Stream. */
- TT_DRM = 12, /**< Digital Radio Mondial (DRM30/DRM+) bitstream format. */
- TT_DABPLUS = 13, /**< Digital Audio Broadcastong (DAB+) superframes bitstream format. */
- TT_MP1_L1 = 16, /**< MPEG 1 Audio Layer 1 audio bitstream. */
- TT_MP1_L2 = 17, /**< MPEG 1 Audio Layer 2 audio bitstream. */
- TT_MP1_L3 = 18, /**< MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3 audio bitstream. */
- TT_RSVD50 = 50 /**< */
-#define TT_IS_PACKET(x) \
- ( ((x) == TT_MP4_RAW) \
- || ((x) == TT_DRM) \
- || ((x) == TT_MP4_LATM_MCP0) \
- || ((x) == TT_MP4_LATM_MCP1) )
- * Audio Object Type definitions.
- */
-typedef enum
- AOT_NONE = -1,
- AOT_AAC_MAIN = 1, /**< Main profile */
- AOT_AAC_LC = 2, /**< Low Complexity object */
- AOT_AAC_SSR = 3,
- AOT_AAC_LTP = 4,
- AOT_SBR = 5,
- AOT_TWIN_VQ = 7,
- AOT_CELP = 8,
- AOT_HVXC = 9,
- AOT_RSVD_10 = 10, /**< (reserved) */
- AOT_RSVD_11 = 11, /**< (reserved) */
- AOT_TTSI = 12, /**< TTSI Object */
- AOT_MAIN_SYNTH = 13, /**< Main Synthetic object */
- AOT_WAV_TAB_SYNTH = 14, /**< Wavetable Synthesis object */
- AOT_GEN_MIDI = 15, /**< General MIDI object */
- AOT_ALG_SYNTH_AUD_FX = 16, /**< Algorithmic Synthesis and Audio FX object */
- AOT_ER_AAC_LC = 17, /**< Error Resilient(ER) AAC Low Complexity */
- AOT_RSVD_18 = 18, /**< (reserved) */
- AOT_ER_AAC_LTP = 19, /**< Error Resilient(ER) AAC LTP object */
- AOT_ER_AAC_SCAL = 20, /**< Error Resilient(ER) AAC Scalable object */
- AOT_ER_TWIN_VQ = 21, /**< Error Resilient(ER) TwinVQ object */
- AOT_ER_BSAC = 22, /**< Error Resilient(ER) BSAC object */
- AOT_ER_AAC_LD = 23, /**< Error Resilient(ER) AAC LowDelay object */
- AOT_ER_CELP = 24, /**< Error Resilient(ER) CELP object */
- AOT_ER_HVXC = 25, /**< Error Resilient(ER) HVXC object */
- AOT_ER_HILN = 26, /**< Error Resilient(ER) HILN object */
- AOT_ER_PARA = 27, /**< Error Resilient(ER) Parametric object */
- AOT_RSVD_28 = 28, /**< might become SSC */
- AOT_PS = 29, /**< PS, Parametric Stereo (includes SBR) */
- AOT_MPEGS = 30, /**< MPEG Surround */
- AOT_ESCAPE = 31, /**< Signal AOT uses more than 5 bits */
- AOT_MP3ONMP4_L1 = 32, /**< MPEG-Layer1 in mp4 */
- AOT_MP3ONMP4_L2 = 33, /**< MPEG-Layer2 in mp4 */
- AOT_MP3ONMP4_L3 = 34, /**< MPEG-Layer3 in mp4 */
- AOT_RSVD_35 = 35, /**< might become DST */
- AOT_RSVD_36 = 36, /**< might become ALS */
- AOT_AAC_SLS = 37, /**< AAC + SLS */
- AOT_SLS = 38, /**< SLS */
- AOT_ER_AAC_ELD = 39, /**< AAC Enhanced Low Delay */
- AOT_USAC = 42, /**< USAC */
- AOT_SAOC = 43, /**< SAOC */
- AOT_LD_MPEGS = 44, /**< Low Delay MPEG Surround */
- AOT_RSVD50 = 50, /**< Interim AOT for Rsvd50 */
- /* Pseudo AOTs */
- AOT_MP2_AAC_MAIN = 128, /**< Virtual AOT MP2 Main profile */
- AOT_MP2_AAC_LC = 129, /**< Virtual AOT MP2 Low Complexity profile */
- AOT_MP2_AAC_SSR = 130, /**< Virtual AOT MP2 Scalable Sampling Rate profile */
- AOT_MP2_SBR = 132, /**< Virtual AOT MP2 Low Complexity Profile with SBR */
- AOT_DAB = 134, /**< Virtual AOT for DAB (Layer2 with scalefactor CRC) */
- AOT_DABPLUS_AAC_LC = 135, /**< Virtual AOT for DAB plus AAC-LC */
- AOT_DABPLUS_SBR = 136, /**< Virtual AOT for DAB plus HE-AAC */
- AOT_DABPLUS_PS = 137, /**< Virtual AOT for DAB plus HE-AAC v2 */
- AOT_PLAIN_MP1 = 140, /**< Virtual AOT for plain mp1 */
- AOT_PLAIN_MP2 = 141, /**< Virtual AOT for plain mp2 */
- AOT_PLAIN_MP3 = 142, /**< Virtual AOT for plain mp3 */
- AOT_DRM_AAC = 143, /**< Virtual AOT for DRM (ER-AAC-SCAL without SBR) */
- AOT_DRM_SBR = 144, /**< Virtual AOT for DRM (ER-AAC-SCAL with SBR) */
- AOT_DRM_MPEG_PS = 145, /**< Virtual AOT for DRM (ER-AAC-SCAL with SBR and MPEG-PS) */
- AOT_DRM_SURROUND = 146, /**< Virtual AOT for DRM Surround (ER-AAC-SCAL (+SBR) +MPS) */
- AOT_MP2_PS = 156, /**< Virtual AOT MP2 Low Complexity Profile with SBR and PS */
- AOT_MPEGS_RESIDUALS = 256 /**< Virtual AOT for MPEG Surround residuals */
-/** Channel Mode ( 1-7 equals MPEG channel configurations, others are arbitrary). */
-typedef enum {
- MODE_1 = 1, /**< C */
- MODE_2 = 2, /**< L+R */
- MODE_1_2 = 3, /**< C, L+R */
- MODE_1_2_1 = 4, /**< C, L+R, Rear */
- MODE_1_2_2 = 5, /**< C, L+R, LS+RS */
- MODE_1_2_2_1 = 6, /**< C, L+R, LS+RS, LFE */
- MODE_1_2_2_2_1 = 7, /**< C, LC+RC, L+R, LS+RS, LFE */
- MODE_1_1 = 16, /**< 2 SCEs (dual mono) */
- MODE_1_1_1_1 = 17, /**< 4 SCEs */
- MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1 = 18, /**< 6 SCEs */
- MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 = 19, /**< 8 SCEs */
- MODE_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 = 20, /**< 12 SCEs */
- MODE_2_2 = 21, /**< 2 CPEs */
- MODE_2_2_2 = 22, /**< 3 CPEs */
- MODE_2_2_2_2 = 23, /**< 4 CPEs */
- MODE_2_2_2_2_2_2 = 24, /**< 6 CPEs */
- MODE_2_1 = 30, /**< CPE,SCE (ARIB standard B32) */
- MODE_7_1_REAR_SURROUND = 33, /**< C, L+R, LS+RS, Lrear+Rrear, LFE */
- MODE_7_1_FRONT_CENTER = 34 /**< C, LC+RC, L+R, LS+RS, LFE */
-/** Speaker description tags */
-typedef enum {
- ACT_TOP /* Ts */
-typedef enum
- * Audio Codec flags.
- */
-#define AC_ER_VCB11 0x000001 /*!< aacSectionDataResilienceFlag flag (from ASC): 1 means use virtual codebooks */
-#define AC_ER_RVLC 0x000002 /*!< aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag flag (from ASC): 1 means use huffman codeword reordering */
-#define AC_ER_HCR 0x000004 /*!< aacSectionDataResilienceFlag flag (from ASC): 1 means use virtual codebooks */
-#define AC_SCALABLE 0x000008 /*!< AAC Scalable*/
-#define AC_ELD 0x000010 /*!< AAC-ELD */
-#define AC_LD 0x000020 /*!< AAC-LD */
-#define AC_ER 0x000040 /*!< ER syntax */
-#define AC_BSAC 0x000080 /*!< BSAC */
-#define AC_USAC 0x000100 /*!< USAC */
-#define AC_USAC_TW 0x000200 /*!< USAC time warped filter bank is active */
-#define AC_USAC_NOISE 0x000400 /*!< USAC noise filling is active */
-#define AC_USAC_HBE 0x000800 /*!< USAC harmonic bandwidth extension is active */
-#define AC_RSVD50 0x001000 /*!< Rsvd50 */
-#define AC_SBR_PRESENT 0x002000 /*!< SBR present flag (from ASC) */
-#define AC_SBRCRC 0x004000 /*!< SBR CRC present flag. Only relevant for AAC-ELD for now. */
-#define AC_PS_PRESENT 0x008000 /*!< PS present flag (from ASC or implicit) */
-#define AC_MPS_PRESENT 0x010000 /*!< MPS present flag (from ASC or implicit) */
-#define AC_DRM 0x020000 /*!< DRM bit stream syntax */
-#define AC_INDEP 0x040000 /*!< Independency flag */
-#define AC_MPS_RES 0x080000 /*!< MPS residual individual channel data. */
-#define AC_DAB 0x800000 /*!< DAB bit stream syntax */
-#define AC_LD_MPS 0x01000000 /*!< Low Delay MPS. */
-/* CODER_CONFIG::flags */
-#define CC_MPEG_ID 0x00100000
-#define CC_IS_BASELAYER 0x00200000
-#define CC_PROTECTION 0x00400000
-#define CC_SBR 0x00800000
-#define CC_SBRCRC 0x00010000
-#define CC_RVLC 0x01000000
-#define CC_VCB11 0x02000000
-#define CC_HCR 0x04000000
-#define CC_PSEUDO_SURROUND 0x08000000
-#define CC_USAC_NOISE 0x10000000
-#define CC_USAC_TW 0x20000000
-#define CC_USAC_HBE 0x40000000
-/** Generic audio coder configuration structure. */
-typedef struct {
- AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot; /**< Audio Object Type (AOT). */
- AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE extAOT; /**< Extension Audio Object Type (SBR). */
- CHANNEL_MODE channelMode; /**< Channel mode. */
- INT samplingRate; /**< Sampling rate. */
- INT extSamplingRate; /**< Extended samplerate (SBR). */
- INT bitRate; /**< Average bitrate. */
- int samplesPerFrame; /**< Number of PCM samples per codec frame and audio channel. */
- int noChannels; /**< Number of audio channels. */
- int bitsFrame;
- int nSubFrames; /**< Amount of encoder subframes. 1 means no subframing. */
- int BSACnumOfSubFrame; /**< The number of the sub-frames which are grouped and transmitted in a super-frame (BSAC). */
- int BSAClayerLength; /**< The average length of the large-step layers in bytes (BSAC). */
- UINT flags; /**< flags */
- UCHAR matrixMixdownA; /**< Matrix mixdown index to put into PCE. Default value 0 means no mixdown coefficient,
- valid values are 1-4 which correspond to matrix_mixdown_idx 0-3. */
- UCHAR headerPeriod; /**< Frame period for sending in band configuration buffers in the transport layer. */
- UCHAR stereoConfigIndex; /**< USAC MPS stereo mode */
- UCHAR sbrMode; /**< USAC SBR mode */
- SBR_PS_SIGNALING sbrSignaling;/**< 0: implicit signaling, 1: backwards compatible explicit signaling, 2: hierarcical explicit signaling */
- UCHAR sbrPresent;
- UCHAR psPresent;
-/** MP4 Element IDs. */
-typedef enum
- ID_NONE = -1, /**< Invalid Element helper ID. */
- ID_SCE = 0, /**< Single Channel Element. */
- ID_CPE = 1, /**< Channel Pair Element. */
- ID_CCE = 2, /**< Coupling Channel Element. */
- ID_LFE = 3, /**< LFE Channel Element. */
- ID_DSE = 4, /**< Currently one Data Stream Element for ancillary data is supported. */
- ID_PCE = 5, /**< Program Config Element. */
- ID_FIL = 6, /**< Fill Element. */
- ID_END = 7, /**< Arnie (End Element = Terminator). */
- ID_EXT = 8, /**< Extension Payload (ER only). */
- ID_SCAL = 9, /**< AAC scalable element (ER only). */
-#define IS_CHANNEL_ELEMENT(elementId) \
- ((elementId) == ID_SCE \
-|| (elementId) == ID_CPE \
-|| (elementId) == ID_LFE)
-#define EXT_ID_BITS 4 /**< Size in bits of extension payload type tags. */
-/** Extension payload types. */
-typedef enum {
- EXT_FIL = 0x00,
- EXT_FILL_DATA = 0x01,
- EXT_LDSAC_DATA = 0x09,
- EXT_SAOC_DATA = 0x0a,
- EXT_SAC_DATA = 0x0c,
- EXT_SBR_DATA = 0x0d,
- * Proprietary raw packet file configuration data type identifier.
- */
-typedef enum
- TC_NOTHING = 0, /* No configuration available -> in-band configuration. */
- TC_RAW_ASC, /* Configuration data field is a raw AudioSpecificConfig. */
- TC_RAW_SMC, /* Configuration data field is a raw StreamMuxConfig. */
- TC_RAW_SDC /* Configuration data field is a raw Drm SDC. */
- * ##############################################################################################
- * Library identification and error handling
- * ##############################################################################################
- */
-/* \cond */
-#define MODULE_ID_MASK (0x000000ff)
-#define MODULE_ID_SHIFT (24)
-typedef enum {
- FDK_NONE = 0,
- FDK_TOOLS = 1,
- FDK_TPDEC = 7,
- FDK_TPENC = 8,
- FDK_MP2DEC = 12,
- FDK_DABDEC = 13,
- FDK_DRMDEC = 15,
- FDK_MP2ENC = 18,
- FDK_MP3ENC = 19,
- FDK_MP3DEC = 20,
- FDK_MP3SDEC = 22,
- FDK_MP3SENC = 23,
- FDK_EAEC = 24,
- FDK_DABENC = 25,
- FDK_DMBDEC = 26,
- FDK_DRMENC = 28,
- FDK_AC3DEC = 30,
- FDK_PCMDMX = 31,
-/* AAC capability flags */
-#define CAPF_AAC_LC 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for AAC Low Complexity. */
-#define CAPF_ER_AAC_LD 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for AAC Low Delay with Error Resilience tools. */
-#define CAPF_ER_AAC_SCAL 0x00000004 /**< Support flag for AAC Scalable. */
-#define CAPF_ER_AAC_LC 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for AAC Low Complexity with Error Resilience tools. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_480 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for AAC with 480 framelength. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_512 0x00000020 /**< Support flag for AAC with 512 framelength. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_960 0x00000040 /**< Support flag for AAC with 960 framelength. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_1024 0x00000080 /**< Support flag for AAC with 1024 framelength. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_HCR 0x00000100 /**< Support flag for AAC with Huffman Codeword Reordering. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_VCB11 0x00000200 /**< Support flag for AAC Virtual Codebook 11. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_RVLC 0x00000400 /**< Support flag for AAC Reversible Variable Length Coding. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_MPEG4 0x00000800 /**< Support flag for MPEG file format. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_DRC 0x00001000 /**< Support flag for AAC Dynamic Range Control. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_CONCEALMENT 0x00002000 /**< Support flag for AAC concealment. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_DRM_BSFORMAT 0x00004000 /**< Support flag for AAC DRM bistream format. */
-#define CAPF_ER_AAC_ELD 0x00008000 /**< Support flag for AAC Enhanced Low Delay with Error Resilience tools. */
-#define CAPF_ER_AAC_BSAC 0x00010000 /**< Support flag for AAC BSAC. */
-#define CAPF_AAC_SUPERFRAMING 0x00020000 /**< Support flag for AAC Superframing. */
-/* Transport capability flags */
-#define CAPF_ADTS 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for ADTS transport format. */
-#define CAPF_ADIF 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for ADIF transport format. */
-#define CAPF_LATM 0x00000004 /**< Support flag for LATM transport format. */
-#define CAPF_LOAS 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for LOAS transport format. */
-#define CAPF_RAWPACKETS 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for RAW PACKETS transport format. */
-#define CAPF_DRM 0x00000020 /**< Support flag for DRM/DRM+ transport format. */
-#define CAPF_RSVD50 0x00000040 /**< Support flag for RSVD50 transport format */
-/* SBR capability flags */
-#define CAPF_SBR_LP 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for SBR Low Power mode. */
-#define CAPF_SBR_HQ 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for SBR High Quality mode. */
-#define CAPF_SBR_DRM_BS 0x00000004 /**< Support flag for */
-#define CAPF_SBR_CONCEALMENT 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for SBR concealment. */
-#define CAPF_SBR_DRC 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for SBR Dynamic Range Control. */
-#define CAPF_SBR_PS_MPEG 0x00000020 /**< Support flag for MPEG Parametric Stereo. */
-#define CAPF_SBR_PS_DRM 0x00000040 /**< Support flag for DRM Parametric Stereo. */
-/* MP2 encoder capability flags */
-#define CAPF_MP2ENC_SS 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for Seamless Switching. */
-#define CAPF_MP2ENC_DAB 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for Layer2 DAB. */
-/* DAB capability flags */
-#define CAPF_DAB_MP2 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for Layer2 DAB. */
-#define CAPF_DAB_AAC 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for DAB+ (HE-AAC v2). */
-#define CAPF_DAB_PAD 0x00000004 /**< Support flag for PAD extraction. */
-#define CAPF_DAB_DRC 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for Dynamic Range Control. */
-#define CAPF_DAB_SURROUND 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for DAB Surround (MPS). */
-/* DMB capability flags */
-#define CAPF_DMB_BSAC 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for ER AAC BSAC. */
-#define CAPF_DMB_DRC 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for Dynamic Range Control. */
-#define CAPF_DMB_SURROUND 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for DMB Surround (MPS). */
-/* PCM up/downmmix capability flags */
-#define CAPF_DMX_BLIND 0x00000001 /**< Support flag for blind downmixing. */
-#define CAPF_DMX_PCE 0x00000002 /**< Support flag for guided downmix with data from MPEG-2/4 Program Config Elements (PCE). */
-#define CAPF_DMX_ARIB 0x00000004 /**< Support flag for PCE guided downmix with slightly different equations and levels to fulfill ARIB standard. */
-#define CAPF_DMX_DVB 0x00000008 /**< Support flag for guided downmix with data from DVB ancillary data fields. */
-#define CAPF_DMX_CH_EXP 0x00000010 /**< Support flag for simple upmixing by dublicating channels or adding zero channels. */
-/* \endcond */
- * ##############################################################################################
- * Library versioning
- * ##############################################################################################
- */
- * Convert each member of version numbers to one single numeric version representation.
- * \param lev0 1st level of version number.
- * \param lev1 2nd level of version number.
- * \param lev2 3rd level of version number.
- */
-#define LIB_VERSION(lev0, lev1, lev2) ((lev0<<24 & 0xff000000) | \
- (lev1<<16 & 0x00ff0000) | \
- (lev2<<8 & 0x0000ff00))
- * Build text string of version.
- */
-#define LIB_VERSION_STRING(info) FDKsprintf((info)->versionStr, "%d.%d.%d", (((info)->version >> 24) & 0xff), (((info)->version >> 16) & 0xff), (((info)->version >> 8 ) & 0xff))
- * Library information.
- */
-typedef struct LIB_INFO
- const char* title;
- const char* build_date;
- const char* build_time;
- FDK_MODULE_ID module_id;
- INT version;
- UINT flags;
- char versionStr[32];
-/** Initialize library info. */
-static inline void FDKinitLibInfo( LIB_INFO* info )
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < FDK_MODULE_LAST; i++) {
- info[i].module_id = FDK_NONE;
- }
-/** Aquire supported features of library. */
-static inline UINT FDKlibInfo_getCapabilities( const LIB_INFO* info, FDK_MODULE_ID module_id )
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<FDK_MODULE_LAST; i++) {
- if (info[i].module_id == module_id) {
- return info[i].flags;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/** Search for next free tab. */
-static inline INT FDKlibInfo_lookup( const LIB_INFO* info, FDK_MODULE_ID module_id )
- int i = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < FDK_MODULE_LAST; i++) {
- if (info[i].module_id == module_id)
- return -1;
- if (info[i].module_id == FDK_NONE)
- break;
- }
- if (i == FDK_MODULE_LAST)
- return -1;
- return i;
- * ##############################################################################################
- * Buffer description
- * ##############################################################################################
- */
- * I/O buffer descriptor.
- */
-typedef struct FDK_bufDescr
- void **ppBase; /*!< Pointer to an array containing buffer base addresses.
- Set to NULL for buffer requirement info. */
- UINT *pBufSize; /*!< Pointer to an array containing the number of elements that can
- be placed in the specific buffer. */
- UINT *pEleSize; /*!< Pointer to an array containing the element size for each buffer
- in bytes. That is mostly the number returned by the sizeof()
- operator for the data type used for the specific buffer. */
- UINT *pBufType; /*!< Pointer to an array of bit fields containing a description
- for each buffer. See XXX below for more details. */
- UINT numBufs; /*!< Total number of buffers. */
-} FDK_bufDescr;
- * Buffer type description field.
- */
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_MASK_IO ( 0x03 << 30 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_MASK_DESCR ( 0x3F << 16 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_MASK_ID ( 0xFF )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_INPUT ( 0x1 << 30 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_OUTPUT ( 0x2 << 30 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_PCM_DATA ( 0x1 << 16 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_ANC_DATA ( 0x2 << 16 )
-#define FDK_BUF_TYPE_BS_DATA ( 0x4 << 16 )
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* FDK_AUDIO_H */